"Well, I heard that you said so. I think I should go to the Xiao's house." Xiao xuan'er's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Master, it seems that you are also the blood of Qinglong, and your surname is mu. Maybe you have some relationship with the Mu family." Tong Ling looks at the moon, her eyes are full of doubts.

"I should go back and ask my grandfather about it." This should be the secret of the family. Before my grandfather didn't say it, he felt his strength was weak. He was afraid that he would cause danger when he knew it. Now he is a martial arts master. I believe grandfather will not hide it any more.

I'll say hello when I have time to go back to tianwu.

White tiger college is located in the White Tiger City of Baizhou area, which was founded by Bai family, the descendant of white tiger blood.

After a day's flight, mu Qianyue finally arrived at the White Tiger City.

White Tiger City is magnificent and majestic. After nearly ten thousand years of time, it still stands between heaven and earth. It seems that the wind and frost of the years have not left any traces on its body. The ancient blue city walls, flags flying, and pedestrians come and go in and out of the city.

The ground is paved with milky white rocks, clean and tidy, spotless, like the first-class jade, suffused with Yingrun white light.

The streets here are wider, and the shops on both sides are very neat and unified. Obviously, the planning here is better. Baihu city is a bit bigger than Shuizhou city.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians. There are Wang Wu people everywhere. There are also many emperor martial artists. Even the shop assistants and shopkeepers who are the worst have the strength of high-level Lingwu people.

Come here, mu Qianyue suddenly gives birth to a feeling of fish into the sea, and finds that his own strength can only be regarded as general here.

Pale gold sunset shrouded in the White Tiger City, rising in bursts of smoke, less cold, more than a few strands of human fireworks.

Because there are five days to go before the white tiger college enrolls students, so mu Qianyue plans to find an inn to stay first.

Five days passed and night fell again.

Thinking of the assessment of the white tiger college tomorrow, Tong Ling could not help but get excited. Junlang's face was full of smiles. "Master, xuan'er, I decided to go to the restaurant to have a big meal to suppress the shock, otherwise I would be too excited."

Xiao xuan'er helplessly turned a white eye, "you are greedy to say, still have to find such a reason, I despise you."

"You can choose what you want. It's my treat." Mu shallow moon light smile way.

"Hey, I heard that there is a whole cattle house on North Street. It seems that the craftsmanship is very good. Moreover, every day there are full of high sheds. Let's try it." Tongling was so excited that she turned around and walked toward the door. Mu Xiaoyue raised her steps to keep up with her. Xiao xuan'er tooted her mouth and said with a smile, "look at your impatient appearance. It's hopeless."

Then Mu Xiaoyue and his party came to the North Street. Although it was at night, it was still very busy. The shops on both sides were also very busy.

"Baizhou cattle hall, this is it." Tong Ling pointed to a restaurant in front of him and laughed. Many pedestrians went to the restaurant, where there was a lot of noise and excitement.

At this time, a woman's voice of impatience came from the side alley, which seemed to suppress the voice meaning. "Qin Mufeng, I've told you twice that you don't want to come to me. Why do you always listen to me?"

"Ying'er, I finally found you, just want to have a meal with you." The boy's voice was low, weak, with a trace of apology.

"Who wants to have dinner with you? Can't I eat it myself?" The woman impatiently roared, "OK, OK, you go, don't come to me again."

"Yinger, you I come to white tiger state to join the white tiger college, and then we can meet every day. " Qin Mufeng raised his head with a ray of light in his eyes.

Liu Ruoying heard the speech and quickly crossed a strange awn in her seductive eyes. She said coldly, "there are only 300 students enrolled in the white tiger college every year, but tens of thousands of people come to participate in the examination every year. Do you think you can pass the examination with your strength?"

"No matter what, I'll give it a try, because you were in the white tiger Academy. We swore together when we were children to enter the white tiger academy and become stronger together. When I become a warrior, I will marry you with eight sedan chairs and ten li red makeup." Qin Mufeng grinned and seemed to see his childhood sweetheart and vows under the starry sky.

Liu Ruoying disdained to snort, and her eyes were filled with strong contempt and disdain. "Do you think it's so easy to become a warrior? Oh, even those big families don't have many warriors. "

"No matter what, I will work hard in this respect, one effort and one harvest. I believe I can definitely do it!" Qin Mufeng showed a firm look on his face and looked at her with burning eyes.

Liu Ruoying is cold and light hum, "don't daydream, OK? To be a warrior, you need talent. You need not only excellent talent, but also a strong family background, rich cultivation resources and guidance from famous teachers. I think you'd better not be wishful thinking, down-to-earth is better. Baizhou city is strong like clouds, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, here is not suitable for you, or hurry back to Hongfeng town. "Mu Xiaoyue, who was about to enter the restaurant in the distance, stopped at the smell of speech. Xiao xuan'er said in surprise, "master, isn't that the guy who gave you ice Ganoderma lucidum that day?"

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nodded. In fact, she recognized him at one glance. It turned out that he was in a hurry to ask Wang Yuandan to break through Wang wuzhe and come to Baihu University for examination. But it seems that the girl didn't like him. From that woman's tone and eyes, we can see that she even hates this young man Qin Mufeng.

"Ying'er, I knew you still care about me. Don't worry about it. I'll do well and never let you worry." Qin Mufeng said with a smile that he didn't seem to see the scorn and disdain in each other's eyes. "Ying'er, this is for you. This is resident YAN Dan, which can keep you young and not old."

Liu Ruoying took over the hand and weighed it in his hand. His face was covered with powder and showed a sharp sneer. "I've seen so many such resident Yan pills, and I've taken them for a long time. Don't you know that this kind of resident Yan pill can only be taken once? If you take it again, it won't work. Oh, I really don't want to talk to you. I'm tired of saying more. You'd better take it yourself

The pill was thrown back to Qin Mufeng's hand.

Qin Mufeng lenglengleng looked at the medicine bottle in the hand, seems to have not been from the other side's words suddenly to come.

At that time, Qin Mufeng was on the Xi Sui Dan and Zhu Yan Dan. He chose to stay in YAN Dan. It turned out that he was for this woman, but the other side didn't buy it.

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