Mu shallow month hears a flash of surprise in his eyes, only 100 people out of more than 10000 people can imagine how fierce the competition is!

"The admission conditions of white tiger college are also very strict. The age must not exceed 20 years old. Moreover, it must be on Wang Wu. The assessment is more abnormal, and the assessment content is different each time. So I don't know how the assessment is. In short, it is not simple. And after entering white tiger college, it is a six-year program. " Fu continued.

"Six years? What do you mean Tong Ling asked.

"That is to say, one must graduate after six years of practice in the college, and only those who have reached the level 9 or above can graduate. Those who fail to meet this requirement will not have a diploma issued by white tiger college."

"Ah? Who must reach the Ninth level in six years? This is too abnormal! You are not a student of white tiger college if you have reached it? " Tongling was stunned and really abnormal!

Fu Yanxiu had a wry smile on his face. "I have been in white tiger Academy for three years, and there are still three years left. Now I am a level six imperial warrior. It is impossible to reach the Ninth level martial arts master in three years. Well, it seems I'm hopeless. "

"However, the white tiger academy is really good. Three years ago, when I entered the white tiger college, I was a fifth level Wang wuzhe. In three years, I was promoted to level 11, which is very fast. If you practice yourself outside, it will not be so fast. So, you work hard! Even if we can't graduate, at least our strength can be greatly improved! "

Tong Ling thought for a while and asked, "if you don't meet the requirements of white tiger college when you graduate, what will happen if you don't have a diploma?"

"In fact, graduation certificate is just like an honor. Those who have the diploma of white tiger college will be highly recommended by white tiger college. They will take up the position of elder in some big families or sects. Their status will be improved and their future will be open. There is no need to worry about the cultivation of resource pills. Even some family or sectarian disciples came to study in white tiger college, and after graduation, they got their graduation certificates. Some of them even became masters of their families or clans. "

Through Fu Yanxiu's words, mu Qianyue's heart is clear. Isn't this the equivalent of a university diploma in the 21st century? Those who have a college diploma can basically get a good position and a good job. Those without a college degree usually get a bad job. However, some of them belong to the dark horse type, but there are few of them.

It seems that graduation certificate is very important everywhere.

Mu Qianyue and his party returned to the inn after dinner. It was the mid day of the month. After washing, they entered the state of cultivation.

The next day, a red sun rises slowly from the East, and the golden sun shines on the vast land, and a new day begins.

In the early morning, the city of white tiger was very lively, and many figures were rushing towards the white tiger college. Everyone's face was full of youthful self-confidence, with a brilliant and dazzling smile on his face. Everyone was not very old. The youngest was only 14 years old, and the oldest was 20 years old.

Beautiful men and women together to form a beautiful landscape.

Mu Qianyue and Tongling are also in the crowd. Because Xiao Xuaner is a Warcraft, she didn't take part in the entrance examination. Instead, she bought a bag of melon seeds and sat on the treetop next to the college and knocked them.

Tens of thousands of people lined up in a total of more than 100 teams. Fortunately, the white tiger college has many tutors to assess. Fortunately, the gate of white tiger college is spacious and can accommodate so many people at the same time.

Mu Qianyue and Tongling casually find a side line, at this time Tongling pointed to a figure in front of him and said, "isn't that man impotent last night?"

Mo Yang also noticed mu Qianyue and Tongling, grinning at them with a grim smile. The dog leg behind him asked, "Yang Shao, shall we do something to make them fail in the examination?"

"Fool, now there are so many people, do you want me to die if you let me do it?" Mo Yang scolded in a low voice. If the law enforcement elder of the white tiger academy knew about it, he would be expelled. It seemed that he remembered something. His lips curled up with a ferocious sneer. "This is only the assessment of the first level. If they can't pass this level, they are not worthy to be the opponent of this young master! If they enter the next level smoothly, I will accompany them to have fun again

With that, Mo Yang turned and left.

Although many people came to sign up, the efficiency of white tiger college was also very good, and the team was soon reduced by half.

"Give your name, your age, and put your hand on the real metacryst."

"XX, 18 years old." Said passerby a.

The tutor registered his name, looked up at the light on the real yuan crystal on the table, and frowned slightly, "the first-class king warrior?"

Obviously, the 18-year-old Wang wuzhe is a poor talent in his eyes. If you put it in tianwu land, it can be said that he is a genius!

"Did you see the dark black stone nearby? Give it your best and give it a punch. " Said the tutor.

A passer-by stepped forward with a look of excitement on his face. He took a deep breath and gave a hard blow. After a while, he saw a line of words on it, "the first-class king warrior, 2600 kg, strength, weakness.""You're eliminated. Let's go." The strength of 2600 Jin can only be equivalent to the strength of the eighth level warrior, and the strength of the first level king warrior must reach 3200 Jin.

"Tutor, I was too nervous to play well just now. Please give me another chance! This time I'm sure I'll meet the requirements. "

The tutor did not look at him, but said, "next."

Finally, the passer-by was crying and pulled down. The competition was so cruel that it was not only Wang Wu who had reached the first level, but also the strength must meet the requirements!

"Qin Mufeng, 17 years old."

At this time, a slightly familiar voice came from the front. Mu Qianyue looked up and saw Qin Mufeng in front of him. There were seven people in the middle. Oh, it was fate.

After all, he was only one step ahead of him. Thinking of the end of the man in front of him, Qin Mufeng's face showed a firm color. He roared and gave a blow to the black stone.

"The first level Wang Wu, 4800 Jin, strength, medium."

"Well, you've been promoted. Here's your assessment card. Come back here at noon tomorrow morning." The tutor took a jade identity plate and handed it to Qin Mufeng's hand. Qin Mufeng was so happy that he took it down respectfully.

After a while, it was Mu's turn. , the fastest update of the webnovel!