"Mu Qianyue, now you try your best, I will let you know the end of insulting me later!" Yan Yuan's eyes are full of anger, gnashing his teeth.

Mu Xiaoyue snorted, moved, and swept directly onto the challenge arena and fell on the opposite side of Yan Yuan.

"Don't talk nonsense. Fight if you want."

"You dare to be rampant when you are dying. It's true that you can cross the ranks, but the gap between the third level and the fifth level is not so easy to cross." Yan Yuan looked ferocious and roared. His long sword in his hand threw out a blade, which was like a dazzling cold light shooting at mu Qianyue.

Mu Xiaoyue's face is still indifferent, without a trace of fear. Her palm is shaking, and the miesheng sword is held in the palm. The nine changes of Taiji open to the fifth level, and her momentum instantly rises to the level of a martial arts master!

This change made people cry out.

"My God! How did her breath rise to the level of five level martial arts master? It seems that she didn't take the pill to improve her strength, did she? "

"Yes! At the beginning of school, didn't she detect that it was just equivalent to a third class martial arts master? "

"What's going on here? Am I dazzled? How do you feel like you are dreaming! That's not true

"Grass! This is crazy! "

"My God! How did she do it? "

There was a crash and a lot of discussion in the crowd, and everyone's face was full of shock.

Under the shade of a tree in the distance of the martial arts arena, Bai Yuexi looks at mu Qianyue on the challenge arena from a distance. His eyes are full of jealousy. He thought Yan Yuan could kill her easily, but unexpectedly, she can exert the strength of a first-class martial arts master and a fifth level martial arts master! It's impossible at all!

Even if you can't do it yourself! So far, no one can do it!

Kung Fu!

It must be Kung Fu! It must be that mu Qianyue has advanced skills in heaven! If not, she couldn't have done that!

Just now I've noticed that mu Qianyue didn't take pills. It turns out that mu Qianyue has a strength skill that can force him to upgrade several levels. Moreover, the promotion level of this skill seems to change and increase!

If you can get this skill, you will become the first genius of the new generation of Bai family! Even the first genius in the six blood families!

What a glory?

With this in mind, Bai Yuexi's eyes, in addition to jealousy, is more passionate and determined. She is going to set this skill! People with humble status like mu Qianyue don't deserve to have this anti heaven skill!

The battle on the challenge arena is still in full swing.


Yan Yuan was beaten to fly out and fell on the challenge arena with a trace of blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. He looked up and looked at Xiangmu Qianyue. His eyes were full of consternation and disbelief, impossible! You can't lose to her! The other side is just a first-class warrior! Even if the strength is promoted to the fifth level by force, it will certainly not be vigorous!

But he was wrong. In the battle, he found that mu Qianyue's real yuan strength was amazing! Like the water of the Yangtze River, continuous!

"I won't lose, I won't lose!" Yan Yuan is unwilling to roar. He wants to enter the white family and become the inner court disciple of the gray white family. Therefore, he can not lose. He must win. He must kill mu Qianyue under the sword. Otherwise, Miss Yuexi will not agree to enter the white family.

Moreover, this is a life and death war, mu Qianyue certainly will not let him go.

After trying to understand all this, Yan Yuan's face showed a ferocious and crazy look. He saw his palm shake, and a black pill suddenly appeared in his hand. He looked up and swallowed the pill without hesitation.

The next moment, his momentum suddenly soared to the peak of the sixth level martial arts master!

Feeling Yan Yuan's momentum, everyone's face changed, despicable, he even took pills! I don't know if his opponent will be Asahi.

In the distance, in addition to Bai Yuexi watching the battle on the arena, there are nine elders and ten elders.

"The moon is really strong! How did she manage to force her strength up to the fifth level? " Nine elder's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

"Now that Yan Yuan's strength has risen to the sixth level, should we fight?" There was a trace of anxiety on the face of the ten elders.

"No Elder Jiu shook his head.

"But..." The ten elder is in a hurry. Mu Qianyue can deal with the fifth level martial arts master, but he may not be able to deal with the sixth level!

Nine elder's eyes stained with a layer of smile, "look, you are in a hurry, in fact, you don't have to worry. Look at the expression on mu Qianyue's face, she doesn't worry at all, which proves that she doesn't pay attention to Yan Yuan at all. Ha ha It took me a long time to see. "

"Er..." Smell speech, ten elder just calm down.

"Mu shallow moon, you go to die!" Yan Yuan roared furiously and rushed forward. The fierce sword spirit was surging in the air and roaring.Mu Xiaoyue's face was still calm, her eyebrows frowned, and a fierce and bloodthirsty killing opportunity flashed between her black pupils. Since he wanted to die, she would help him! It's just that the miesheng sword in my hand hasn't been sharpened since it was refined. I'll sacrifice him today! By the way, take him to try her just improved martial arts skills, one sword to kill life!

After he made up his mind, mu Qianyue was no longer merciful. Zhenyuan power was condensed on the miesheng sword. At the same time, the power of stars in the air was sucked into the miesheng sword.

The miesheng sword is full of frightful cold, overbearing and heartless, giving people a feeling of suffocation!

"One sword kills life!"

After the move is brewed, the fierce and terrifying sword slashes Yan Yuan in the past. Yan Yuan is shocked. The power of this move is too strong! Strong enough to make him palpitating and frightened!

After waving a few swords in a hurry, Yan Yuan quickly summoned the real yuan armor to cover his whole body. At the same time, he sent out his strongest blow again, which is also his famous trick!

"Ah! You see, isn't that Yan Yuan's famous stunt? Oh, my God, he's going to do his best

"Ah? Yan Yuan's famous skills? Will mu Qianyue still be his opponent? "

"I don't know, but it seems that Mu's momentum is not weaker than him!"

"I'm really worried. I hope mu Qianyue is OK!"

"Yes! I don't want her dead either

When two powerful swords collide with each other, the strength is enough to level a hill. If anyone runs to stop the quarrel at this time, it is absolutely the same as looking for death. You don't have to think about it. The consequence must be split in two!


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