I was still considering whether to keep Tong Xiaoyuan alive for the sake of his grandfather. Now it seems unnecessary, because he is not the grandson of his grandfather at all, and a fake wants to become the owner of the Tong family? What a delusion!

Tong Ling's palm shook, and a pill was quickly fed into his mouth. Then he took out three pills and gave them to Mu Qianyue, Xiao Xuaner, and the elite disciple of the Tong family.

After taking the pills, the elite disciple of Tong's family felt that zhenyuanli, who had disappeared, came back in an instant. He was overjoyed. "Third young master, what kind of pill is this? It's amazing!"

"It's just an ordinary antidote. It can detoxify all kinds of poisons." Tong Ling said faintly.

"No way! Under the effect of light yuan powder, you can't be all right, and there is no pill that can relieve the poison of light yuan powder, because the only antidote is in my hand. " Gu Xiaoyuan roared with disbelief on his face. His eyes were very gloomy. "You must be lying to us. You want the letter to think it's good to let you go, right? Well, you are dreaming

"Ignorant people, you are just like the frogs in the well. You are useless yourself, and you think others are as useless as you. Let's show you my upgraded version of Yuanxiang. " Tong Ling snorted coldly and lifted his wrist slightly. A faint fragrance suddenly floated out with the wind. I don't know if even God is helping him. Just a gust of wind blows over.

The aroma of Yuan swallowing incense drifted down the wind to Gu Xiaoyuan and his father. Gu Xiaoyuan and others were shocked and held their breath, but it was too late. The aroma floated in along their mouths and noses.

Gu Xiaoyuan was stunned. He found that the true yuan force in his body had not been affected. He was overjoyed. It must be that he did not inhale much. It must also be that the effect of swallowing yuan incense is too poor.

After the fragrance of the Yuanxiang was over, he looked up and laughed, "ha ha, it seems that your Yuanxiang is just like this, even my light yuan powder is not as good."

"Son, this boy is deceiving us. I'll catch him in front of you and let you vent your anger." Gu Xiaoyuan's father said with a cold smile.

"Is it? Do you want to see if the real force in your body is still there Tong Ling's lips curved with a cold and sharp arc.

Gu Xiaoyuan smelled the speech and looked at his body again. He was shocked to find that the real yuan force in his body had disappeared! There was a look of shock and amazement on his face and an unbelievable roar, "how could this be? It was still there just now, and I didn't inhale a lot of Yuanxiang! "

Gu Xiaoyuan's father also had a look of fright and bewilderment. Those disciples who came from Gu's family behind him showed a confused and frightened look on their faces.

"My upgraded version of Yuanxiang is useless even if you hold your breath. Because it can sneak into your body from your skin and quickly devour your true power Tong Ling said.

"Wow, it sounds like a cow. The light yuan powder is very weak compared with your yuan eating incense." Xiao Xuaner exclaimed.

"That is! This upgraded version of "phage Yuan Xiang" was developed by me from master's phage yuan powder. " There was a smug look on Tong Ling's face.

Mu Qianyue's big sweat turned a little pale. It seems that he has been too busy recently. He hasn't worked out a poison pill for a long time. Well, I can study it later. After all, there are too many masters in the land of illusory state. They are emperor martial, martial master and holy warrior.

If you don't have something to defend yourself on, you can't do it. The former poisonous powder, poisonous incense and so on can be used against those below the emperor's martial arts, but they will lose their effect on the Zongwu people.

"I knew for a long time that you were trying to do something wrong, so this yuan swallowing incense was specially prepared for you." Tong Ling turned his head and looked at Gu Xiaoyuan and others. He said to the disciple of the Tong family behind him, "the others have killed him. Arrest Gu Xiaoyuan and his father. These two people will live and then take away their elixir fields."

As for why not kill them immediately, Tongling has his own plan.

The two people who lost their true power, like two grasshoppers, were easily caught up, abandoned to the elixir field, and completely turned into two useless people.

"Tongling, if you have the seed, you will kill me, ah ah What do you mean by abolishing the elixir field Gu Xiaoyuan roared.

Tong Lingli did not pay attention to him, but mu Qianyue and Xiao Xuaner said, "let's go to the top of Yuling mountain."

Mu Qianyue looks at Tongling, and a smile and appreciation flash through her Phoenix eyes. It seems that Tong Ling has grown up a lot in this trip to Yuling mountain. She has a trace of determination in dealing with things. She is no longer like a boy with a cold head. I believe he will continue to grow in the future!

Well, I thought I was going to do it this time, but I didn't expect that even my hand didn't come out, so I was easily solved by Tongling. What a surprise!

In this case, she is also relieved that no one can bully Tong Ling at will.

Soon the party arrived at the top of Yuling mountain.

Between the two rocks between the cliff grew a small round white fruit, as big as the night pearl, a few green leaves gently holding it.

Crystal clear, warm as jade, emitting a light Yingguang, like a cage in the mist of jade."Is that yulingguo?" Xiao xuan'er pointed to the white fruit in front of him and asked.

"According to the description of yulingguo, it should be yulingguo. It is said that Yuling fruit likes to grow in high places, cold and heat-resistant. The fruit of Yuling bears fruit once every three years, and only this fruit once. " Tong Ling explained.

It's good to bear fruit once every three years. It's not very rare, but it's also more precious than ordinary herbs.

"I didn't expect you were very fast. You arrived here so soon."

At this time, an old man's voice sounded nearby, with cold and scorn in his voice.

Mu Qianyue and others looked sideways and saw several figures coming out of the bushes. Among them, three old men were followed by six elite disciples of the water family. Their strength was between the high-level Wang Wu and the junior emperor martial.

"Those people of the Lin family are really useless. They can't deal with a few wastes." The three elders of the water family disdained to hum, "that's to say, we have to take the horse in the end." Water family elder Mou Zi lightly sweeps mu Qianyue and Tong Ling in front of them. These four people are just three wastes. The only woman worth worrying about is the woman named Xiao xuan'er. It is said that she is a fifth level martial arts master, and even the head of the family is afraid.

"Let's start early and solve them. We'll go back to Shuizhou city to help the owner solve the children's family." Water family three elders said.

"Elder, what do you have to worry about? There is the owner of the house and the help of the Lin family. The Tong family is just a group of local chickens and dogs on the stage. I believe that by this time, the owner of the house has already got it Water two elder eyes surging with thick disdain.

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