"No, I'm sure you'll come to unreal state, so I'm here to inquire about the military situation." Tian Shuo said with a smile.

"Oh? What do you say about the military information you've inquired about? " Mu Qianyue squinted at him.

"Well It's time to know that you know all about it. Come and ask me. "

"Shit! You peep at me again

"I don't have it! Who let me be the spirit of Tongtian tower, telepathic with you automatically. "

"All right." Mu shallow month hears speech helplessly rolled the white eye.

After chatting with Tian Shuo, mu Qianyue learns that Tian Shuo has come to illusory state to go to the temple and the imperial empire. As for what he did to the temple and the Empire, she did not ask.

During this time, Tian Shuo's strength has been restored to the strength of the fifth level holy warrior, which is the reason why he suddenly grew up a lot.

"Tianshuo, every time you increase your strength, your age will also increase. When you fully recover your strength, will you not become a gray haired grandfather?" Mu shallow moon can't help joking.

"Cut, cut, how can it be! I will always be so graceful and graceful in front of the wind, OK? " Tian Shuo glared discontentedly.

Then mu Qianyue took Tian Shuo back to the white tiger academy, and went to the Presbyterian to apply for an identity plate for Tian Shuo. When the nine elders and ten elders learned that Tian Shuo was also mu Qianyue's pet animal, they were surprised to find out that Tian Shuo was also a pet animal of Mu Qianyue. How could she have two human shaped animals?

That Xiao xuan'er is the strength of the fifth level master of martial arts, and this one named Tian Shuo absolutely has the strength of the saint of martial arts! Because they feel that the momentum of the sky Shuo is much stronger than them!

After mu Qianyue and Tian Shuo are gone, nine elders and ten elders look at each other.

"Ah, Mu's talent is so excellent. Isn't she really from Mu family? But I can't think of any other school or family that can cultivate such a changeable talent except the Mojia of Qingzhou. "

"Yes, if only she was a direct disciple of our Bai family."

"Let's tell the Dean about it! After all, Mu's methods have become more powerful and mysterious, and we must do so for the safety of white tiger college. "

Then nine elder and ten elder general Mu shallow month's matter told the dean.

When the Dean heard the speech, he didn't show any strange expression on his face, but said faintly, "no matter what means or what kind of fierce pet beast mu Qianyue has. As long as she doesn't murder our white tiger college. Such talents are rare, so we should cultivate them well. "

"Yes." Nine elder answers a voice to say.

"I have observed mu Qianyue secretly for a period of time, and I have sent people to investigate her background. She is really not from the Mu family in Qingzhou. Maybe her surname is mu ba. Although she has a cold disposition, she is not arrogant and impetuous, calm and calm. I believe her nature is not bad. As long as we give her kindness, she will surely remember it. In the future, if we need her in white tiger college, she will make a return. " Bai continued.

Nine elder and ten elder smell speech are one Leng, did not expect the Dean unexpectedly will give Mu shallow month so high appraisal.

"If Yuexi's child wants to embarrass mu Qianyue, you don't care. I want to see how mu Qianyue deals with this matter." Dean Bai paused and continued.



The opening of the white tiger secret place two months later spread throughout the white tiger academy, and even posted notices.

No matter how fierce the competition is, you can only imagine that there is a new life in the old world!

Generally, under such circumstances, there is no opportunity for freshmen, because the new freshmen will not be the opponents of those old students in grade three or six, so the places are basically taken away by the people with high strength.

The freshmen groaned. It seems that they can only practice hard. When they come to compete for places in the next three years, the probability will be half as high.

For such an opportunity, mu Qianyue naturally does not want to miss. Tian Shuo and Xiao xuan'er, as utensils and Warcraft, naturally don't have to compete and can bring them into the white tiger's secret place, but Tongling can't, so Tongling feels great pressure.

After three months in the secret place of white tiger, the strength of master and xuan'er will surely get a qualitative leap. If he does not get the quota, it will be a long distance. Therefore, Tongling is more crazy to practice. He is in the state of cultivation 24 hours a day.

Fortunately, there are nearly two months left in the competition for places, and he can prepare well.

Mu Qianyue walks slowly in the shade of the trees, and a tall tall figure comes face-to-face, which is Baizhi.

"Miss mu, you'd better be more careful recently. Bai Yuexi is looking for someone to deal with you. Those people are very powerful and stronger than me. You'd better not leave white tiger college."

Smell speech, Mu shallow month's eyes pass a touch of surprise, look up at him, but Bai Zhi has gone from her side, vaguely can see a trace of unnatural from his handsome and resolute face.

Well, what a proud fellow!However, she accepted his kindness. I didn't expect that he would inform himself. Shouldn't he obey Bai Yuexi's orders? Otherwise, I won't deal with myself in the white tiger mountain that day.

Did he change his sex after being robbed by himself?

Mu Xiaoyue shakes her head and walks outside the white tiger college. It is impossible for her to stay in white tiger college, so she will go out sooner or later, and she does not want to hide.

It's just a white moon stream, but it's not enough for her to fear.

Born as a warrior, if there is no heart of the strong, it is only able to be weak.

Sure enough, as soon as she was out of the white tiger academy, mu Qianyue felt that someone was following him. She still had two kinds of breath. Her strength was around the fourth level and the fifth level.

Mu shallow month as did not find, to the remote place, until no one around, she slowly turned around, said to the air, "since you have come, then show up."

With the sound of Mu Qianyue falling, two figures came out from the corner.

Both of them looked young, about twenty-three-four years old, and their appearance was quite elegant.

One of them had a funny smile on his lips, and his eyes fell on mu Qianyue's body. "Ha ha, you've already found us. Oh, I almost forgot that your soul power can even attack and explode your soul crystal. It's reasonable to find us."

"She's a beautiful woman indeed. No wonder shangguanqiong will be moved." Another said, "we didn't want to embarrass you, but you offended Miss Yuexi, so we had to deal with you."

As long as Miss Yuexi's conditions are too enticing, she promises to help them to be promoted to the realm of holy warriors within three years. What a tempting condition!

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