"What happened?" A Silver Purple figure quickly swept towards this side, and fell on the side of Xiao xuan'er and Tong Ling. Dai Mei frowned slightly, and Feng Mou gently glanced at the front of that piece of wolf.

As soon as she came out of the space of the Tongtian tower, she heard the noise and rushed to come, but she was still late. Fortunately, xuan'er and Tongling were not hurt.

"It's nothing. The idiot second lady of the water family came to seek revenge and was called back by me. Master, you don't have to worry. If I'm here, you can make sure the Tong family is OK. " Xiao xuan'er raised her eyes and laughed.

Then Tong Ling said the story again.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes gently squint, a trace of cold flashed across the fundus of his eyes.

Water family is really arrogant, want to let Tong Ling kill xuan'er? Oh, I think too much! We'll deal with them at night!

"If you take this pill, you can raise your blood." The palm of her hand shook, and two bright and moist pills suddenly appeared in the heart of her white tender hands.

Tong Ling heard a Leng, "master, what pill is this?"

"This is my new blood vessel pill, which can improve blood purity, make your blood more pure, and remove impurities in blood." Mu explains.

"Blood vessel pill? My God? Master, you are so rebellious and arrogant! Even Xuemai Dan can be studied. What else can't you do? " Tongling roared with excitement. His eyes were full of excitement. With xuemaidan, his talent could be improved!

He took xuemaidan and held it carefully in his hand. "Master, I'm going to take Xuemai pill now. Xuan'er, I'll see you in the evening."

However, Xiao xuan'er could not help but hold mu Qianyue and then gave her a kiss on her face, "master, I really love you so much! Ha ha, my blood purity of seven grades now, with this blood vessel pill, my blood purity can definitely be improved again! Ha ha, master. See you in the evening

Then he ran away with the blood vessel.

Mu Xiaoyue's lips raised a smile, and suddenly she felt that she was a famous herbalist. It was really good! Not only can we help ourselves, but also help our friends around us to become strong together!

At this time, old Tong came over, followed by the master of the Tong family.

"Younger martial sister, did you get out so soon? Eh? Younger martial sister, have you recovered your strength All of a sudden, the old boy's eyes glared at him in an incredible way, as if he had discovered some amazing secret, and cried out, "ah! Have you broken through the martial arts master? "

"Yes. An ice Ganoderma lucidum was accidentally obtained, which just completely cured the wound of Dantian Mu Qianyue nodded lightly.

"What? The one who worships martial arts One side of the Tong's master smell speech, eyes startled to stare at the eldest, pointing to Mu shallow moon surprised way, "she she she, she is not a warrior?"

"Hum! Short sighted! " Old Tong raised his head and gave him a contemptuous look. "My younger martial sister's strength has already reached the level of the ninth emperor warrior. She fell back to the realm of the warrior worshiper only after she was injured some time ago. Now her strength has recovered, and naturally she has gone to a higher level."

If it was not for the excellent talent of the younger martial sister, how could the master make an exception to become a close disciple?

At the thought that the younger martial sister was bullied by his son, he was angry.

"Elder martial brother, it's not all the children's fault. He who does not know is not guilty. "

"Yes, I'm not guilty of not knowing. Thank you for your understanding. I was also confused by anger at that time." The master of Tong's family quickly found a step for himself.

Mu Xiaoyue said that, but he didn't want to embarrass the old boy. The owner of the Tong family would climb down the ladder.

How can old Tong not see that this is mu Qianyue and doesn't want to be embarrassed? He took a breath, looked around, saw only mu Qianyue here, can't help but ask, "Ling Er that rabbit? Where have you been? "

"Well It's time to practice. " Mu Xiaoyue took out a blood pill and handed it to Tong Lao, "elder martial brother, this is for you."

Just four blood pills, one from myself, one from Tong Ling and xuan'er, and one from senior brother.

Anyway, there is still a lot of dragon blood in the space of Tongtian tower, which is enough to make 180 pieces. Now Heiyu and Wuhai are not here. They will refine them again when they meet next time.

"For me? What? " Old Tong took over and smelled it. He felt the pure blood breath in the pills. His eyes were wide open, and his voice was full of horror and excitement. "Younger martial sister, what kind of pill are you? I feel the breath of dragon! Just smelling the smell of the pill, I felt my blood boil up! It's amazing

"This is my latest blood vessel pill." Mu Qianyue then explained the function and effect of Xuemai pill again. After hearing the speech, he showed an excited look on his face. Naturally, he couldn't help flattering.

Tong's master's face also showed a look of shock. His eyes were salivating at the old boy's pill in his hand, and he swallowed hard. This blood vessel pill is a wonderful thing for himself!

He felt the strong breath in the blood vessel pill and the surging true power!If you take the blood vessel pill, the blood purity will be higher, the talent will also be higher, and the cultivation speed will naturally be accelerated!

And the purity of blood will become higher, the strength will also become stronger, it is simply has great benefits!

"Dad, that Can you show me Xuemai Dan

The old boy quickly hid the blood vessel pill, and coldly hummed, "I want to be beautiful. This is what my younger martial sister gave me."

Don't think he doesn't know what he's thinking in his heart. If the pill is in his hand, how can he return it to himself? He must have swallowed it!

He will not be cheated by him!

"Dad, I'm your son. Why don't you show me? Just a glance... " The master of the Tong family was depressed and said, "God knows how long he has been stuck in the realm of the first-class martial arts master."! Nearly ten years have no further progress, he believes that as long as he takes Xuemai Dan, he will definitely be promoted!

It's a pity that no matter what he said, old Tong didn't give him the blood vessel pill, and he disdained to hum, "now you know I'm your father. Can you listen to what I said at the beginning? Do you ever think that you are the son of Tong Dabao? Hum! It's not promising at all! If you give it to you, it will be a waste

Hearing this, Tong's master was so depressed that he wanted to cry.

"Miss mu I was wrong. I didn't know Taishan. I'm here to apologize to you. The main reason is that you are too young. I thought ling'er was lying to me again Tong's owner looked at mu Qianyue, his face showed a wretched and embarrassed smile, "that, does blood vessel Dan still have?"

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