"Well, it's OK, but you'd better clean it first." Mu Qianyue nods.

"Well, I'll go." Nangong Laozu quickly jumped up on the bed, ready to wash his body. His movements were quick and powerful. He was not an old man at all, but like a young man.

Ye Hanqing opens her mouth in surprise. The master's medical skills are getting more and more powerful. I still remember that Nangong Laozu had to be supported when he came in, as if he was going to fall down at any time. After only half an hour, he suddenly became lively and disorderly.

Not only he, but also the Nangong master and the second elder of Nangong opened their mouths in amazement.

The Nangong master wanted to get out of bed, but his feet were just on the ground. He almost fell on the ground. Fortunately, he was quick to help the edge of the bed. He was pale and sweating. Looking up at mu Qianyue, he asked weakly, "Miss mu, are we going to die? Can you give me one of those pills, too

"Don't worry. You can't die." Mu shallow month disdains to turn a white eye, still want to blood vessel Dan? Well, no matter how much they pay, she won't sell it.

The remaining Yinglong blood and keel are not much, it is estimated that dozens of them can be refined.

She decided to give out a blood pill every half a year to let the public scramble for the rest. Naturally, the rest is to cultivate her own power.

Nangong Laozu took a bath and changed his clean clothes. The whole person looked like he was dozens of years younger in an instant.

"Ha ha, Miss mu, your medical skills are so good that you can't even call it a miracle doctor. If you have a great grace for me, you can come to me if you have difficulties in the future. My Nangong family will definitely die!" Nangong Laozu said.

"Good." Mu Xiaoyue nodded, and her eyes quickly flashed a touch of essence. It was also good to win over people's hearts. At least in the future, there would be more backing and less enemy in the land of fantasy state.

"Why? What's the matter with the two of you? How listless Nangong Laozu looked at the Nangong master and Nangong two elders.

The master of Nangong turned his eyes angrily. "Dad, I've given half of my blood to you. Do you think I can do well now?"

Nangong two elder is also a look of depression.

"Er..." Nangong Laozu looks embarrassed and smiles.

"Miss mu, I don't want to pay homage to a small gift. I hope you can accept it." Nangong Laozu took out six large boxes. One box was filled with gold coins, one box was filled with all kinds of pearls and jades, one was filled with all kinds of precious goods, such as silk and silk, one was filled with precious medicinal materials, and the remaining two boxes contained various minerals, including Millennium black iron.

"Then I'm not polite." After all, mu Qianyue ordered people to carry these things down. After all, she did not save people for free, and some of the herbs she did not have could be used in the future.

There are also materials for refining utensils. It happens that the materials for refining utensils are almost used up. Nangong Laozu sent two boxes of them here, which is considered as paying for the work.

On that night, Nangong Laozu and others stayed in renjingyue chamber of Commerce. The Nangong family leader and Nangong two elders had to pay a lot of blood tonics because they lost too much blood, so they paid to buy a lot of blood tonics, and asked the maid of Jingyue chamber of Commerce to give them blunt food.

Mu shallow moon did not obstruct, agreed.

But every time they finish eating, they all have to run to the toilet size, almost a dozen times a day, the whole person is nearly collapsed, not only the blood is not filled, but also thin, they are suddenly depressed.

"Lord Ye, what is the matter with us? Did you also get that blood germ infection? " Nangong's master was sad and worried.

The second elder of Nangong is no better. He looks very ugly.

"You're just losing too much blood. You can't die because you can't be compensated." Ye Hanqing, with a cold look, throws down a word, turns to leave, leaving Nangong's two masters in the wind depressed, depressed

Bully the headmaster and want him to have a good face? Hum! Stick my cold fart directly!

On the night before the Nangong family leader and others left, the Nangong master and the second elder of Nangong were attacked inexplicably when they were visiting the White Tiger City. Their already weak body was severely damaged and had to lie in bed for ten days again.

Because the big brother's wedding is coming, mu Qianyue has to rush back to help prepare for the wedding and decorate the new house. After all, it is the most important day for the eldest brother to get married, so mu wants to make it beautiful.

Once again, he returned to tianwu and took charge of distributing the invitation. Xia Yibo, the dean of Qingfeng college in Qingfeng City, the master of Xu family, yunzong, Jianqing hall, qianliu Pavilion, etc., also sent the invitation.

On the way back, when Mu Qian was menstruating through a small town, he suddenly stopped walking, and his eyes fell on the thin and thin figure in front of him. The woman was wearing a plain blue dress with her hair in a bun.

Although the white face was not painted, it still could not cover her beautiful and beautiful appearance.

In her hand, she was holding a little baby carved with powder and jade. She was learning to walk slowly. Step by step, her bright eyes like crystal showed a naive, lovely, pure and beautiful smile, "cluck, cluck Mother "I love you..."Young voice is very astringent, obviously the little guy just learned to speak.

"Hee hee, baby, that's great." The woman said with a smile that he could not help kissing on his face. The woman's eyes and face were full of brilliant maternal love.

It seems to feel that Youdao's eyes are staring at herself. The woman looks up and looks at the figure in a silver purple dress on the opposite side. Her eyes quickly flash a touch of surprise and amazement, "shallow moon?"

"Yunshang, I didn't expect that your baby is so big. Time flies." Mu Xiaoyue stepped forward with a smile and couldn't help reaching out to hold the little guy's soft hand. Suddenly, his mother's love was overflowing in his heart. While teasing him, he asked at the same time, "how old is it?"

"Just one year old." Yunshang's face was slightly red, and she answered shyly, but when she looked at the little guy, the love and love in her eyes could almost squeeze out water.

"Have you got a name?" Asked asamo.

Cloud Chang shook his head, "the name hasn't been taken, the nickname is bao'er."

Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a clear color, Yunchang's heart must be hoping that one day Baoer could return to his father's side and crown Nalan's surname.

Since they came out of the ancient land, yunshang and nalanye have been entangled for one night to give birth to this little life. But up to now, nalanye still doesn't know who is the woman who has been married with him for one night, let alone know that there is his blood and his continuation in the world.

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