Mu Qianyue Su gently lifted his jade box and opened it to see a faint golden light reflected from the jade box, followed by a strong fragrance, refreshing.

In the jade box, there lies a lotus seed with light golden light. The rich fragrance is emitted from it.

I didn't expect that the owner of Shangguan's family took the lotus seed with him, but he took the lead to give it to himself.

Since there was no breach of faith, there was no reason for her to break her promise. In a flash, two pills appeared in the heart of the hand, and they were thrown to the head of the upper official family.

The master of Shangguan's family hastily reached out to take it, and felt the power of the medicine. His face could not help showing an excited look.

"Miss mu, Mo'er, you can stay in Shangguan's house for a few days. Five days later is my birthday disgrace. I hope you can stay."

"Mo'er, come back this time and stay a few more days." Shangguan Qingfeng looked at Huoxi's eyes with a trace of expectation and tension.

"If Huoxi stays, we will stay." Mu Qianyue said.

"Well, stay for a few days." Fire Xi's eyes quickly flash through a faint light.

Shangguan Qingfeng was overjoyed when he heard the speech, "the yard you live in is cleaned every day. It's still as clean as you left. Mo'er, you can take your friends to live in the past now. If the room is not enough, you can live in the courtyard of my father."

Huoxi did not speak, but turned and walked away.

Father? It turns out that Shangguan Qingfeng is Huoxi's father, but why does Huoxi see Shangguan Qingfeng with hatred in his eyes? But she saw that Guan Qingfeng seemed to be very fond of Huoxi, so their father son relationship would not be so rigid.

Mu Xiaoyue's face looks rather puzzled and frowns slightly. Then he goes out of the hall with Xiao xuan'er and others.

Huo Xi walked in front of him without saying a word. His red robe radiated lonely light in the morning light, which made people feel pity. This strong, cold and proud man in his appearance was actually fragile in his heart, but he didn't want to open his wound to others, so he made himself cold.

With the footsteps of Huoxi, he came to a different courtyard. It is not like the luxury of other places, but it has a quiet.

Courtyard is not too big, a yard, a pond, a pavilion, a loft, then there is No. There is a plum tree planted in the yard, just because it is summer now, so plum trees are nothing but green.

Under the plum tree is a stone table and four stone benches.

Compared with other courtyards, it is very simple.

Bijian Shangguan family is one of the six blood lineage families in the land of illusory state. It is rich and powerful, just like the emperor who controls the whole land of Zhuzhou.

I saw Huoxi go straight to the plum tree, chin light, slightly raised his head, Leng Leng looking at the plum tree, his whole body exudes a lonely breath.

Mu Qianyue and Xiao xuan'er and others are unable to help but quiet down, quietly standing on one side, without making a noise to disturb him.

After a long time, Huoxi sighed with a trace of sadness, "my mother's favorite is plum blossom, so she tried her best to plant plum trees here. Because of the climate problem in Zhuzhou, there is no winter here, so it is difficult for plum blossom to blossom here."

Mu Qianyue and others are stunned at the smell of speech. Is there no winter in Zhuzhou?

Zhuzhou is very large, including more than a dozen cities, but there is no winter here? Mu Qianyue suddenly thinks of the sea of flowers in the spring all the year round, where hundreds of flowers bloom all year round.

"At that time, my father loved his mother very much. In order to make his mother happy, my father made a special trip to the far north to find the heart of ice and snow. On New Year's Eve, he would use Zhenyuan force to stimulate the cold of the heart of ice and snow, so that the temperature in the hospital would drop. At that time, plum trees would be miraculously civilized, and the wind and snow would be flying all over the sky."

"My mother put on her beloved cloud and feather clothes and danced under the plum blossom tree..."

The cold voice of Huoxi is tinged with a trace of warmth, and the beautiful corners of the lips can not help but gently lift a radian. It seems that you can see the beautiful scene, the warm and happy scene, and the family are happy, warm and sweet.

Through Huoxi's words, mu Qianyue and others seem to have seen such a scene. The beautiful woman dances in the wind, and the red dress hunts and flies, which makes the country charming.

Speaking of this, Huo Xi didn't continue to speak. His body slowly exuded a chill, and his eyes became cold, with bloodthirsty hatred and killing intention.

"Huoxi, don't think about unhappy things. I'm still behind you." Mu shallow month heart a ache, walk forward, comfort way.

Yes, she loves him. Her love for him is beyond the scope of friends, but it is not love, but a kind of heartache like family affection.

"Huoxi, we will stand behind you forever." Chutian Song said.

"And us." Xiao xuan'er and Tong Ling also said in succession.

Huoxi turned back, and a slight smile appeared on his pretty face, "I know, thank you for being here, and I'm glad to have you as a group of friends. But I don't know if you will treat me as a friend when you see the real meThe real him? Mu Qianyue frowns gently. What does this mean?

"The real you? I don't understand. Are you wearing a mask on your face Xiao xuan'er asked with a puzzled face.

"Uncle Huoxi, no matter what you become, you will always be my uncle Huoxi and my favorite uncle Huoxi." Nalan xuelingnuo's soft and sweet voice said, the soft and moist voice instantly melted the cold heart of Huoxi.

"Uncle loves Xiao Ling the most." Huoxi squatted in front of Nalan Xueling and couldn't help rubbing her hair.

"Huoxi, you are not kind. I have a few hairs on my body. You are very clear about them. You are hiding from us. Hum, be lenient if you confess and be strict if you resist." Long Ting hummed.

"Poof! How many hairs on you? Who wants to see it! It's you who like to run naked! " Tong Ling couldn't help teasing and hitting.

"What we care about is you, not your appearance. All gorgeous appearances are nothing but vanity. Whether you are beautiful or ugly, you will always be our fire Mu Qianyue's eyes sincerely gaze at him, and his voice is as firm as ever.

"I'm not wearing a mask, I'm just hiding my eyes." Fire Xi light says, his finger gently turns the Na ring on the finger, next moment, see his eye slightly changed.

Huoxi's eyes were originally the peach blossom eyes with evil charm, but at this moment, this pair of eyes seems to have undergone earth shaking changes.

The eyes are still those eyes, or the same radian, but the light in those eyes is different. As for where it is different, mu Qianyue can't say , the fastest update of the webnovel!