"Lady, how did you come to the temple? Are you here for a husband? My wife has been searching for her husband for thousands of miles, which makes her very moved. " Nalanjing's face is also full of smiles. He looks down at the woman in his arms. His purple eyes are full of tenderness and indulgence.

The people in the garden were petrified and stunned. The little master of the temple didn't come for Chu Yuzhen? But for the girl in purple? Just who is this girl in purple? Why did the young master of the temple call her a lady?

All of a sudden, they remembered the rumor that the little Lord of the temple had been married outside. Is that true? The little Lord of the temple has really become a relative in the outside world!

With this in mind, people's eyes can not help looking at the side of Chu Yuzhen sympathetically.

Chu Yuzhen's face was originally brilliant and proud smile, instantly solidified in the lip, face stiff, no longer a trace of smile, a piece of iron green. Her eyes are staring at mu Qianyue in Nalan's mind. The fingers under her sleeve are tightly grasped. This woman is brother Jing's wife in the outside world?

No wonder from the first sight to see her uncomfortable, feel that there are beloved things to be robbed, the original feeling is right!

The saint's face also sank in an instant, and a sneer flashed through the eyes of situ Mo standing on his side.

And Qiao Zixian is surprised and stunned. Xuan'er is the young lady of the temple? Did she hear me right?!

"Dad, Xiao Ling missed you so much!" Nalan Xueling rushes forward and looks up at Nalan Jing with her small face up. Her eyes are full of miss.

"Dad wants Xiao Ling, too." Nalan Jingsong holds Mu Xiaoyue's hand and holds Nalan Xueling with a smile. She kisses her pink and tender face.

"Cheat! Dad doesn't want Xiaoling. As soon as he sees his mother, he holds his mother and doesn't remember Xiao Ling at all! Xiao Ling is jealous Nalan Xueling was angry.

"Ha ha..." Looking at Nalan xuelingsa's charming and lovely appearance, nalanjing is in a good mood, and the gloom in her heart has disappeared.

Mu shallow month lip Cape also gently pull up a wipe arc, seem to be amused by small spirit.

People look at this harmonious and loving family of three, only feel the heart is full of warmth, this is the real family! So people looked at Chu Yuzhen's eyes with a trace of disdain. Did she want to destroy other people's families? But it seems that there is no room for her in other people's world, right?

At the moment, Chu Yuzhen's face is even more ugly. Her sharp nails are pinched into the flesh, but she can't feel the pain. If there is no such woman, the one standing beside brother Jing must be himself. They will also have a lovely daughter, a sweet family of three

At this moment, Chu Yuzhen's hatred for mu Qianyue rises to a higher level.

The original lively atmosphere in the garden became stiff and solemn due to the appearance of Nalan scenery, mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling.

"Jing'er, is this the woman you married outside?" The Lord asked.

"Yes, master." Nalanjing raised his eyes and looked at him. His eyes were cold.

Mu Qianyue was stunned when she heard the speech. The master of the temple is Jing's master?

"Congratulations to my younger martial brother. I have not only a beautiful wife, but also a beautiful daughter. Now I want to marry my heavenly daughter. I'm so enviable to sit here and enjoy the happiness of the people." Situ Mo opened his mouth and said that smile with a trace of evil and happiness.

After hearing this, mu Qianyue raised her eyes to see situ Mo, and a deep light flashed in Feng's eyes. Now she finally figured out why situ Mo helped himself. It was not his kindness or his boredom, but he wanted to destroy the impression of Jing in the eyes of the Lord and influence the position of Jing in the temple!

"Since she can find the temple for you, it can be seen that her affection for you is true. If so, leave her. The engagement banquet between you and your heavenly daughter continues. " Said the Lord.

"Master, Yueer is my wife. I will not marry anyone else except her. And the engagement to her was arranged by you, not by me. " Nalanjing refused coldly, and even didn't leave any affection.

"Brother Jing..." Chu Yuzhen's face turned white, and her body could not help shaking. Her eyes were full of tears. She looked at him pitifully, like a flower swaying in the wind and rain.

He even brushed his face in front of so many people! To the face of Tianyin Pavilion!

"Hey, you bad woman, you don't want to hit my father's idea. My father won't like you. My father said that he will only love my mother in this life." Nalan Xueling stood beside nalanjing, holding a finger of nalanjing tightly in his small hand, and looked up at Chu Yuzhen. His big black eyes were full of disdain and contempt.

Ah, it's all due to daddy's handsome and excellent.

Chu Yuzhen's face sank and her eyes filled with anger. She coldly looked at Nalan Xueling and her terrible eyes. Nalan Xueling only felt the sound of "boom" in her mind. The picture in the nightmare hit like a tide, which made her face white and ran behind Nalan Jing.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter with you?" Mu shallow month sees this, hastily holds her in the bosom.

"Mother, I'm afraid, her eyes are so terrible, like the man in the dream But she doesn't feel like My mother, it hurts a lot Nalan snow Ling Fu in Mu shallow moon's arms, voice weak said.Mu Xiaoyue Mou son a Li, look up to Chu Yuzhen's eyes with a trace of cold, she will be the woman who killed Xiao Ling in the previous life? Xiao Ling's feeling can't be wrong, this is the first time Xiaoling has such a feeling!

Nalanjing's face also changed, and he was killed when he looked at Chu Yuzhen.

Seeing this, Chu Yuzhen immediately restrained her anger in her eyes, and put on the pitiful appearance. She said affectionately, "brother Jing, I was just sad for a while, so I didn't control my mood. You can rest assured that I will take her as my own, just as I love you!"

"Are you really good at robbing my husband and my daughter in front of so many people? Are all the men in the world dead? " Mu Qianyue's lips sparked a sneer.

Acting in front of her? It's too tender!

Mu shallow moon this sentence can be said to be very venomous snake, a bit of love also did not stay, will Chu Yuzhen instant blow to the whole body.

"You..." Chu Yuzhen's face turned white. He snorted, and pretended to be noble and elegant. "Brother Jing is so excellent, he should have three wives and four concubines, instead of you being so selfish and occupying him! I don't know how brother Jing married a woman like you? As a woman, you should take care of your husband and take in many wives and concubines for him, so as to extend the number of children! "

"You don't love naranjing at all, and you don't know what love is." Mu shallow moon mocks a way.

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