Frown to think, mu Qianyue's eyes stare, Ying Long!

Yinglong was recorded in the book shuyiji, which was once read.

Dragon for five hundred years for the Horned Dragon, thousand years for Yinglong, said to be the essence of the dragon.

The effect of refining Xuemai pill with Yinglong's bone blood will never be bad, but I don't know whether it can be successfully refined.

What makes mu Qianyue depressed is that this half of the keel the size of the nail plate is extremely hard. It took a lot of effort just now to draw such a small piece from the keel blood.

The keel is wrapped in the fire of the soul. It howls and resists. It seems that he is not willing to be refined. Yinglong's shadow raises his head and roars, and then mu Qianyue comes over!

Mu Qianyue's face was awe inspiring, and her soul's strength was all sent out. She pressed Yinglong like a hundred thousand mountains, and finally succeeded in suppressing it in the cauldron furnace!

Although Ying Long was successfully suppressed, it took mu Qianyue a lot of mental strength. His face was pale and frightening, and his face was covered with sweat.

Yinglong's keel is really hard. It took mu Qianyue two hours to make it into powder!

Taking a deep breath, he took out several Huiyuan pills and took them. After a short rest, mu Qianyue poured the liquid refined before into the cauldron again, and then sprinkled the powder of the keel. The two were successfully integrated, but this was not completed. There was the most important and final step!

That is to join dragon blood!

After dropping a drop of dragon's blood, the medicine in the medicine stove boils up completely and becomes extremely violent. It bumps around in the medicine stove, and Ying Long's weak figure appears again, and he is unwilling to roar!

The glass tripod also vibrates and shakes with Ying Long's empty shadow. Several times, the glass tripod almost overturned, and it's hard to control.

"Blood talent open, blood pressure!"

In an urgent moment, mu Qianyue opens the breath of Qinglong's blood.

The breath of the green dragon erupted from her body and went to the Ying dragon in the glass Ding!

Sure enough, under the pressure of Qinglong's blood, Ying Long shrinks his tail obediently. Qinglong is one of the four great beasts in ancient times. Its blood is far below Yinglong. No matter how violent Yinglong is, he has to kneel down before Qinglong!

In a short time, Ying Long's figure disappeared in the glass tripod. Mu Qianyue was relieved.

Finally, the process of melting pills was very smooth, almost no difficulty became Dan.

A strong aroma came out from the glass tripod. Mu Qianyue put forward a move. Fortunately, the rate of becoming Dan was not bad, and even refined four pieces! After all, this is the first time to refine blood vessel pill!

This result can be said to be very good.

The blood vessel Dan's grade is at least in the sixth grade intermediate level, Mu shallow moon eyebrow light congeals, how did not lead to thunder robbery?

The six grade primary pills refined in the saint doctor's gate last time caused thunder robbery.

What seems to think of, her delicate jade face shows an excited look, the space of the tower can escape the rules of heaven and earth!

How wonderful!

After refining pills and so on, you don't have to be afraid of thunder robbery any more!

After that, mu Qianyue sat cross legged, took out the ice elixir refined before and took it. The pill melted in the mouth, turned into a pure and incomparable medicinal force, and flowed to all parts of the body, and finally poured into the elixir field.

Under this pure medicine, the originally injured elixir field was rapidly healed, and finally completely repaired. There was no trace of crack or trace.

At this moment, mu Qianyue's Dantian was completely restored!

With a strong and cold momentum from her body, the real yuan force rushes forward like a turbulent river. In an instant, mu Qianyue returns to the strength of the Ninth level emperor warrior!

But this momentum did not stop, but continued to rise, to the top of the Ninth level emperor martial arts, and then the realm of emperor Zong Wu rushed!

A Zong Yuandan appeared in the palm of his hand and took it immediately.

Zong Yuandan can make the Ninth level emperor martial arts master break through the realm of Zong Wu. This pill is still given by Jing.

Under the effect of Zong Yuandan, mu Qianyue easily came to the ranks of Zongwu!

The surging real yuan force surged around her, ups and downs.

Then, mu Qianyue took a blood vessel pill, which could improve the purity of Warcraft's blood, and was equally effective for herself. With the blood vessel taken, mu Qianyue suddenly felt the blood in her body boiling up, roaring, excited and excited, greedily absorbing the breath of Ying Long's blood in the pill.


Even in the blood came Yinglong's hissing and roaring. A Yinglong formed in the blood and swam in the blood and muscles!

At this moment, mu Qianyue's blood purity rose from eight grades to nine grades!


"The tongs are too much! How could you do that to dan'er! Tong Ling shows clearly that he doesn't pay attention to my water family! " The water master's face was angry, looking at his daughter's face which was swollen with pig's head, and his chest heaved violently."Dad, it's none of Tongling's business. It's the woman who has bewitched him. What's more, the person who hit me is not Tong Ling, but that woman! " Shuiqidan's face has been covered with ice cream, which is much better than before, but it still looks scary.

"I know, but Dane, if a man allows you to be bullied, it proves that he doesn't care about you. Why do you cling to him? " The water master comforted him.

Shuiqi Dan's face darkened and bit his teeth, "I just like him! Like him since childhood! He is different from other men. He will not flatter me because of my status. He has excellent talent, but he is never proud. His strength has been improved step by step by himself, not to mention relying on the children's family. Anyway, I just like him! I believe that as long as we get married, he will surely find my good! "

"Dad, don't cancel my engagement with him. How about that? " The water Qi Dan pulls the arm of the water house master to act coquettish way.

"Good, good, Dad promised you." But the woman who hurt you, I can't let her go! She must die! My daughter of Shuigang is not so easy to bully! That woman has to pay for the bleeding

"As long as Dad and Dad don't hurt Tong Ling, that woman can do whatever you want." Water Qi Dan happy smile way.

"Go! Let's go to Tong's house and settle with her now Water Gang eyes surging with cold light, roar a sound, lift step to walk toward the house.

The master of the water family took shuiqidan and a group of disciples of the water family, and stormed into the Tong's house in anger. His voice was like the roar of a river east lion, "get out of here, boy Ling!"

"Get out of here!"

Come out

"Come on

The loud voice resounded like thunder over the whole Tong mansion, echoing constantly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!