Xia big young master didn't even touch Mu's hand, so he was kicked out by Mu Xiaoyue, and hit the important part of his lower abdomen!


Xia's eldest master uttered a terrible scream. The pain from his lower body made his face pale and his whole body was in cold sweat. He covered his lower body, raised his head and looked at mu Qianyue angrily, "you bitch, you dare to fight against me!"

"I'm just a master of your Xia family, not a servant of your Xia family, nor can I do what you want. If you break into my room again, it won't be so easy to get a kick! " In summer, the moon is cold, not cold. Rao is so. Just now that foot is not light. At least it can't be used for a month. If she dares to offend herself next time, she doesn't mind making him become a eunuch.

Nalan Xueling looked at him with disdain. Such a man was far from his father.

"Good, good! Wait for me, Xiao'er While covering his lower body, Xia Da Shao was busy. Naturally, he was busy looking for a doctor to treat the disease. This thing can't be broken. If it breaks down, his life's sexual well-being will be over. Therefore, he has no mind to ask mu Qianyue to settle accounts.

The urgent task is to cure it.

After seeing him go, Mu Xiaoyue closed the door again, and Nalan Xueling frowned tightly, "mother, we beat him like this, he will certainly not give up. Maybe he will bring a group of people to come over in a moment. Let's leave the Xia family. In any case, we have entered the light of the holy city. "

"Don't worry, the Xia family's status and power are not low. Maybe we can find some useful information here. As for the young master of the Xia family, he will not come here now. " Mu Xiaoyue's face shows a smile of confidence and indifference.

Nalan Xueling's eyes were puzzled and obviously puzzled. Mu Xiaoyue explained with a smile, "we are the strong men recruited by the Xia family. At this time, it is late in the night. He has no reason to bring people to our trouble. Otherwise, if he breaks into the women's room at night and wants to do something wrong, it will spread out, and then these strong men will shake their mind of working for the Xia family."

"Oh, I see." Nalan Xueling nodded, and then went to bed to sleep. After a while, Nalan Xueling fell asleep.

Looking at her sleeping soundly, Mu's eyes were tinged with a faint smile, and the tenderness between her lips became more and more soft, like the moonlight in the sky. Seeing that she was asleep, mu Qianyue stood up from the bedside and walked to the window, looking up at the bright moon in the sky.

I don't know where nalanjing is now. What's strange is that I didn't feel his breath in the city of light. I couldn't help but wonder. What's going on? Why can't you feel the breath of scenery all of a sudden?

Since the blood contract between himself and Jing, there has been a kind of soul to heart relationship, which means that we can feel each other's existence.

If you come to the city of light, you should feel it at the first time and come to find yourself.

Isn't it in the city of light?

One of the constraints of blood contract is that it can not cross space.


The next day, at daybreak, a whistling call sounded outside the courtyard. Mu Xiaoyue got up and dressed and came to the garden next to him. Everyone was gathered together. Xia Da elder saw mu Qianyue come over and looked at her with a complex and deep look in his eyes. He quickly closed his eyes and said in a loud voice, "since everyone has gathered, let's start now "Yes

"Elder, may I ask if we will return to tiandang mountain in one day Mu shallow month suddenly opens a mouth to ask a way.

The elder nodded, "yes."

After hearing this, mu Qianyue's face seems to be loose. She looks at the courtyard next to her. Then she turns her head and looks at the elder with a trace of sincerity in her eyes. "Little girl, please take care of you Xiao's family. This time I will help elder Xia finish the task and find the medicinal materials."

"Miss Xiao, don't worry." Elder Xia nodded.

Later, under the leadership of the elder, they went out of the city and went out of the city. In addition to Mu Qianyue and others, there were also some elders of the Xia family, including the leader of the Xia family, the elder master of the Xia family, and dozens of elite disciples of the Xia family.

Mu Qianyue looked at the crowd, a large number of people this trip, it seems that the task is a little difficult.

"The medicinal material we are looking for this time is called magic spirit grass, which grows on tiandang mountain, but there is a dragon guarding it. The strength of that dragon has reached the level of beast, so this task is somewhat difficult." The big elder walked, and said to Mu Qianyue and others at the same time.

When people heard that the strength of the Dragon reached the level of the beast, their faces were all shocked. The level of the beast was equivalent to the strength of the warrior! Moreover, Warcraft's defense and attack power have always been twice as strong as human beings. It seems that this mission is not a bit difficult.

On the way, Mu Xiaoyue got to know a partner who was a disciple of the Xia family. He entered the Xia family a few years ago. His name was Qiao Zixian. She is another woman besides mu Qianyue. She is 35 years old and looks like 278 years old. Although she looks average, her talent is not bad. She can be regarded as a first-class warrior at the age of 35.Through her, mu Qianyue learned that in addition to the temple, there are four families in the city of Shengguang, including the Xia family, Tianyin Pavilion, Yuehua gate and Lu family.

"Miss Xiao, have you offended the young master of Xia family?" Qiao Zixian suddenly approached Mu Xiaoyue's side and asked.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned and pretended to be very surprised and asked, "why do you say that?"

"I don't think that young master's look at you is not good. I have been in the Xia family for several years. I still know something about this young master's character. Although he has excellent talent, he is famous for his amorous behavior. Many girls in the city have been destroyed by him. However, his family is so powerful that those people can only swallow the bitter water into their stomachs. " Qiao Zixian's eyes flashed a trace of disdain, "I'm plain, young master has never looked at me with a straight eye. But you are so beautiful, and you have the posture of toppling the city. I see that he looks at you from time to time with hatred and calculation in his eyes. Did you offend him before

Mu Qianyue takes a surprised look at Qiao Zixian. She doesn't expect that she will be able to observe words and colors. It's just that mu Qianyue has just met her and is not very familiar with her, so she won't tell the whole truth.

"Last night, the young master Xia burst into my room and was driven away by me." She sighed quietly, as if helplessly said, that slightly drooping eyes are actually sharp frightening people's cold flash.

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