"Water family should be a special constitution?" Mu Qianyue can't help but think of her little ice exquisite body. Although the skills of the water family are similar, they are not as powerful as ice.

"Yes, the water family is the descendant of the spirit of water. There are eight kinds of special physique in the land of magic state, which are the cold ice exquisite body, the Vientiane body and the xuanming body, and then the five families of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. " Tong Ling explained.

Mu Qianyue's eyes show a sudden color.

After the matter here was settled, the party immediately went to the direction of Shuizhou city.

In Shuifu, when mu Qianyue and others set out to Yuling mountain range, Shuigang politely said, "it's boring to sit and wait. It's better to have some tea and drink. While we're eating and chatting, we're waiting for the talents of all families to return home. How about that?"

"Good." Lin's master quickly echoed with a smile.

Shuigang clapped his hands, and immediately there were maids serving delicious food and wine, as well as a number of graceful singing girls. The sound of silk music sounded, the dancing clothes were flying, and the slender waist and limbs were twisting the charming dancing posture.

Tong laoben is very old. Although he looks younger, he has no interest in these dancers.

Nalanjing slightly closed his eyes, and his long curled eyelashes covered the mysterious purple light at the bottom of his eyes. On the contrary, it was the master of the Tong family who watched with great interest that he caused bursts of white eyes.

It's a shame. Can't he have a dancer?

The children's disciples drank wine and looked at the graceful dance. After thirty days of drinking, most of them were slightly intoxicated.


A crisp sound.

The glass cup in Shuigang's hand fell to the ground, and made a sharp piercing sound, which also pulled the people who were intoxicated in the song and dance back to their hearts.

With the broken glass cup, a series of figures swept out from all over the yard, and instantly surrounded the Tong family and others.

The dancers' faces were full of horror and panic, and they retreated quickly.

"Water master, what do you want to do The master of Tong's family suddenly came back to the God, and his eyes fell tightly on the water Gang's body, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

The old boy stood up and stared at him coldly, "water master, we are here to participate in the competition. Is there something wrong with that? "

"Hum! What's wrong? My goal this time is to kill you and kill Tong family! This is what you Tong family asked for! If you don't want to have a good future, you have to be the enemy of our water family! " Shuigang disdained to hum, his face showed ferocious killing intention, "I have put light yuan powder in your drink, you have drunk a lot before, don't you still praise the taste? So this time you're dead! "

Hearing this, Tong's master's face changed greatly. He stood up in horror. He quickly checked his real Yuan Li and found that his real Yuan Li had already disappeared! After drinking so much wine, it is impossible to recover strength without a day's time!

"You are mean!" He raised his head and glared at Shuigang, "my children's family and your water family have no resentment and hatred. Isn't my son refusing to marry? You even want to destroy my children's family. You're crazy

"Hum! Refuse to marry? Do you know that your son refused to marry and openly attacked my daughter with the woman named Xiao xuan'er, which made my water family disgraced! My water family has lived in Shuizhou city for thousands of years. Can you despise my water family's face? What's more, you should be prepared to accept the anger of my water family Water Gang facial expression gloomy says.

"You madman The master of Tong's family was so angry that he didn't think that Shuigang would lower the light yuan powder. He didn't expect that he would take advantage of this to attack himself.

Qingyuan powder is colorless, tasteless and hard to detect.

"Ha ha, you should be glad. I bought this light yuan powder from the poison master Mo Yanqing for 50 million gold coins. It is said that this is the latest research of Mo Yanqing! I didn't expect it would work! " Water Gang eyes show an excited look, with a trace of crazy meaning.

"What? Don't talk to the poison master? " The master of Tong's family suddenly turned pale and ugly. He seemed to think of something. His eyes were full of horror. "Did you have a premeditation to let the talents go to the Yuling mountain competition?"

"Yes, you are stupid! Now I realize that it's too late. " Shuigang complacently looks at the despairing look on the faces of Tong's master and others. He is not in a hurry to kill them. What he likes most is to strike them hard when others are about to die. Looking at their desperate struggle, he can feel the pleasure of revenge.

It's much more fun than killing them directly.

"To tell you the truth, it was your favorite eldest son, Tong Xiaoyuan, who came up with the idea. Ha ha In addition, I gave him some light yuan powder and sent three fourth level martial arts followers. If Xiao xuan'er was not in trouble, I would not have sent three followers of martial arts. Therefore, you should be glad that they can die in the hands of martial artists, which is the greatest fortune in their life

Shuigang disdains to hum, as if the master of the Tong family and others still have to be grateful.

"Nonsense! Yuan'er, he won't do such a thing! " Tong's master roared with disbelief."Hehe, believe it or not, Tong Xiaoyuan came to me on his own initiative and said that as long as I help him kill Tongling and the Zongwu master and help him become the owner of the Tong family, he will listen to me and be a dog of my water family." Shuigang looked up and laughed. He was arrogant and contemptuous. He looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "it's estimated that they will soon be successful at this time."

Hearing this, the Tong family was paralyzed in his chair. Is his family going to die this time?

Tong Lao and nalanjing never spoke, and even did not lift their eyelids. It seemed that all these had nothing to do with them. It seemed that they were just a spectator who had nothing to do with themselves. They just looked at Shuigang's performance and said it coldly.

"Now it's time to send you to huangquan road. Don't worry, you won't be lonely with your third son waiting there." "The gang's sleeves, a cold smile on their eyes, let go of the cold water again!"

The disciples of the water family besieged the master of the Tong family, but before they could touch the clothes of the master, they were bombarded by an invisible momentum.

A series of figures hit the wine table, or hit the crowd, immediately led to a riot.

In the crowd, he was dressed in white like snow. He sat quietly in front of the case. He held a glass cup between his slender jade fingers. The clear liquor in the cup gave off a faint fragrance.

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