A thin, plain white wrist was put on his shoulder, and Xiao Xuaner's arrogant voice sounded on his head, "don't forget such a father. I'll cover you in the future, and I won't let others bully you again!"

"Yes! Count what you said! I'll remember it all my life Tongling grinned and grinned.

The owner of the Tong family was pale with anger because of Tong Ling's words. Especially after hearing Xiao xuan'er's words, he trembled with anger and roared, "bitch, you taught my son bad!"

Xiao xuan'er didn't know where he came from. When mu Qianyue lived in, he didn't have Xiao Xuaner. Since the appearance of Xiao xuan'er, his son has become more fascinated.

Tong Ling's body moved and blocked Xiao xuan'er's body. He raised his eyes and glared at the master of the Tong family, "why do you insult xuan'er? My affairs are beyond your control! It's your business that you want to develop Tong family. Please don't exchange my marriage and freedom. It's shameless! "

"You don't use it. It seems that your son disagrees with the marriage Water gang in the side fan fire, add fuel and vinegar, more ignite the anger in the heart of the Tong family master.

The master's face was dark, and his face was distorted. "It seems that it is the most wrong decision in my life to let you go to tianwu for training these years. It will make you so unruly that I don't even pay attention to it!"

"Who has no eyes and roars here?"

At this time, the old boy's lazy voice came from the courtyard. He could see his hands on his back and walked out slowly. A trace of fine light passed through his tiny and turbid eyes and looked up to Shuigang.

Behind him are Hua Bo and the disciples of Tong family.

The master of the water family was about to scold him. He looked up and saw the old boy coming across the street. He was stunned and immediately changed his mouth, "it's the old boy. It's so safe! Why did the old boy come back suddenly without saying hello? I would like to visit him. "

Although Tong Lao's strength is not so good, he is a Wupin pill pharmacist. The reason why Tong's family can develop so well is that he is the Dan pharmacist. Even though he is not in the Tong's home all the year round, he will order people to send pills back every now and then. Therefore, the development of Tong's family is not bad.

Even if the water gang saw the old boy, he had to sell some face.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. The water master's dignity is getting bigger and bigger." Old Tong snorted coldly. Then he raised his eyes and looked at the master of the Tong family. In his tone, he was angry, "do you mean that I taught him bad? Yeah! "

"I dare not." The master of Tong's family quickly collected his anger and replied respectfully.

"No? Hum! I don't think you dare. You are so dignified. You have no backbone. You are so humble to outsiders. You are as cheap as a dog. You are either fierce or roaring at your own son. How can I have such a boneless son as you! waste material! waste material! I'm really pissed off! " Pointing to his nose, the old boy scolded angrily. He kept his head down and did not dare to speak.

A master of martial arts was even scolded for not having a temper at all. There was no way. Who let him be his son, and Tong was always his father!

The poor Tong's master was bullied in front of the water master, and his son was disobedient. Now even Laozi scolded him.

Xiao xuan'er, listening to the old boy's scolding, felt very relieved in his heart. He simply scolded too freely! If it was not for Tong Ling, she would like to scold!

Water Gang listen to this but feel in the heart is not taste, obviously feel Tong Lao this is the person refers to scold Huai, but not easy to attack.

"Grandpa Tong, you're back." Shuiqi Dan comes forward to YingYing and salutes, "grandfather Tong, it's all the woman's fault that it's not about Uncle Tong. It's her who confused Tong Ling that made uncle Tong misunderstand Tong Ling."

"Qidan, I left her in Tongfu on purpose. Originally, I also support you and Ling Er together, but the marriage also depends on whether the two sides love each other. It's a pity that Ling Er doesn't like you. Why don't you just let it go? " Old Tong thought and said.

The smile on shuiqidan's face instantly disappeared and became bloodless. His eyes were wide open, full of disbelief and shock. It seemed that the old boy would say so. I remember that Tong Lao saw that he was kind and satisfied before. How did he suddenly change?

But she didn't understand that even Tong Lao couldn't be the master of feelings. After all, people's thoughts could not be controlled.

If you don't love, even if you bind the other side, it's just a shell without soul.

Water Gang's face also instantly became ugly, this is the face of the water family!

"Good! Very good, you Tong family, I water Gang remember! I will pay back the disgrace more in the future Water Gang Qi makes the body tremble.

"Grandfather Tong, didn't you support us very much before? Why has it changed now? Is this woman more beautiful than me? Or because of her strength? " The tears in Shuiqi Dan's eyes.

The old boy sighed and said slowly, "grandfather Tong thinks it's useless for you. The key problem is that ling'er doesn't like you. Emotional things can't be forced. Even if I'm ling'er's grandfather, I can't force him to like you. Qi Dan, according to your status and appearance, you can definitely find a better person than ling'er. "Two lines of clear tears immediately flow out of the eyes of shuiqidan, weeping thinly, not pitiful, the heart seems to be cut by a sharp blade.

"Old Tong, you deceive me so much. From then on, you and I have become irreconcilable!" Looking at the appearance of Shuiqi Dan pear blossom with rain, Shuigang was deeply distressed and looked up to Xiao Xuaner, "now it's time to calculate the account you hurt my daughter! Come on, do you do it yourself or let me do it? "

In the breeze, Xiao xuan'er's sexy thin lips light up a cold radian, and the golden sunlight shines on her body, which makes her breath change a little colder.

"Big water tank, are you a fool or an idiot? Why do you think I have to listen to you when you say do it

What's the wrong name? It's called water tank. Ha ha.

"Little girl film, don't be wild!" Shuigang was furious, and a mighty momentum came out of him, pressing towards Xiao xuan'er!

"Hum!" Xiao xuan'er snorted coldly, and his momentum was all unfolded, and even a trace was not lower than Shuigang.

Water Gang a Leng, eyes gently squint, a trace of horror quickly from the face, it turns out that she is really the fifth class martial arts!

I have never seen such a young warrior! No matter what strength she is, as long as she hurt his daughter, she has to pay a painful price!

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