When the woman saw that her success ignited the anger in the man's heart, she could not help showing a smile that she had succeeded in treachery. She and Mingmo had known each other for six years and had fallen in love with each other for six years? If it was not for her appearance, she would be the wife of Nangong Mingmo! Not a wife!

Although Mingmo promised her the position of wife, but this is not what she can tolerate!

Her expected wedding is that Mingmo only takes her as his wife, and her ten li red makeup rings through the whole Linglong city. On the day of her marriage, Mingmo will marry another woman as his wife!

As long as the thought of that night in the bridal chamber, Mingmo would go to make a little fuss with the boy, her heart would be filled with anger and jealousy!

Only oneself is worthy to be the wife of Ming Mo, that woman does not think! Don't even think about bringing up a child for a stranger. Only yourself is qualified! After marrying Mingmo, she must be pregnant with her child as soon as possible! Moreover, she must not let Tong Xiaoxiao be pregnant with a mysterious stranger. Otherwise, a child born with a child's small cold and exquisite body will surely have excellent talent, and will certainly rob his own child of all the scenery and love at that time!

Nangong Mingmo doesn't see the calculation in Tong Xiaoxiao's eyes. He reaches out and caresses the woman's face. His eyes are filled with a gentle smile. "My heart, you are always so kind. Don't worry. Even if I marry Xiaoxiao, I will never fail you in my life."

"Mingmo, I want to go to Linglong pavilion to have a look at it later." An Lan Xin said.

"To see what she does?" Nangong Mingmo's eyes are cold.

"I heard that Xiaoxiao is discontented and depressed because she has been banned. I am worried about her, so I want to go to see her. After all, she and I are sisters and will serve you together. Naturally, we will get along peacefully." An Lan Xin's face showed a gentle, clever and generous smile.

"Well, whatever you want. I won't go, so as not to see her headache, but she has a bad temper. Be careful yourself Nangong Mingmo snorted coldly.

Linglong pavilion? On the eaves of the house, Mu Xiaoyue frowns shallowly, and so on secretly follows behind this woman.

All of a sudden, the Nangong Mingmo's face sank and he was angry.


The voice has not completely dropped, Nangong Mingmo body suddenly swept up, jumped out of the window, swept up the eaves.

Mu Xiaoyue's face changed greatly. She quickly moved and flashed into the space of Tongtian tower. Closely followed by Nangong Mingmo, he stood on the eaves. His brow was tight and he looked around. Under the dim moonlight, there was no shadow around him.

A bird fluttered away from the eaves.

Then Nangong Mingmo returned to the house.

"Ming Mo, what's the matter?" Anlanxin has already put on her clothes, and her slightly flushed face shows a touch of worry.

"It's OK. It's a bird." Nangong Mingmo faintly replied that he had felt someone just now, but after he went up, he didn't see anyone. Is it really that he felt wrong? After all, with his own strength, no one can escape from under his nose.

What's more, this is the inner courtyard of Nangong mansion, and no one dares to peep at himself here!

It seems that I've been a little too thoughtful.

In the space of Tongtian tower, mu Qianyue breathed a sigh of relief and was almost found! Fortunately, she entered the space of Tongtian tower, otherwise, it would be really troublesome.

Mu Rufeng listened to all the words that Nangong Mingmo said just now. At the moment, his face was gloomy, and his fingers under his sleeve were clucking. Nangong Mingmo actually only used the small as a tool to have children!

Xiao xuan'er's face is also a little ugly, and her beautiful face shows resentment and injustice, "this Nangong Mingmo is really mean! No shame

"Xuan'er, wait until you go and follow the woman named xiner secretly to see where Xiaoxiao lives, and then draw up a topographic map of Nangong mansion for me." Mu shallow moon coagulates eyebrow to think for a moment, look to Xiao Xuan Er to say.

"Xiao xuan'er nods, master, you can rest assured that I have completely completed the task!" Xiao xuan'er has a smile on her face. Her body is like a snake with half a finger. She flutters red wings. She looks like a bloody butterfly from a distance.

Then she went out of the space of Tongtian tower. At this time, an Lanxin dressed neatly went out of the Mo garden, so Xiao xuan'er flew far behind her. An Lan Xin doesn't know the existence of Xiao xuan'er, and even if she does, she won't put it in her heart. It's just a butterfly. Who cares?

"Big brother, on the day of Nangong Mingmo's wedding ceremony, you sneak into Linglong garden and leave with a little bit. I'll cover the empress." Mu said.

"No! You take little away, I'll break the back. " Mu Rufeng said firmly, how can he put the moon in danger?

"Elder brother, I'm a herbalist Dan. It's very easy for me to do something. Besides, I have the tower of heaven. As long as I hide in the space of the tower, no one can find me." Mu Qianyue said, it's a pity that she can't control the flight of Tongtian tower now.

It seems that she needs to open the ninth layer of Tongtian tower so that she can hold the tower completely, fly in the sky and hide her body.If she can completely master the tower now, she won't have to be so troublesome. As long as she secretly finds a small one in the tower, and then takes her away, she will never know.

It's a pity that we haven't got the strength.

"The most important thing is that you are the one I like. Besides, you hurt her heart. I told her to leave. She won't go with me, so you have to go." Mu shallow month pauses to continue to say.

Mu Rufeng thought again and again, nodded, "good."

After confirming that Nangong Mingmo left the Moyuan, mu Qianyue quickly emerged from the space of Tongtian tower, quickly left the area and returned to the alchemy room.

Next to the alchemy room is a rest room, which is fairly well arranged. The bedding is brand-new, which is obviously new for the Chamberlain.

Mu Rufeng and others still stay in the space of Tongtian tower, and mu Qianyue lies on the soft couch in the rest room.


Xiao xuan'er walked quietly behind an Lan Xin for a long time and came to a courtyard.

At the gate of the yard, there are four guards watching. They see an Lanxin come over and stop it. After an Lanxin shows a token, he enters Linglong Pavilion smoothly.

The courtyard is very large, luxurious and luxurious, with glazed tiles and attics. In the center is Chi Yong, which is in full bloom with beautiful and elegant lotus. In the light blue moonlight, it is more elegant and noble.

An Lanxin walks in the Linglong pavilion with envy in her eyes. It's said that Linglong Pavilion is the best palace Pavilion in Nangong family. Since the past dynasties, only the woman with the highest purity of cold and exquisite body can move in!

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