Just now those women who were almost crazy for the fire were controlled, and then they took them down. The scene of the explosion was quiet again.

However, the original grand and lively birthday banquet has been stirred up to the surface. The table and chair have been overturned, and the delicious food and wine have been spilled all over the ground. Now it is a mess.

As the host of the birthday party, Shangguan's house owner is naturally livid. Today is his centenary birthday party. This beast is clearly coming to dismantle his platform!

"I thought he was a kind old man when I saw him a few days ago. I didn't expect that he was so bad! That's a great way to pretend Xiao Xuaner snorted angrily.

"Yes, the Shangguan family are so good at pretending. Ah, no wonder Huo Xi will leave here. It's hard to imagine how Huo Xi lived in such a family full of insidious cunning when he was a child Long Ting's eyes are also full of sadness, for Huoxi's life experience and experience feel sad.

"Mother, can uncle Huoxi handle it alone?" Nalan Xueling asked with a trace of worry in her eyes.

His eyes can be dim

Huoxi has never been an impulsive person. His heart is full of hatred, but he can endure it for such a long time. If there is no absolute assurance, he will not expose his own identity and strength!

Shangguan elder, two elder, three elder, four elder and so on forced to go toward Huoxi, surrounded him, including Shangguan lengyi and shangguanqiong.

"Shangguan Mo, today is your death date!" Shangguanqiong sneered and said that if it was not for his own elixir field, it would not be damaged and would not affect future cultivation. Therefore, he was full of resentment against Huoxi!

"Shangguan Mo, put your hands on it and hand over the eyes of the rosefinch. Maybe I can spare your life for the sake of my family, and only waste your true yuan power." In the eyes of a senior official, the greedy light of Shangyi is shining.

Huoxi stood still, and did not show a trace of fear because of their approaching. He gently drew a sarcastic sneer at the corner of his lips, "if you want my life, if you want the eyes of rosefinch, you have to see if you have that ability!"

"Don't look into his eyes when you are fighting!" Shangguan elder said.

"Elder, I'm enough for him! You can just watch Shangguan is cold and easy to rub his hands, and his knuckles are rubbed to "creak".

Shangguan elder and others are satisfied with retreating to one side. Lengyi is the fourth level martial arts master. It is enough to deal with Shangguan Mo!

The crowd immediately backed away to make room for a field.

"Shangguan Mo, you should never come to the Shangguan family, let alone seduce the public! Evil spirits are not allowed by people in the world! " Shangguan lengyi's eyes are full of irony, just a monster.

"Is it?" Huoxi sneered and kneaded the formula with both hands. The momentum of the whole body radiated out. It's a holy warrior!

The Shangguan lengyi didn't care about it. "It's just a level one martial arts person. How dare you be arrogant? I'll make you regret coming here later! However, your strength has increased rapidly. Without the support of Shangguan family and powerful cultivation resources, you can still grow up to the realm of holy warrior. I am really surprised! "

In words, his whole body momentum also radiated out, powerful and incomparable, far more than the fire Xi on many.

Shangguan's family owner and the elder of Shangguan's family showed satisfied smiles on their faces. It was believed that lengyi could defeat Shangguan mo before long.

But in the crowd, Shangguan Qingfeng's face was filled with disdain. His eyes fell on Huoxi's body, but he did not show the color of worry. His eyes turned to hatred and anger, and a trace of madness when he looked at Shangguan's family owner and the elder Shangguan elder. Let's let Shangguan's family fall down today! The best thing in the world is to disappear completely!

Wu'er, after 15 years, I can finally avenge you. Our Mo'er has become a holy warrior. I believe he can become a warrior.

Dance son, you wait for me, I will come to accompany you soon, then we can reunite again!

Dance son, have you been alone for a long time? Don't be afraid, with me, this time I will always be with you, will not leave you, will not let you get a trace of harm

Shangguan Qingfeng closed his eyes painfully. When he opened it again, his eyes were calm. There was nothing more than hatred and ferocity.

"Look at the power of my rosefinch blood!" Shangguan angrily yelled, his palm shook, and he took out a long sword. It was a high-level spirit tool. Zhenyuanli was surging towards the long sword in his hand. The sword rose against the storm and rose to more than ten Zhang. It was like a huge natural moat, lying in the sky!

All of a sudden, Shangguan lengyi's face showed a startled look, and he cried out in horror, "how can this happen? How could this happen? What about my real strength

This sudden change makes Shangguan's home owners and others are stunned, with a puzzled look on their faces. What's the matter? What's going on? How can lengyi's face show a look of panic, isn't it not started to fight? Even if the battle started, the fear should be Shangguan Mo!"What about my true power? How could my true force suddenly disappear! How could it be so! " Shangguan shouts out in disbelief. His face is full of fear and bewilderment. Because of the disappearance of Zhenyuan power, the moves he has just brewed will disappear automatically.

"Zhenyuan force disappeared? How can it be! " The elder of Shangguan moved, and quickly flew to Shangguan lengyi's side. He reached for his wrist, put his finger on his pulse, and explored the situation in his body. Only then did he find that the real yuan force in his body had suddenly disappeared!

"Elder, what is the matter?" The head of Shangguan's family asked anxiously.

"The real element force in lengyi's body suddenly disappeared without any reason." The elder of Shangguan said solemnly and incomparably.

While mu Qianyue in the crowd frowned slightly. She smelled the powder that could make zhenyuanli disappear temporarily, but it was a little different from that of Yiyuan powder. In short, it had the same effect.

Tong Ling is also playing with poison, so this is no stranger. Ordinary people can hardly feel it, but the sense organs of poison playing masters are very keen.

"It's not only him, but also you. You've all been hit by my latest Huayuan pill, which can devour the true yuan force in your body bit by bit, and you can't even notice it." Suddenly, a figure came out of the crowd. He looked up at the head of Shangguan's family and the elder of Shangguan. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred.

"Shangguan Qingfeng! You did it? " Shangguan's face sank.

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