"Nothing happened. Everything was quiet and normal." Mu Xueying replied.

Mu shallow moon Mou son light MI, "it seems that this time they will not rush to start, recently we are more careful."

"Yes." The crowd nodded.

After returning to the White Tiger City, mu Qianyue received a secret message from the temple, which was brought by the memory crystal.

"Three months later, I'll go to the wild ancient world to guard it?" Mu Xiaoyue frowns slightly and looks puzzled on her face.

Naranjing explained, "the wilderness ancient world is located in the westernmost part of the wild ancient island, where is the junction of the unreal land and the magic world. In the mainland of magic state, there is a rule that the top 30 families or sects must send a team of people to defend the ancient world of Warcraft. This time, Jingyue Pavilion ranks 25th. Naturally, it is necessary to send people to the pavilion, and its strength should not be lower than that of Emperor Wu. "

Smell speech, Mu shallow month and other people's faces show a glimmer of sudden color, nodded, so it is.

"Although the barbarian ancient world is very dangerous, there are also many opportunities. The achievements of those who come out of it will not be low, but many people will not come out again." Nalanjing's warm voice has a trace of dignified color.

Mu Qianyue's beautiful eyebrows frown slightly. In this way, some of the six blood lineage families, eight physique families, Su family, Ling family and others will enter the wild ancient world. If someone wants to attack himself, it is the best place.

However, mu Qianyue did not choose to retreat because of her fear. Her strength is linked with danger. Moreover, she has to put herself in danger, and those people will take action, right?

There are just three months left to make good arrangements for the candidates in these three months.

Although the event of the sectarian Dabi is over, the sudden rise of Jingyue pavilion has a great reputation and spread rapidly throughout the whole magic state, including the White Tiger City. People's eyes have changed. Who ever thought that a small power that was not well-known would suddenly rise and become the 25th largest faction?

This is something that no one has thought of.

However, there are three warriors in Jingyue Pavilion, which surprised everyone secretly. It turns out that Jingyue pavilion has not been exposed to mountains and dew, but it has hidden a hand. Suddenly killing three warriors is the key to this victory.

Mu Qianyue walked in the street, no matter where he went, people cast envy, worship and awe of fiery eyes.

The strong are respected and worshipped by people, especially her perfect blood. The first level warrior defeated the seventh level warrior's mu rutian, which is enough to be recorded in the history of unreal state.

At this time, mu Qianyue was suddenly attracted by a slightly familiar voice. She saw a man and a woman standing in the lane beside her, but it seemed that the atmosphere was not harmonious.

"Mufeng, I was wrong in the past, and I was not good. Can you forgive me?" Liu Ruoying looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Qin Mufeng Junlang's face is indifferent, and his tone is also permeated with a touch of alienation, "the past things are in the past, and there is no hatred between us, so there is nothing to forgive or not to forgive."

Liu Ruoying felt a sigh of relief in her heart when she heard the speech. She raised her head. There was a trace of hope in her eyes like autumn water. There was a trace of excitement and tension in her charming and soft voice, and she was also shy. "Mufeng, do you still want to be with me?"

"Aren't you already with Mo Yang? I wish you all the best Qin Mu customs.

As soon as Mo Yang was mentioned, Liu Ruoying's eyes burst into tears again, and she cried, "Mo Yang is not sincere to me at all. He just uses me Since he joined Jingyue Pavilion, he has not come to see me for nearly half a year, and he has no intention of marrying me. Before, it was I who was ill behaved that wasted my youth. Mufeng, now I know I'm wrong. I've thought about it carefully. Of all the people, you are the only one who treats me best... "

Qin Mufeng's deep eyes flashed a faint, fleeting, he sighed, "you will meet people's eyes, do not be deceived by others. Take care of yourself. I've got business to go

Liu Ruoying quickly stepped forward and grabbed his wrist. "Mufeng, don't go. Can you accompany me again? I'm alone... "

The cold tone is full of loneliness and affection. If according to the past, Qin Mufeng would have held her in his arms and took good care of her, but now it is different. He reached out his hand and pulled away Liu Ruoying's hand. He said without expression, "I'm sorry, I don't have time for you. I have a lot of things to do."

A drop of clear tears slid down her face. Liu Ruoying said in a choked voice, "Mufeng, do you not like me now?"

Qin Mufeng frowned and didn't speak. Liu Ruoying's slightly drooping eyes flashed with a trace of gloom, "is it because of the woman named shuiqidan? Are you in love with her? "

"It's none of your business." Qin Mufeng's face was cold.

"It doesn't matter to me? In the past, you said clearly that you only love me in this life. When you grow up, you will marry me as your wife. Since we were young, have you forgotten all these? " Liu Ruoying looked at him angrily and asked in angry voice.Mu Qianyue, who was watching the opera in the distance, almost didn't laugh. How could there be such a shameless woman in the world? It seems that Qin Mufeng, whom she didn't want at the beginning, humiliated Qin Mufeng in front of Moyang. Now she comes to find Qin Mufeng and let others take charge. The problem is that Qin Mufeng didn't even hold her hand. Why should she be responsible?

Moreover, Liu Ruoying is not a virgin, and other men do not know how many times.

Maybe when you love someone, you don't mind. But she once deeply hurt Qin Mufeng and abandoned Qin Mufeng's love for her.

Once something is lost, it will never come back!

"Yes, I did promise at the beginning, and once I had fantasies. I tried hard to practice and longed for such a beautiful day. I could be white headed with hand in hand. But you will be my love. I can trample on under my feet. I don't mind. But I can't bear you insulting my love! Liu Ruoying, things have passed. Before, I also put it down. Now I have no love for you, only friends and fellow countrymen. I hope you can understand Qin Mufeng took a deep breath and said firmly.

Hearing the speech, Liu Ruoying's face turned white and ugly. Her hands were twisted under her sleeves, and her eyes were filled with complicated and unwilling light. She saw that Qin Mufeng was going to leave, and she rushed up again and hugged Qin Mufeng's waist from behind.

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