Tong Xiaoxiao turned to look at him, his eyes filled with a deep and invisible light, "Mu Rufeng, you know I like you, but you pretend you can't see. So, what does it matter if I go or stay with you? Even if I marry who, also have no relation with you! You go, don't follow me again! I'm going back to the Nangong family. "

"Little, you don't want to go back, no one can force you. They want to take you, unless they step over my body Mu Rufeng's eyes burst out with a fierce sense of killing and fighting.

"Since you don't like me, whether I go back or not?" The child's small face showed a trace of impatience.

Mu Rufeng's lips moved, and a deep look flashed in the long and narrow eyes of Phoenix, and the expression on his face was a little dimmed, which seemed to have been greatly hurt.

Tong Xiaoxiao felt a pain in her heart. She quickly turned away her sight and stopped looking at him. She said indifferently, "you go. Don't come to me any more. We have no relationship. We have no relationship at all. It's just that I can't see clearly from myself."

"Little, if you're willing to come with me, I'll try my best to protect you." Mu Rufeng's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled and his eyes are staring at her tightly. There is a trace of tension in his cold and proud voice. This sentence seems to have exhausted all his courage.

The child's small body couldn't help but tremble, and her beautiful apricot eyes showed a trace of astonishment. Although the feelings expressed in this sentence were not explicit, they also showed the heart of admiring maple. If he had said that before, she would be very happy and would not hesitate to choose to be with him, but now, she can't.

Facing the four elders of Nangong, mu Rufeng is not their opponent at all.

Although mu Rufeng can fight across the ranks and defeat Nangong Mingmo with the strength of eight level martial masters, she can't defeat four middle level holy warriors at the same time. She doesn't want him to be in danger because of herself, so she can only promise the four elders of Nangong to go back with them.

"Why should I go with you? What do you have worth my going with you? " A trace of ridicule appeared on the little and beautiful face of Tong. In the sunset, her beautiful lip corners also drew up a touch of irony. After throwing down this sentence, she did not look back.

"Lucky for you, boy." Nangong elder snorted angrily and turned to leave. The other three followed.

Looking at Tong Xiaoxiao's figure, unfeeling words and sarcastic expression, mu Rufeng's face turned white, and he felt the pain in his heart. It seemed that there were countless knives in his heart, which made him sad.

He looked at the front of the long disappeared figure, this is the feeling of heartache?

Sure enough, it hurt so much that he could hardly breathe!


The business of Jingyue chamber of Commerce has been very popular during this period of time. People who come to buy pills come from all over the country, and some even come all the way to wait for the blood pill three months later.

Bai Yili will come to Jingyue chamber of Commerce when he is free. His mood is incomparably good. He is very happy because he cooperates with mu Qianyue and gets five blood pills. Naturally, he is extremely happy.

You'll know the price of blood pills.

And this is not only a matter of money, but blood vessel pill, which is extremely rare, has no price and market!

In addition, the white tiger college also received 30% of the gold reward and some other pills. After receiving these benefits, Bai Yili was naturally more concerned about the safety of Jingyue chamber of Commerce.

This is the White Tiger City, and Bai Yili comes to inspect from time to time, so he doesn't dare to make trouble here. He is undoubtedly looking for death.

During this period, people from Shangguan family came to find Huoxi. Huoxi's face was very ugly. He had a cold face all day, and his eyes occasionally flashed an invisible light.

"Well, I feel very boring recently. I want to go out for some time. Would you like to go with me?" Mu Qianyue's chin is light, and her light eyes sweep Mu Xueying, Chu Tiange and others, and finally falls on Huoxi's body.

Go out to experience, those annoying guys should not find Huoxi, at least can give Huoxi a quiet thinking space.

Huoxi lowered his head, did not speak, a red suit in the sunset stained with a touch of lonely taste.

"I'll go." Long Ting was the first to shout, "hey hey, where the Master goes, I will go."

"My mother, I'm going to go too. I'll go wherever my mother goes." Nalan Xueling also called out in a hurry.

"Tianshuo and Xueying, you two stay here to take care of Jingyue chamber of Commerce, and you will be responsible for the recruitment." Mu Qianyue's lips are curved.

"Master, where are you going to experience? I'm going too! " Cried Tong Ling.

"Well, I don't know. Go around and have a look." Mu shallow moon squints to think.

"It is said that there is a place called wilderness island in the land of magic state. It is extremely dangerous and is a good place for training. Xiaoyueyue, if you want to increase your strength quickly, go to the wilderness island. " Tian Shuo said."Master, don't worry about it. There are me and Tian Shuo here. There won't be anything." Moxueying road.

"Well, that's the happy decision to go to the wild island." Mu Qianyue's lips curved slightly.

The next morning, mu Qianyue, Huoxi, Tianshuo, muxueying, Longting and Nalan Xueling set out from Baihu city.

Wilderness island is located in the westernmost part of the unreal continent. It is a distance from the White Tiger City. It takes 13 cities and nearly a thousand rolling mountains to reach the wilderness island.

Mu Qianyue and his party went out of the White Tiger City.

Dragon eagle wings spread out, flying in the air, flying fast. It took five days to arrive at a city near the wilderness Island, named wilderness city.

Perhaps because of the remote terrain here, the wilderness city does not look very big, and it gives a very old feeling of vicissitudes.

But the wild city pedestrians come and go, very busy, do not see the desolate look.

"It's getting late now. Let's find a place to live. Tomorrow, I'll go and find out about the desolate island. " Mu shallow moon Road, then a group of people to find an inn to stay.

In the evening meal, Mu shallow month by the way to the shopkeeper inquired about the wilderness island.

The waiter saw that Mu Xiaoyue and his party were young, but they had extraordinary temperament and exquisite and gorgeous clothes. As soon as they saw that they were disciples, they were very attentive and said, "we have maps for selling wild islands here, and we also identify which places are safe areas, which places are dangerous areas, which areas have the level of Warcraft, and what kind of demons there are Beast, it's basically very detailed. How about you like one? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!