"Old lady, I said you were stupid or stupid. Isn't it good for ling'er to become jing'er's wife? Don't you see the scenery every day when you get to Ye Hou? You don't have to talk all day. What's more, linger is beautiful and gifted, so it's enough to go with the scenery. " Su looked at her with some displeasure.

"Marriage is about your love and my wish. If you force Jinger so hard, linger will be happy? Jing'er doesn't like her at all. If jing'er really likes ling'er, you don't need to say that. He will naturally marry linger. " Mrs. Su felt that she and he were not in the same world at all. She couldn't make any sense.

"What do you like and what I wish? Since ancient times, parents' orders and matchmaker's words have been paid attention to in marriage since ancient times. Since jing'er's parents are dead and there is no elder on his father's side, I, as a grandfather, will naturally make decisions for him." The Sultan City snorted coldly, and even felt that it was a normal thing, and it was also the honor of nalanjing. "Besides, emotional things can be cultivated. They have no feelings now, which does not mean that they will not have feelings in the future. I believe that jing'er and ling'er have been together for a long time, they will naturally find that ling'er is good."

One side of the Mu shallow month smell speech, eyes can not help but be infected with a touch of irony, really do not know where he is from the self-confidence.

Naranjing purple eyes in the dark flash, they also want to make the decision for their own marriage? Oh, it's really a joke. If it wasn't for grandma's sake, he wouldn't come to the Su mansion.

In his heart, they are only a stranger who is slightly familiar with. They are too thick skinned to make decisions on their own marriage in vain. It is ridiculous.

In addition to themselves, no one wants to make their own decisions, let alone let themselves leave the moon, marry what Su Mengling, do not want to think.

Mrs. Su knew that she couldn't relate to such people, and she didn't want to. She looked up at him and said, "you don't have to talk about things here. Jing'er already has a wife. Besides, jing'er has vowed that there will only be Yueer in this life. So I respect Jinger's choice. " Said Mrs. su.

"Then let ling'er marry jing'er's flat wife. It's normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines." Said Sultan city.

Mrs. Su's eyes contained a trace of coldness. "I can't do this. I have to see what jing'er means. If jing'er doesn't want to, no one can force him."

"Jing'er, you two are in Su's house these days. You'll leave after you've done your marriage with ling'er." The Sultan city said with pride, as if it was a happy thing to marry Su Mengling. It seemed that nalanjing would agree.

Su Mengling was overjoyed when she heard the speech. She couldn't help showing a trace of joy on her beautiful face. She secretly raised her eyes and saw a scene of Nalan scenery. Would she really marry Jing soon?

Although she is Ping's wife, she believes that as long as she becomes Jing's wife, she will soon be able to take Jing back to her side. Jing can only belong to her!

After that, she can find a chance to deal with mu.

Na Lan Jing's purple eyes quickly flashed a look of contempt, "why should I marry her? Did I say Sue would marry her? Don't think that you are my grandfather, you can control my thoughts and decide my life. If I don't think about the people I marry, no one can force me

The man's cold and heartless voice fell like ice and snow, without a trace of emotion. In an instant, Su Mengling's whole face full of joy became extremely pale, bloodless and extremely ugly.

Her teeth were biting her lips, and her eyes were full of humiliation and jealousy.

The words of Sultan city and the look on Su Mengling's face make Mu Xiaoyue feel a little funny. No wonder Su Mengling has always been in love with Jing. It turns out that the reason is that there are such grandfathers and fathers. Can't you be self righteous?

Su Mengling was very jealous in her heart, especially when she saw the ironic smile on Mu's face, she almost collapsed and almost couldn't help rushing forward. If Jing and grandma were not here, she really wanted to kill mu Qianyue immediately! The fox spirit who can only seduce the scenery!

Nalanjing doesn't care about the expression on their faces and what they think in their hearts. What should be said has been said clearly. He will never marry Su Mengling!

He turned his head and looked at the woman on his side. His cold eyes slowly softened and turned into a little tenderness. "I knew I would not bring you to the Su mansion, and you have been wronged. Lady, let's get out of here now. "

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm ok. I think they are air. Grandma is very kind to me, and I still have a lot to say with grandma. I want to stay here with grandma for a little longer. "

When Mrs. Su heard the speech, her eyes twinkled with excitement and joy. She thought that Mu Xiaoyue would be angry and would leave with Jing. Unexpectedly, she was worried about her old lady's mood. She couldn't help laughing and said, "good, good, Yueer, Jinger, you two can stay at ease."

After that, she raised her head and looked sullently at the city of Sudan and sutanghua. Her eyes were almost filled with anger. "Sultan City, don't let me look down on you! According to the status of our Su family, what kind of man should ling'er marry? Why do we have to have Jinger? The descendants of the six blood lineage families are all gifted, gifted and handsome, as well as those from the eight physical families. If these things spread out, are you not afraid that others will laugh at our Su family? When the time comes, I'll see your old face, where to put it! "The face of Sultan city has changed. After careful consideration, it is true that the lineage descendants of the six blood lineages and the eight physique families are all good. It is said that mu rutian of the Mu family has reached the perfect level of blood. If ling'er can marry any one of the six blood lineages, his Su family will have a different blood!

As for why linger had to marry jing'er before, it was because he was bewitched by Su Mengling.

"Ling'er, you see, what your grandmother said is also good. Although jing'er is excellent, there are not a few men who are better than jing'er. Besides, jing'er doesn't like you at all. If you have to be with him, you won't be happy. My grandfather will help you to find the best one among the six blood lineages?" Sultan city turned to look at Su Mengling, and said with some caution.

Su Tanghua could not help but compromise. Even his father said so, he had no way. Naturally, he knew that ling'er was infatuated with the scenery, but he was interested in falling flowers and was merciless!

Even though he was unwilling to do so again, Su Tanghua had no way out at the moment. "Yes, ling'er, Mu Ru Tian, Shangguan lengyi, Bai Chen and Feng Lingyun are said to be very good."

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