So the whole Linglong overturned the sky and had no relationship with her for half a dime!

If you can't find it in Linglong City, an Jia immediately sends someone out of the city to look for it. All the way, according to the route to the White Tiger City, almost all of them are close to catching up with the White Tiger City. However, there is still no shadow of Mu Qianyue.

An Mu Yi can't help but doubt that mu Qianyue had already come out and would have sent someone to chase him, so he didn't go to white tiger city? Starting from Linglong, in all directions, extending in all directions, so anmuyi doesn't know where mu Qianyue's three people have gone!

This anmuyi is extremely irritable and angry, but there is no way!

Even anmuyi suspected that mu Qianyue had never left Linglong City, so all the gates and exits of Linglong city were guarded by guards. After three or four days of investigation, there was still no news. Anmuyi had to accept the fact that mu Qianyue had already escaped from Linglong city!

In fact, mu Qianyue almost regarded the green building as his own home in the past three days. He gave the pimp gold coins and directly contracted a room. No one was allowed to disturb him.

If you eat, sleep and eat in it, don't be too comfortable. When you are free, you can enter the space of Tongtian tower and boast and chat with each other when you are small, big brother and Huoxi.

Xiao xuan'er and long Ting's words are transformed into small animals. They wander around Linglong city to inquire about the situation. By the way, they visit An'an mansion, and then come back to report to muqianyue.

Xiao xuan'er tells about the situation of an's residence. After hearing that the owner of the house and other people have to eat and sleep in these days, and they are suffering from a living gas sickness, Tongling and others show a sneer on their faces. "They want to imprison their master and ask Master to make them alchemy. It's fantastic!"

"I think the punishment for robbing an's house and burning it down is a little lighter. It's better to destroy them all." Long Ting said indignantly.

When Chu Tiange and Xiao xuan'er burned An'an mansion and sprinkled poison, Chu Tiange, Huoxi and mu Rufeng changed their faces and became the three dead martial elders. They directly entered the herbal medicine storehouse, the treasure house and the library, and looted them all! And then put on a fire!

They will not be stupid enough to burn the skills and skills in the library. As a big family of Linglong City, although it is not as powerful as the Ling family and the Su family, it is not bad. The books in it must be extremely rich, and it is the best to take them all away.

After the disaster, the family lost a lot of strong people and disciples, and because of the theft of the herbal medicine storehouse, treasure house and library Pavilion, the financial and strength of the family now plummeted! It's in the middle of Linglong city. Fortunately, anmuyi, helianze, the owner of the house, the elder and others have their own space to accept the precepts, and some savings are also stored in them. Otherwise, the settlement will surely decline this time!

This change is lamentable, and people are wondering whether settling down offends anyone and suddenly suffers this disaster?

Knowing that there is no one to settle down at the gate of Linglong City, mu Qianyue swaggered out of Linglong city and returned to white tiger city smoothly.

Everything in white tiger city is as prosperous as muqianyue left. The development of Jingyue chamber of commerce is also in full swing. All kinds of pills are in short supply, and the daily advance is very hot.

Tian Shuo and Mu Xueying are very happy to see mu Qianyue's return. When they see the large amount of wealth in Mu's space, as well as the original skills and skills, they can't help but show a strange look in their eyes, "xiaoyueyue, where did these things come from? Did you rob again

"Poof!" Mu shallow month drinks a mouthful of tea in the mouth, can't help but spurt out completely, look up Mou eye, squint at him, "what do you mean, do I just rob?"

"Well OK, did you pick it up after you left the dog? I don't believe that you can pick up so many treasures all at once, as well as so many skills. " Tian Shuo was obviously incredulous.

Mu snow cherry also Ning eyebrows to look at Mu shallow moon.

"Well, I did Mu shallow month smoked the corner of the mouth, is the frequency that oneself rob too much?

"Is it settling down?" Mu Xueying asked, what happened in the past few days has almost spread all over the land of unreal state, and there are also some rumors in the White Tiger City, so it's not surprising that Mu Xueying and others know about it. Moreover, there is a poverty and a snake in the wild.

Besides Chu Tian song and Xiao xuan'er, who else?

"Yes." Mu Qianyue nods.

Xiao xuan'er on one side can't help adding fuel to the matter. Tian Shuo and Mu Xueying smell the words, and their faces are filled with angry killing intention.

"What a home, how dare you want to imprison my master! Grass, I will kill them now Tian Shuo's blue eyes twinkled with cold luster, and they were obviously angry about it. It was none of his business for them to calculate what they loved, but they should never put their ideas on the master of Tianshuo.

"Hum! There is no need to settle down! " The murderous spirit surging in Mu Xue Ying's silver eyes is obviously not light.

"It's a pity that dad is not here. Otherwise, my father and uncle Tian Shuo will make a move, and the house will be absolutely dead." Nalan Xueling powder ~ Nen's face is also full of murderous spirit. An Jia still wants to kill his uncle and future aunt. It's really hateful!"You don't have to interfere in this matter. I'll settle it myself." Mu Qianyue's eyes are cold, and her delicate eyebrows are sharp and picturesque. Her face, which was originally extremely beautiful and flying, contains the power to subvert everything in the world.

Chu Tiange was silent and asked, "is it because of the woman named Ling Kerui?"

"Entrusted by others, loyal to others. Since I promised her that I would avenge her, I would kill them with my own strength. " Mu Qianyue's insipid voice contains terrible strength and determination.

"Well, we respect your choice. But now, no matter the strength or financial strength of settling down, you will lose a lot. I believe xiaoyueyue will get revenge soon. " Tian Shuo chuckles.

"Yes." At least, if you want to get revenge, you have to reach the level of revenge. Although there are no divine warriors in the settlement, there are still dozens of high-level holy warriors.

"Big brother, little, when are you two going to get married?" Suddenly, Mu shallow month turns head to look at the man and woman beside, ask a way.

"Ah?" Child small a Leng, ear root not from a red, shyly lowered his head, although she had countless fantasy to marry mu Rufeng, but she did not expect this day will come so quickly, so suddenly! It's too fast for her to prepare!

"I'll go back to tianwu to tell my grandfather the good news, and then let him accompany me to Shuizhou city to propose marriage." Mu Rufeng hugs Tong Xiaoxiao with a happy smile on his face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!