So she never stopped, nor would she compete with him for divination, because if he was not there, she would follow him!

Mrs. Feng accepted two blood pills and four GUSHENG beauty pills given by mu Qianyue. The reward should be collected. Last time in Jingyue chamber of Commerce, only one blood pill was snatched. Now there are two. It happens to be one for Xuanyi and one for Yuer. It doesn't matter. There is also GUSHENG Meiyan pill, which can increase Xuanyi's life by 100 years, so that he will not be afraid of getting old quickly.

"Husband, take this blood pill before divination." Mrs. Feng took out a blood pill and handed it to him.

Feng Xuanyi pushed it aside. "My strength is higher than you. I'm already an eight level warrior. I'm more suitable for you to take. The other is for rain. "

"It doesn't matter if I want to. You have more divination times than I do. The hair on both sides of your temples is a lot white, so this blood vessel pill is the most suitable one for you to take. If you can become a warrior, you won't have to worry about losing some life in the future. " There was a trace of heartache in Mrs. Feng's eyes, especially in this period of time when he divined the affairs of the devil and predicted the reincarnation of qingnu and Yandi for three times, which cost him a lot of life, as if he was a teenager.

"When you get older, your hair will turn white. What's so strange? The most important thing is that you will always be young and beautiful, madam." Feng Xuanyi, with a gentle smile, clenched her hand.

"Mom and Dad, I don't want this blood pill. Here you are. I'm still young now. I believe I can become a warrior in the future." Feng Lingyu said with firm eyes.

Looking at a family of three people with deep feelings, mu Qianyue's eyes are filled with warmth. After so many years of marriage between Feng's master and Mrs. Feng, the relationship between the two is still so good, just like a newly married couple. It's really enviable.

Nalanjing put her arm around her waist and put it in her ear. Her lips opened gently. "Lady, don't envy them. We can do it."

Mu shallow moon lip Cape shallow Yang, "en."

Such a ten-year love, really enviable, although flat light, quiet, but the happiest.

"You don't have to give in to each other. I have some blood vessel pills." Mu Qianyue took out a blood pill from the space and handed it to Mrs. Feng. "You have helped me so much, and my husband and I have gained a lot in the star field. I haven't thank you yet. If you don't have a lot of pills, even if you don't have a lot of other pills. If you need to refine any pills one day, you can also come to me. As long as I can refine them, there is no difference. "

If others treat her well, she will be very good.

Sincerity is mutual, can not blindly take, and do not pay, that will become insatiable greed, another person disgusted.

What's more, there will be rewards if you pay.

Feng family master did not refuse, ha ha said with a smile, "good, Mu girl is really cool."

"Wow, that's great! After that, if I am short of pills, can I go to Jingyue chamber of Commerce to get them? Sister, don't cry then Fenglingyu laughed happily and narrowed her big beautiful eyes, like a pair of crescent.

"Of course not." Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

Later, Muqian reported the birth date of her parents in eight characters. Fortunately, she had the ability to remember from the genealogy before.

The Phoenix master took out a black life plate, and mu Qianyue dropped a drop of blood essence on it. Then the Phoenix master began to play with the chart, and his face became more and more white and ugly. In Mu Qianyue's tense eyes and Madame Feng's worried eyes, Feng Xuanyi finally stops fiddling with the chart.

He raised his head, wiped the sweat on his face, looked at Xiangmu Qianyue and said, "according to the speculation, your parents are not in this continent. I can't feel their breath here."

Mu shallow month facial expression sinks, "what does this mean?"

"Is your father and mother's soul jade pendant still there?" Feng Xuan Yi relaxed and asked in a slow voice.

"Well, it's still there. It's not broken." Mu shallow moon answers a way.

"So it seems that your parents may have gone to another space, so I can't feel their presence here." Feng Xuanyi said his last guess. For decades, his divination had never been wrong. The only thing that could be proved was that they were in another space.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned tightly, and she had suspected it before. After all, although the land of magic state was large, the contradiction between herself and the Mu family in Qingzhou and her own reputation were publicized. In particular, the story of blood vessel pill was known to all that there was a master of pills named mu Qianyue.

However, no one has ever come to look for himself.

So she also doubted whether her parents were in the magic land.

"Thank you." Since parents are not here, which space will it be? Can it be the Xuantian realm mentioned by the white tiger spirit?

If you want Xuantian world, I'm afraid the strength you need will be higher!

Then she will first enhance her strength, solve those enemies in the land of magic state, and then go to find her parents! How can we let go of those enemies who have separated their family for more than ten years?And the woman with the water chestnut shaped mark on her eyebrows is the biggest enemy!

She seems to be a person of the Empire of Yan and Huang, and her status is not low. It seems that she needs to make a good preparation.

Nalanjing saw the solemnity in her eyes, she could not help but clench her hand. "Madam, come back to the heartless hall with me after a while. Let's expand our ruthless strength. My power is your power. We are a whole."

"But it's not enough to have a heartless hall. For nearly ten thousand years since the establishment of the Yanhuang Empire, the hall of heartlessness can not be shaken at all. Therefore, I have to develop other strengths. I plan to build a holy medical gate here, and use the influence of pills to influence the mainland. By the way, we can recruit some powerful people and also spread the imperial flag gate here Let's have a look. The staff will be selected from the imperial flag gate for the time being. "

"Yes." Nalanjing nodded with approval.

With this plan in her heart, mu Qianyue is ready to start implementing it after she leaves Feng's house. Well, if she has time, she will go to see the heartless hall. After all, it is the force created by Jing himself.

As for the nether temple in tianwu, there are no living people in it. They are all soul eaters from hell.

"Miss mu, in half a year, a clan competition will be held in Qinglong city of the Mu family in Qingzhou. All family forces in the mainland of Huanzhou can participate. If your forces have enough strength, they can also go to participate, and the rewards are very rich. " Said Mrs. Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!