"Is there anything wrong with water ancestor? What's more, didn't you see that he just hit the water master and several elders of the water family with a casual move just now? You should all know how powerful that water spirit is

"Yes! That water spirit is really strong. If that move hits us, there will be no bones left! "

The scene was silent for a moment, followed by a variety of exclamations and comments.

Ah ah! Such a young warrior! This is the first time they have seen it!

"Well, do you know who he is?"

"No. I want to know who he is

"Do you think he is a member of the six blood families?"

"No! There is no news from the six blood vessels that the younger generation has reached the realm of the divine warrior

"This time, if you want to develop the Tong family, it's hard to think of it even if you have the backing of Shenwu!"

"Yes! Even if it's magic state, there are not many warriors. "

People look at nalanjing's eyes full of admiration and shock. Such a shocking talent, gorgeous talent, can be called terror, absolutely can be called the first person in magic state! Even unprecedented, after no one!

Shuigang and the elders of the water family have long been stupid. God, martial god? No wonder his strength is so strong! It's too strong to be frightening!

Nalanjing's eyes lifted lightly and swept to the opposite water ancestor. The purple eyes were full of arrogance and arrogance, "I just treat people with their own body. Today, I intend to destroy your water family. "

"Your strength is really strong, but it is not so easy for you to destroy my water family! Even if you are a member of that power, I will not let you go easily! " Shuilaozu's slightly bent body exudes a cold momentum.

"I don't need them. I'm on my own." Nalan Jing's eyes lifted lightly.

That force? Which force?

Water Gang smell speech doubt of frown, is this white dress man have a big head?

At this time, Shuigang noticed mu Qianyue, Xiao xuan'er, Tong Ling and others on one side. He couldn't help but stare at him in horror, "how did you come back?"

The operation failed? All the people he sent out are dead?!

"If we don't come back, will we still spend the night there? Big water tank, you are so insidious and cunning that you set an ambush in Yuling mountain area for the reason of competition. But the people you sent out were too useless. I killed them twice Xiao xuan'er turned her lips in disdain.

All the three elders were paralyzed. What did he say? Three four level masters of martial arts!

The old water ancestor was angry and turned to look at the water gang and asked, "what's going on here? You'd better be honest with me! "

Water Gang's face showed fear, had to be honest to tell these things out. When the old water ancestor heard this, he was furious and roared, "you son of a bitch, people don't want to marry. What do you force your daughter to do? My water family's women are not so cheap, so shameless and shameless! It's a shame to lose my reputation and face! Get out of here

He's really pissed off! He was just shut up for a few years! In an instant, he lost three followers of martial arts, and the water family was flooded. All kinds of losses caused, let alone, is that the reputation of his water family will stink in Shuizhou city from today on!

If you come out a step later, it is estimated that the entire water family will be removed from the water city! I'm really going to piss him off!

Water Gang face a shriveled, feel very aggrieved, looked at the flood below, "ancestor, I have no place to roll, all flooded."

The old water ancestor was immediately breathed and almost didn't slow up. He said angrily, "get out of here!"

"Oh." Water Gang curled his mouth and had to retreat to the side.

"Childe Nalan, it's really my family who did something wrong before. Can you give it up for the sake of my old age? For the Tong family, my water family is willing to make compensation and guarantee that it will not start again on the children's family in the future. " The water ancestor thought for a while and said.

"Laozu, it's our family that suffered heavy losses. They didn't lose anything..." Water Gang discontented urgent roar way.

"Shut up if you don't want to die!" The old water ancestor turned to look at him and cried angrily.

Water Gang closed his mouth gloomy ~ Ba, but how can't understand why the ancestor should apologize, but also make compensation to the children's family, this is not scientific!!

Not only he, but also the elders and disciples of the water family, as well as the Lin family, as well as the people who came from Shuizhou City, their faces were full of surprise.

What is this man in white? Can you let the water ancestor fear? Is it that Shui Laozu is afraid of his strength? I think it is. After all, he is a real warrior! Even if shuilaozu's strength is higher, he will not be the opponent of Shenwu! This is justifiable.

If the water ancestor died, it would not be too cost-effective!

Shui Laozu naturally saw everyone's thoughts at a glance. He glanced at the faces of the crowd with a faint look of scorn in his eyes. On the one hand, he chose to calm people down because of nalanjing's strength, on the other hand, because of the power behind nalanjing.Because just now he recognized the identity of the other party. He was born with purple eyes and possessed amazing talent. Besides that force, who can cultivate such talent? Fortunately, he once met him from afar once, as if it was years ago.

At that time, childe Nalan was still young, also born with purple eyes. Therefore, Shui Laozu boldly infers that he is the man of that power!

Otherwise, he is just a warrior, and he will not be afraid of it! That power is the supreme rule of the whole unreal land. Wave your sleeve and you can destroy the whole water family!

His words can't make up for it, but I don't pay for it

"Hehe, the husband of the younger martial sister, since they admit that they are wrong, they are willing to make compensation and promise not to infringe on our children's family. Let's just let it go." He said with a smile that he was not greedy for the compensation of the water family, but that the water ancestor was a nine level holy warrior, and the water family had thousands of years of experience in magic state. Naturally, he would have numerous strong friends.

Therefore, the water family is not so easy to destroy. If you pull a hair and move the whole body, there will be more powerful people coming, just like stabbing a hornet's nest. Nalanjing can't stay at the children's house all the time, and there will always be people with stronger strength than nalanjing.

Sometimes when you need to step back, you need to step back. Besides, this is the situation. Moreover, he did not want to put nalanjing in danger.

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