"You think too much, this is xuanming water. It's true, but it's not from Jiuyou hell. You think, this space was created by Mo Mo at the beginning. Although Feng family members helped at that time, with their strength, they could not attract xuanming water in Jiuyou hell. Maybe it was just a coincidence that they discovered the water of xuanming and then introduced it into the secret place of stars Tian Shuo explained.

After hearing the speech, mu Qianyue thought about it carefully, and he really felt that it was reasonable. No one knew where the hell of Jiuyou was and how strong they were. It was extremely difficult to attract xuanming water from Jiuyou hell.

"What are you thinking about? Do you want to go Tian Shuo asked nervously.

"What's the hurry? Are you sure your body and my body can bear xuanming water? Even if I can, I'm afraid my body will be hurt. I wonder, can we introduce these mysterious waters into the space of the tower? " Mu Qianyue's eyebrows are frozen and the cableway is missing.

"Shit! Do you want the xuanming water to be introduced into the space of Tongtian tower to freeze me to death? " Exclaimed Tian Shuo.

Mu shallow moon white his one eye, "anyway, you don't stay in Tongtian tower."

"Xiaoyueyue, don't be so ruthless, OK? Although I don't often stay in Tongtian tower, it's my body. I'm afraid I can't eat it if I have to carry so much xuanming water all at once. " Tian Shuo looks at her pitifully.

"You are an ancient artifact. How can you be so worthless? Don't worry. I'm just bringing in a little bit of xuanming water. Maybe I can use it later. You know, I won't have a chance to come in again after I go out this time. " Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a sly color, and then he moved into the space of Tongtian tower. He found a vacant space and began to dig a pit.

As a holy warrior, it is very easy to dig a big hole. It took about an hour to dig the soil with the miesheng sword. Finally, a large pit with a length of two meters, width and height was dug out.

With the enhancement of her strength, the space of Tongtian tower has gradually become larger. The surrounding space is a chaotic Hongmeng. The visible place has reached a distance of kilometer. In the center, there is a nine storey tower.

And this big hole was dug next to the tower.

Then Muqian moon came out of the space of Tongtian tower, and led part of xuanming water into the big hole dug in the space.

"Well, we can start now." In the dark, mu Qianyue's face showed a trace of rare dignified color, "sky Shuo, you enter the space, although my strength is not as high as you, but I have practiced Taiji nine changes, the body's firmness has reached seven, so for these dark water, I can still hold for a short time."

"Be careful yourself." Tian Shuo doesn't insist on it either. He thinks for a while, nods his head, moves his body, and penetrates into the space of Tongtian tower.

After all, after passing through the pool of xuanming water, it is a black stone gate. As for what is behind the stone gate, mu Qianyue and Tian Shuo do not know. It may be a miracle, but it may also be an unknown danger. Therefore, Tianshuo must preserve its strength and protect xiaoyueyue's safety.

After experiencing the water pool of xuanming water, mu Qianyue was more or less injured and her strength was greatly reduced. This is another reason why Tianshuo entered the Tongtian tower.

When the blood dragon moves to the blue moon pool, it will be ready for the seventh time.

As soon as mu Qianyue stepped on the water, his body was not free to sink. Sure enough, the xuanming water, like the legendary one, could overturn everything.

The cold and piercing water covered her head, bringing a tingling sensation. The feeling was like the soul was to be deprived, which made her extremely miserable.

Xuanming water was very heavy. At the same time, it was added to the pool and the pressure of water pressure. It was like being pressed on a huge mountain, which almost made her breathless.

As she went deeper into the pool, the feeling became stronger and stronger, as if her soul was to be deprived, and the living had to be pulled out of her body. This feeling made her extremely miserable, and her pale little face was also full of pain.

Mu shallow month clenches the teeth, continues to walk to the front.


Before long, there was a crisp sound coming from the outside of the body. The armor that resisted the blue dragon blood vessels outside the body could not bear the power of the dark water. It was broken!

Mu Qianyue's face became more dignified. No, she had to speed up and arrive at the opposite bank as soon as possible. Otherwise, she would have been turned into slag by xuanming water if she had not found the dream Xi mo.

However, the weight of xuanming water is as heavy as Qianjun. No matter how fast she wants to be, she can't improve her speed. On the contrary, it is still a step slower.

Fortunately, after practicing the nine changes of Taiji, she reached the seventh level. Although the armor of Qinglong's blood vessel was broken, the xuanming water didn't do much harm to her for the time being. However, with the passage of time, mu Qianyue obviously felt the change of her body.

A trace of blood seeped out of the skin, and the colder and sharper feeling hit the whole body, as if she would be frozen into ice sculpture in the next moment.

No matter how difficult it is, mu Qianyue always sticks to it.Silver Purple Dress gradually dyed Yin red, and even the dark water around her turned into a trace of dark red.

Gradually, mu Qianyue felt that she was going to be unable to keep going. Her body became more and more tired, as if her body was no longer her own, as if her soul would fly away at the next moment.

Consciousness began to blur.

In a trance, mu Qianyue seems to hear Xiao Ling's call, Jing's affectionate eyes, Huoxi and Tiange

After a month, she began to bite.

No, I have to stick to the other side, I can't die!

A sense of survival rose in her heart, and a sense of war suddenly spread in her chest.


With a dull sound, mu Qianyue felt that her body suddenly became relaxed, and her whole body seemed to be full of strength. The wounds and skin that were corroded by xuanming water were healing automatically.

The next step is to be injured and bleeding by xuanming water, and then to heal under the influence of the power of the stars, so repeatedly

Black eyes flash a touch of surprise, is this the true meaning of death?

Die and live?

There is no extra time to think about other things. Mu continued to walk hard under the water step by step. After a long time, he finally succeeded in reaching the opposite bank.

As soon as he could not catch his breath, mu Qianyue sat on his legs, and the real yuan force in his body began to move. How could the power of Jiulong soul swallowing formula not penetrate into the mysterious water in his body!

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