But I didn't expect that anmuyi had been promoted to the realm of Shenwu so quickly!

Just a few days ago, she was still a seventh level warrior. Is there any secret?

Anmuyi's face was ferocious and incomparable, his eyes filled with crazy bloodthirsty revenge, "Mu shallow moon, you go to die!"

The long sword in her hand is rising against the storm, and grows rapidly. It is seven feet long, like a giant sword hanging in the sky.

The sharp tip of the sword flickered in the sun with a frightening cold light. The frightful momentum of the sword was shaking between the heaven and the earth. It was so terrible!

In the martial arts arena, people's faces were shocked and shocked. The power of the sword made them fear. Even if they were far away from the arena, they felt a breath of death!

This time mu Qianyue is really dead!

The power of this sword can be said to condense at least 90% of anmuyi's power!

In the frightful wind and the fierce and terrible sword spirit, the girl raised her white and delicate face, and there was no trace of fear and fear on her beautiful face. Her eyes like stars were also deep and quiet, and it seemed that she did not see death approaching!

As soon as the delicate white wrist turns, a black ancient seal appears in the palm of the hand.

Holding the formula with both hands, a Taoist formula hit the ancient seal. Suddenly, a breath of primitive simplicity and desolation was sent out from the seal. A huge eight trigrams array broke out from the ancient seal, and hit anmuyi's sword with lightning speed!

In the stands, when several figures saw the ancient seal, their faces suddenly changed, and "Teng" was so excited that he stood up from his position.

"Star seal?" The beautiful eyes of Lingqing language are full of horror and disbelief. They are really stars! Last time in the secret place of the white tiger, she felt the existence of the star print, but then there was no news, so she almost thought it was her own illusion!

But I didn't expect that the star seal will appear again today!

And it turned out to be in Mu's hands! But how could she know the formula of the star print?

The formula of star seal can only be known by the direct descendant of Ling family, and not all the direct disciples will know it. Only those who inherit the position of master have the chance to practice it!

So the whole Ling family, in addition to their own, only father, grandfather and big brother know!

But mu Qianyue is just an outsider. Even if she gets the star seal by accident, it is impossible for her to know the formula of the star!

"It's a star print! The star seal appears again Ling's master's eyes were filled with excited light. His eyes were tightly fixed on the girl in the silver purple dress on the challenge arena. His face was full of doubts. "When your aunt Rui left Ling's house with the star seal, she said she was going out for a trip, but she never came back. Later, her jade card was broken, and we knew about her fall, and the star seal also lost its whereabouts ... For more than 100 years, I have sent people to search all over the mainland, but there is no news at all I didn't expect that this time the star print appeared again

"Could aunt Rui's death have something to do with Mu's family?" Ling Qingshan asked.

"Probably not." Ling Qingyu frowns, beautiful face a cold, seems to be thinking about something.

"How do you know it won't?" Ling Qingshan Junlang's face flashed a trace of cold meaning, "if not, how can there be a star seal in the hand of Mu Qianyue?"

"Elder brother, you seem to have forgotten that our Ling family has regulations. Even if we die, we will not disclose the formula of our Ling family's star seal. How could aunt Rui tell others the formula of star seal?" Lingqing said.

"Qingyu, you think of the world too simply. Those people are insidious and cunning. They do whatever they can to get the star seal from Aunt Rui's mouth, and then kill aunt Rui and take away the star seal." Ling Qingshan was angry.

Ling Qingyu was silent, and her eyebrows were light. She looked up at the slender figure on the challenge arena, and her eyes were filled with complex emotions.

Ling family master's eyes light slightly heavy, the whole person's breath immediately chills down, "Shan'er is right, when we don't know the truth, there are thousands of possibilities. When the game is over, ask mu Qianyue to understand it! "

In the challenge arena, the two forces collide. The power of Zhutian subdues the devil array and dissolves anmuyi's unique strike!

Two different forces slowly disappeared in the sky, but the momentum of the aftershock was so strong that Mu Yi's face changed greatly. His body flew in the air and landed on the challenge arena steadily.

She raised her head to look at mu Qianyue. Her eyes were full of surprise and astonishment, "how could you have a star print?"

In addition to her, there was another person, he lianze, who was also shocked to stand up from his position. His handsome and elegant face was full of fear and doubt. His eyes were fixed on mu Qianyue. In a trance, he seemed to see the proud, beautiful and enthusiastic woman

"Anmuyi, in addition to being shocked, you should be more afraid now? This star seal is naturally given to me by Ling Kerui Mu Xiaoyue looks up at her, her eyes are cold.

"No way! Ling Kerui has been dead for more than 100 years. She can't print the stars to you Anmuyi's face changed greatly and he roared."Oh? How do you know she's been dead for more than a hundred years? " Mu Xiaoyue's eyebrows are light, and her mouth is filled with a sneer of irony.

On the grandstand, Ling's master and others almost couldn't sit still. Their eyes toward anmuyi were full of suspicion. What's going on? How can anmuyi know that Ruier has been dead for more than 100 years? Ruier died, they Ling family who did not say!!

Because this matter is related to Ling family's star seal, so specially blocked this news!

Even though Ling's people were full of doubts, he did not rush out immediately, but kept calm, because he wanted to know the truth of the matter!

Anmuyi's face changes when she hears the speech, and her eyes are filled with complicated emotions. She looks up and looks at the Ling family master and others with fear. When she turns her head to look at Xiang muqianyue, her panic stricken face has calmed down.

An Mu Yi's lip Cape draws up a miscalculation sneer, "Mu shallow moon, this star seal is the thing of Ling family, how can it be in your hand?"

"Isn't that a question that should be asked of you and helianze?" The light moon asked.

In the stands, Helene Ze's body trembled uncontrollably. Was everything found? Then, his eyes in the surging anger and disdain, hum! But what about that? He is a warrior now. Who can kill him?

"Mu Qianyue, you don't want to stir up the relationship between our home and Ling family here. It's clear that you stole the star seal of Ling family, but you still want to bring it to me?" An Mu Yi immediately put on a pair of righteous awe inspiring appearance.

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