"This is my first time here. I haven't heard of the city of light. Can you tell me where the city of light is Mu Xiaoyue asked, because she had a beautiful face and a gentle and friendly smile on her lips, which greatly increased the favor of that person.

The man said with a smile, "the temple is located in the city of light, and the temple is the supreme rule of the city of light, but there are four families in the light, and the Xia family is one of them. These four families are like the assistant ministers of the temple. The temple is like a king on the top, while Li city is just a group of ordinary people in the eyes of the temple. Everyone is proud to be in the city of light. Do you understand

"Oh, I see. No wonder people are excited and happy to see this notice." Mu Qianyue showed a sudden look.

The recruitment requirement on the notice is that the strength is not lower than that of the martial arts master. As long as you enter the Xia family, you can enter the city of light, and then you can go to the temple to find the scenery.

In front of the crowd, there was an old man with several young men recording the crowd. It was obvious that they were the staff in charge of recruitment of Xia family.

Mu Qianyue led Nalan Xueling to come forward. The cold and pleasant voice vomited from her lips to petals, and fell into the ears of all the people, "I'll apply."

When they saw a beautiful woman leading a little girl who was carved in pink and jade, they could not help but show a puzzled look, "take the children to apply for a job?"

"This girl, I think you'd better save it and go home and take the children."

"That is, bring a child and run out to apply for a strong man?"

"Go home and nurse!"

People, you said, I said, can't help laughing.

Xia's old man's eyes did not care to see Mu shallow month one eye, light light sweep, "next."

Obviously, he didn't put mu Qianyue in his eyes. After all, such a young woman came to apply. Even though she had good strength, she still had a child around her, which was not easy to do.

Mu Qianyue ignored his contemptuous expression and directly reported his name and strength, "Xiao xuan'er, the eighth class martial master."

The name of xuan'er is still used, and the strength is only said to be on the eight level martial arts followers. After all, the name of Mu shallow month is too popular recently. If she reports her real name, I'm afraid the other party will eliminate herself immediately. There was a huge thing in the temple, and the Xia family did not dare to be the enemy.

As for the level of strength, mu Qianyue also deliberately said that he was a martial arts master of the eighth rank. If he said that he was a martial master of the first level, the other side would doubted which big family and sect he was. If he said that he was low, he would not take himself seriously.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, mu Qianyue said that he was a warrior of the eighth rank.

The old Xia family was stunned when he heard that muqianyue reported the strength of the eighth level martial arts master. His eyes were full of light. "It's really good that you have reached the level eight martial arts master's level at a young age. It's just that I see that you have an extraordinary temperament and you are bringing a child alone. Why don't you stay at home and come to apply for the recruitment of my summer family

"There is no one to look after at home, so I have to take it with me. If I can be appreciated by the Xia family, I will try my best to serve the Xia family. " Mu shallow month light says, this one words empty in take false, also have the meaning of flattery. The old man of Xia family is very happy when he hears the speech. It's good for such a person to stay with him. At least his daughter is raised in his own family, and he will certainly try his best to do something.

"Well, you can join my family. As for your daughter, our Xia family will not treat her badly... " The old man of Xia family pondered

Nalan Xueling seems to be standing by mu Qianyue's side, but there is a look of disdain in his drooping eyes. If his mother didn't want to go into the city of holy light and look for his father, how could he flatter him? It seems that others flatter their mother! Even Bai and Feng family owners, Shangguan family, Nangong family and other people should be polite to their parents.

The heart is really a little uncomfortable!

After Xia's elders have recruited enough people, mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling went to the city of light with the Xia family.

The city of light is the site of the temple. It is located on the top of the holy mountain. Through the door of an aperture, it is the city of light.

Obviously, this city of light is an independent space, a space opened from the holy mountain, which can carry life and all things. However, it seems to be a small country with vast terrain and incomparable prosperity.

The mansion of the Xia family is also very majestic and magnificent. There are countless servants and maids in it. The momentum of the Xia family is no worse than that of the first-class families in Huanzhou.

"This guest room area is your residence. Choose your own yard. As long as you can help us find that herb, the reward is very generous! Naturally, I will not treat you badly! The morning after tomorrow, we will gather here and set out for tiandang mountain. You can have a good rest in these two days. " Said the old Xia.

Then, his eyes looked at Mu shallow moon, "although you are the only woman in the crowd, you have the highest strength. You can choose a yard here alone, or you can be quiet.""Thank you so much." Mu shallow moon arch hand road.

This time, the Xia family recruited 16 strong people. Their strength was all in the martial arts. Everyone saw that mu Qianyue was so young that he had the level 8 martial arts master's realm. His eyes showed envy and jealousy.

"Are these the strong men recruited by the elder?" At this time, suddenly a strange man's voice rang, people looked up, and saw a young man in splendid clothes swaggering forward, followed by two men of the same age, but the two men dressed in ordinary clothes, nodded at him all the way, and knew that they were the servants of the Xia family.

"Young master, I have just recruited these people." Xia Da elder said.

"Why? Why is there a child? " Master Xia can't help but wonder.

"This little girl is Xiao xuan'er's daughter. She is the strength of the eighth level martial arts master. Because she is alone and has no one to take care of her young daughter, she takes her with her. However, this does not hinder the trip to tiandang mountain. Just leave Miss Xiao's daughter at home. When Miss Xiao has finished her duties, he will pick her up again. " Xia Da elder said, but saw the big young master a pair of dull surprised ~ Yan's expression, can't help shaking his head.

Xia raised his head. When he saw mu Qianyue beside Nalan Xueling, he was stunned. The whole person's eyes were straight. However, he saw the woman standing in the breeze, and the blue sky was spreading behind her. It was like a gorgeous book and a silver purple dress dancing like a dream!

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