Out of the dim light and shadow came a thin silver purple figure.

The shallow sunlight shines on the girl's face like jade, shining brightly, like the rising moon at the end of the blue sea, with infinite splendor.

"Shallow moon, you are out at last!" The child is small happy, hurriedly welcome up.

"Yes." Mu shallow moon light nods, the expression on the face is indifferent like water, can't see joy and anger and a little bit of mood.

Mu family, Bai family, Shangguan family and so on are all looking at Mu shallow moon with complicated eyes.

"If you don't come out again, I'm ready to go in and rob people. Do you know how long you've been in it?" Child small helpless said.

Mu shallow month surprised blink Mou son, "how long?"

It seems that I haven't been in for a long time?

"Twenty one days." Little boy rolled his eyes.

Mu shallow month smell speech on the face show a touch of horror color, she unexpectedly went in so long time! But I feel like a snap of my finger

Although I stayed in it for 21 days, not only the blood purity has been raised to the perfect level, but also the strength has become the holy warrior. So it is worth everything!

Seeing mu Qianyue come out, Bai Yuexi's eyes are full of jealousy and anger. How can she, an outsider, be recognized by the white tiger spirit? And made her a warrior? As a direct disciple of the white tiger family, people with seven levels of blood purity can not be recognized by the white tiger beast soul!

If the person who just went in was himself, then the one who became the holy warrior must be himself! And not Mok Yuen!

Even if you can't get the approval of the white tiger animal soul, why can't Bai longying and Bai Chen get the approval of the white tiger animal soul? The two of them are nearly perfect in blood! Is the white tiger family blood purity most pure two people!

"You must have used some means to confuse the white tiger spirit of my white family, otherwise you can't get the approval of white tiger beast soul at all!" Bai Yuexi's eyes are red, and she stares at Mu Xiaoyue angrily. It seems that she wants to rush forward and eat her.

"Baiyuexi, if you don't get the approval of the white tiger, don't bite like a mad dog, OK? The spirit of white tiger is an ancient beast. If you can cheat, why don't you cheat? " Child small angry way.

"It's mu Qianyue cheating! Otherwise, why can't even Bai longying and Bai Chen get the approval of white tiger? She is just an outsider Bai Yuexi's eyes were red and continued to roar, "Mu Qianyue, I advise you that you'd better give all the treasures you got in the stone palace, or you won't go out from here today!"

The others did not speak, but the twinkling light in their eyes revealed their thoughts.

Especially shangguanqiong, his steps were forced to pass by chaomu Qianyue, and his voice was cold, "Mu Qianyue, this kind of exotic treasure is not something you can get, you'd better hand it over!"

Mu Qianyue raised a cold smile on her lips, and looked at the crowd coldly, "do you also doubt that I have got foreign treasures in it? Oh, I think you won't believe what I say, but I still want to say that the white tiger spirit did not pass on any treasure to me, but gave me the power of the holy warrior. Now this power has been integrated into my body, and you can't take it away even if you want to. "

"Just strength? No way Bai Yuexi roared.

"Or what do you think?" Mu Qianyue retorted.

"Miss mu, in fact, we're just curious about what you've got in it. Don't worry, we won't rob you." Bai longying said.

Mu rutian immediately agreed and nodded, "white girl is right. We are just curious. You can show us."

Shangguan lengyi also agreed, "take it out and have a look. After all, we have been waiting here for 21 days."

"You despicable villains, don't think I don't know what your ideas are, hum! And whether or not the moon has got any treasure, why does she show it to you? Who are you? It's not the shallow moon that makes you wait here, but you have to wait here. Who's to blame? " Little boy turned his eyes with disdain.

Mu Rufeng did not say a word, but moved. He directly blocked mu Qianyue's face. His whole body exuded a cold breath and voted for his firm position. If anyone dares to move his sister's hair, he will not hesitate to kill them! Even if he lost his life!

Mu Xiaoyue's chin is light, and her cold and sharp eyes fall on the faces of the people opposite. A touch of irony flashed in her eyes. The only thing she can get in the stone palace is the white tiger rune, which can command the whole white tiger family. If this is spread out, it will cause a stir and fight, and set off a bloody storm. Therefore, she will never say it.

Another point is, even if she now takes the white tiger Fu and orders all the people in the white family to listen to themselves, will they listen?

After nearly ten thousand years, maybe the white family will not care about any white tiger Fu at all.

When the atmosphere was gathering, Feng Lingyu chuckled and said, "you people are really funny. You can't get the approval of the white tiger's animal soul, but let others hand in the baby. It's unreasonable. Don't worry, mu Qianyue. I'll stand by your side. ""My sister and I are on your side. Who dares to rob you? Have a try?" Feng Lingyun that tall tiger body forward a block, very have a sense of security.

Bai longying and others were stiff.

Mu Ru Tian Mou son flashed and asked, "Feng Lingyun, aren't you curious?"

"It's nothing to be curious about, but it's just a thing." Feng Lingyun disdains to hum.

"Hehe, when did Feng family start to help mu Qianyue? Are you interested in other people? But they seem to be the lady of the little Lord of the temple. " Shangguanqiong said in a strange voice,

"I have a dirty mind. Do you think others are the same as you?" Feng Lingyun sneered,

for the help of the two brothers and sisters of the Feng family, mu Qianyue is still very moved. At least this is the second time that she has helped herself, and she does not hesitate to stand up.

"Mu Qianyue, are you going to hand it in or not? Don't think that you have a few helpers around you, which are our opponents. I advise you to hand them over obediently, so as not to implicate others! "

Bai Yuexi angrily said that although this group of people belong to their own strength is the weakest, but now they have the most say power, such as Bai longying, mu ruke, Shangguan Mo Yan, these geniuses want to maintain image, not easy to attack coercion, but they have strength, can be used as their own back shield, so Bai Yuexi has become more confident.

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