"When I find the guy who left you in the palace of heartlessness, I will kill him!" Tongling huohuohuo molar, fundus cold light flash.

"In fact, I hated that man very much before. I wanted to kill him myself, gouge out his flesh, drink his blood, and draw his muscles..." Xiao xuan'er's beautiful face was filled with hate, but when she saw the Silver Purple figure in front of her, she could not help becoming soft, and the hatred in her eyes gradually faded away.

"But I don't hate it now. I think this may be the fate of it, I am waiting in the palace of heartlessness for thousands of years, just waiting for the master to appear. Hee hee I now feel that the thousand years I spent in the palace of heartlessness were worth it. "

Xiao xuan'er said with a smile that although she had not experienced anything exciting with her master, she felt warm and cordial when she got along with her master. It was like an old friend who had known her for many years.

So she deeply felt that she had been waiting for the arrival of her master for so many years.

Smell speech, Tong Ling heart move, then he still have to thank that person, will xuan'er stay in that space, oneself just have the opportunity to meet her?


The water house was gloomy, gloomy and violent.

Water gang was inexplicably beat a meal, until now the whole body is still painful, broken bones in the best healing pills and then take back, but the heart of the shame is how can not be removed.

"Master, do you know who the woman who hurt you is?" The elder asked.

"I don't know. The woman is wearing a black dress and a mask. I can't recognize her at all." Shuigang was angry. He thought that he was a sixth level master of martial arts. He was the only one who bullied others. When others heard about his strength and identity, they were either frightened or flattered. No one dared to do anything to themselves!

It's impossible to break into the water house without authorization and beat yourself up!

What's hateful is that he didn't even see the appearance of the other party, and even didn't make a move!

This is a shame in his life!

He Shuigang has never been humiliated for more than ten years!

"Could it be the girl who lived in martial arts in the Tong family?" The elder of the water family asked.

"No way! I have played with her. Although her strength is a little better than mine, if she really fights, she can't do this! " Shuigang knows that elder Shuida is talking about Xiao xuan'er, so he doesn't want to die.

"Who would that be?" The water elder and others were immediately confused.

"No matter who it is, if I catch her, she will be worse than dead!" Water Gang voice gloomy roar way, as long as the other side hands again, he can feel each other's breath.

Time flies by, and soon it comes to the three-year race of several big families in Shuizhou city for the power of Yuling mountain range.

Because the water family has the greatest influence in Shuizhou City, the competition is held in Shuijia.

There are three families in Shuizhou City, among which the water family is the first, the Tong family is the second, and the Lin family is the third. Others are second rate families, with more than a dozen, but they have no chance to compete for resources in Yuling mountain range.

Only the water family, Tong family and Lin family can participate.

Early in the morning, the disciples and elders of the Tong family followed the master of the Tong family and came to the water house. Along with him were Tong Lao, mu Qianyue, nalanjing and Xiao Xuaner. As the direct son of Tong family, Tong Ling naturally participated in it.

To Mu Xiaoyue's surprise, Tong Xiaoyuan suddenly came back!

Mu Qianyue gives Tong Xiaoyuan a indifferent look. Originally, his mother was killed by xuan'er. He should be extremely angry to find xuan'er for revenge or help. However, he disappears quietly and suddenly appears again.

He must be brewing a bigger trick behind! No matter what tricks he tried, she would not let him succeed.

If he's honest, he won't mind.

Tong Xiaoyuan's sinister eyes, like poisonous snakes, coldly look at Tongling and mu Qianyue, and then withdraw their eyes.

The water family's huge arena is full of people.

"It's another three-year competition for Yuling mountain resources. Thank you for coming." Shuigang sits on the first seat and looks at the people below. His face looks like a gentle smile, but his eyes quickly flash a cold killing intention. In a flash, he smiles and continues to say.

"In the past years, the younger generation competed to win the championship. In the end, the resources of Yuling mountain were spent. Before, the resources of Yuling mountain were always in the hands of our water family. After thinking about it, I feel that this method is very unfair, so I have made a slight change in the rules of the game this year

"Change? What changes? " "Why didn't you tell us in advance?"

"How can you remember everything when Li Wanji is so busy. It must have been the water master who forgot before. Isn't it the same to say the rules now? There's nothing to make a fuss about. " Lin's master, sitting opposite the Tong's house, did not disdain to snort. In his sonorous voice, there was a slight disdain, but between the lines there was a hint of flattering the water family.Mu Xiaoyue squints. Obviously, the Lin family master has known the so-called new rules for a long time. You don't need to know that the water family and the Lin family have been colluding for a long time to deal with the Tong family.

The biggest reason is not because Tong Ling didn't promise to get engaged to shuiqidan?

If Tongling and shuiqidan have made an engagement, it is time for shuitong and shuiqidan to deal with the Lin family.

Tong Ling also knew this, so her face was not good-looking.

Tong Xiaoyuan is a cold and bloodthirsty sneer at his lips. Later, he wants them to die! Hum! He had already laid an ambush in Yuling mountain, waiting for today!

"What are the new rules of the water owner?" The master of Tong's house was black, and his voice sank slightly.

"In this competition, each family selects five students to go to Yuling mountain. They can cross the whole Yuling mountain and get the Yuling fruit on the top of the mountain in the first time. Which family will manage the Yuling mountain range for three years and get the resources of Yuling mountain range for three years." Water Gang said.

Looking up at the master of the Tong family, "does the master have no objection to this?"

"It doesn't matter if the owner of the Tong family has any objection, as long as you withdraw from the competition." Lin's master said with a strange smile.

Seeing the boy's master's hesitation, Tong Xiaoyuan could not help saying, "Dad, don't worry, I will try my best to get back the management right of Yuling mountain range!"

Tong's master turned his head and looked at Tong Lao. Seeing Tong Lao nodding, he looked at Shuigang and said, "OK, no problem."

I'm afraid he doesn't dare to do anything. Although I had a little rub with the water house before, they didn't want to kill people, did they?

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