"No matter what, I must find the lotus seed." Mu Qianyue's black pupil shows his determination to forge ahead.

"I know where there are golden lotus seeds." One side of the fire Xi suddenly said.


"Where?" Almost Xiao xuan'er and Tong Ling asked with one voice. Mu Qianyue also threw a burning light to the fire, and his eyes were burning at him.

"Zhuque City, Shangguan family." Fire Xi lip ~ petal light open, light spit out seven words.

Smell speech, Mu shallow moon Mou son light MI, a trace of you mang from her eyeground quick flash.

"To rosefinch city."

"Master, don't worry. In any case, we will try to get the lotus seeds." Xiao xuan'er snorted coldly.

"Huoxi, you..." Mu Xiaoyue raised her eyes and looked at Huoxi, but before her words came out, she was interrupted by Huoxi. "I'll accompany you. I grew up in Shangguan family since I was a child. Naturally, I know where the lotus seed is. I just don't know if the past few years have passed and whether jinlianzi is still there."

"As long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will not give up." Mu Xiaoyue clenched his fist under his sleeve, and his eyes burst out with a burning and firm light, dazzling like the sun in the sky.

Huo Xi was stunned and couldn't help thinking of the event that he almost died. He heard that in order to save himself, he ran a lot of places. Finally, he went to the Jianqing hall and took a lot of pills. Finally, he got the pill that can bring the dead back to life from the hands of the behemoth hall.

Did the moon at that time show the same look as it does now?

"Huoxi, if you don't want to go back to Zhuque City, just wait for us here. Don't worry, we'll be OK." Mu said that although the golden lotus seed is very precious, she believes that as long as she takes out the absolute benefits, she can still exchange it from the hands of the Shangguan family.

"I just want to go back. Sooner or later, the things that need to be solved will be solved." The eyes of fire Xi evil spirit flashed through the cold dark awn.


Shangguan family is located in Zhuque city of Zhuzhou, opposite to Baihu City, in the south of Huanzhou.

Mu Qianyue and his party soon set out for the city of Zhuque, and after three days of continuous driving day and night, they finally arrived at the city before sunset.

The tall rosefinch City exudes a simple and distant atmosphere, just like a rosefinch flying in the sky and earth.

Huoxi stood under the city wall, looking at the familiar city wall in front of him. His eyes gradually became blurred, and the dust laden memories in his mind came one after another.

"Mo'er, you see, this is Zhuque City, your hometown. The people who live in Zhuque city are all the people of Shangguan family. You have the blood of rosefinch. You may not become a warrior one day! " The woman's clear and beautiful voice echoed in her mind.

Memories gradually clear up, presented in the mind, everything like yesterday, clear into the bone.

Above the city wall, a beautiful woman holding a little boy's hand, standing on the tall Zhuque City, pointing to this magnificent, tall, prosperous and noisy city, said.

When her beautiful face looked at the little boy, she showed the color of loving, doting and drowning.

"My mother, I will try my best to become a warrior!" The little boy clenched his fist firmly.

"Mo'er, your mother wants you to practice hard, not to make you become a warrior, but to let you have the ability to protect yourself. The family of Shangguan is too deep and has no strength. It will be trampled on under your feet! "

"Mo Er understood."

The picture turns, in the backyard of the government, the woman is dragged into the house by a man, she cries.

"Mo'er, go away, Mo'er, don't look..."


"Bang" the door was closed, followed by the sound of torn clothes and silk, as well as the cry of pain of women.

"Dad, Dad, please help your mother! Dad

The answer to him was silence.

Huoxi closed his eyes painfully. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were calm, and there was deliberate hatred and anger. The fierce killing intention was to brew in his eyes, like a storm that would come at any time.

Standing on his side, mu Qianyue and others all felt the sadness, anger, hatred and biting intention of killing from Huoxi.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyes are slightly narrowed. What happens to Huoxi's body when he looks at the person's side, which makes his mood change so complicated, so angry and so hateful?

"Let's go in." Stunned for a moment, Huoxi has recovered the original cold appearance, red hunting flying, flying with the wind out of a sad arc, strode toward the city of rosefinch.

Mu Qianyue and others followed.

Both the ground and the buildings of Zhuque city are paved with green marble.

Dark blue marble, clear, transparent, gives a heavy feeling.

The streets are wide and tidy, and the pedestrians in the city come and go, very lively.

Huo Xi stopped in front of an inn, turned around, looked at several people of Mu Xiaoyue and said, "it's not early tonight. Let's stay here first.""Well, good." Mu Qianyue nods.

After dinner, mu Qianyue and his party wandered around the city. To the east of the huge city was the residence of Shangguan family, which occupied almost the whole area of the East.

The remaining three families in the south, West and North are subordinate forces of the Shangguan family.

The Shangguan family is like an emperor in the city of rosefinch, and other families are assistant ministers.

Moonlight, like water, sprinkles on the whole city of rosefinch, hazy dream, the most beautiful, but this beautiful dream place, in the heart of Huoxi, is full of helplessness and sadness, and hatred.

There are only sad and angry memories left for him. The once beautiful trace disappeared with the fragrance of the woman

The next morning, mu Qianyue and his party went to Shangguan family under the leadership of Huoxi.

"Who dares to enter the government without permission." Two guards at the door roared and stopped mu Qianyue and others.

When Huo Xi's eyes were cold, he did not speak. Instead, he directly took out a jade pendant from the space acceptance ring. On one side, the word "Shangguan" was engraved, and on the other side, the word "ink" was engraved.

When the two saw the jade pendant, there was a trace of sarcasm in their eyes. They did not let go, but laughed at them in a bad tone.

"Who's back? It's the old trash! Ha ha... "

"Well, this waste has not disappeared for two or three years. Why did it come back suddenly?"

"Ha ha, I'm afraid I can't get along with it, so I'm back?"

"Hum! If a trash like this has the face to come back, it's right to die outside! "

Listen to these two people without fear of ridicule, Mu shallow moon's face suddenly cold down, she went straight to the two people's body, all body exudes the extremely cold breath.

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