"It's not up to you to take care of me." Nalan Jing snorted coldly, turned his head and said to the Lord, "master, I can never marry any other woman except Yueer!"

"You..." In order to admire the moon, the sage thought that he would not hesitate to contradict himself so openly. His face was blue and his eyes were angry, which was very frightening. He raised his head and looked at mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling beside him. There was an unexplained killing chance on his face. It was obvious that at this moment, the holy master had already moved the idea of killing.

Nalanjing's face changed and immediately blocked them in front of them.

"Am I not as important as a woman in your heart? Have you ever disobeyed my words The eyes of the Lord narrowed gently.

"In my heart, the master and the wife are very important, which can't be compared." Nalanjing's momentum did not decrease, and his face was cool and proud.

"Hum! I don't think so! " The Lord snorted angrily, "today you are either engaged to the heavenly daughter, or I will kill them both. You can choose by yourself."

"Even if I give up my life, I will certainly protect their safety!" Nalanjing's tall and slender figure blocks mu Qianyue and Nalan Xueling, like an unattainable mountain.

"Good, good! I have worked hard to cultivate you, and countless cultivation resources are available for you to practice. You have achieved so much at a young age. In the end, you have to fight against your teacher! If so, I will kill you now, so as not to be angry at you The Lord's face was livid, and his voice was full of anger.

The atmosphere suddenly became stiff, and the world was filled with a sense of killing.

In the crowd, the master of Xia's family looked at the angry master and made a grim smile on his mouth. He didn't care whether Xiao Xuaner was nalanjing's wife or not. He only knew that this woman might be the murderer who killed his son! So at the moment, he saw that the LORD was angry and wanted to kill her. He was so excited that he could let her die without using his own hands!

"My Lord, take it easy!" Chu Yuzhen's face turned white at the hearing of the speech, and she quickly called out. She walked forward to the holy master with a soft voice and said pitifully, "Lord, none of this is related to brother Jing's business. Please don't be angry with brother Jing. I believe that brother Jing must be confused by that woman and will be against you! What time has brother Jing not been humble and filial to you over the years? Since brother Jing went to the outside world to experience, everything has changed! "

The Lord's eyes narrowed slightly, and the light of his eyes twinkled. He seemed to be thinking about her words. After a long time, he sighed and said, "it's the right thing to say. I'm almost confused! Although I didn't grow up in my childhood, jing'er has taught him for so many years. I am very familiar with his temperament. He has never been a person who easily disobeys his elders. " He turned his head and looked at Mu shallow moon's eye son one Li, "so, that I can't leave you even more!"

With the fall of his voice, a cold and terrible momentum suddenly attacked nalanjing. Under the power of the Lord, nalanjing was lifted out directly!

Even nalanjing is not the enemy of one move!

At the next moment, a majestic and terrifying atmosphere enveloped mu Qianyue's body. Mu's face suddenly changed, and a shadow of death shrouded in his heart, which was approaching in an instant! This fear of death made her heart throb, and in his breath, she did not even have the ability to move her fingers!

The Lord's eyes condensed and looked down at xiangmuqianyue, just like a God above, looking at the mole ants under his feet, "originally I wanted to save my life, but you should not bewitch my apprentice! So you have to die! But for the sake of your deep love for him, I will release your daughter. After all, it is jing'er's child. "

As his fingers slowly converged, mu Qianyue's face turned blue. The sound of "creaking" came from his body, as if all the bones were about to be broken, as if to be crushed!

"Xuan'er!" Qiao Zixian's face turned white, and her eyes were full of worry. Unexpectedly, the superior heavenly daughter was so despicable that she used the Lord's hand to deal with xuan'er! How hateful! However, her strength is small and her words are small. She can not play any role at all. She can only do something in a hurry.

"Villain! Let go of my mother Nalan Xueling is like a lion with hair fried. Her whole body is full of anger and cold. Her eyes turn red and her body glows with light red light.

"Xiao Ling, what's the matter with you?" Qiao Zixian turned to look at the angry Nalan Xueling. Seeing her eyes red, she asked in a hurry.

Nalan Xueling ignored her, roared, turned into a red light, and rushed to the Lord.

"Well? The six-year-old baby also has the strength of a high-level warrior? " The Lord's eyes flashed with surprise, and looked at Nalan Xueling and praised, "it's good. I thought that jing'er's talent was the best in the world. I didn't expect that jing'er's children's talent was even better, which was worth cultivating well."

If this woman had not bewitched his apprentice, it would have been all right to keep her alive, but it is a pity that she did not appreciate it! So he couldn't complain!

He raised his hand and flew Nalan Xueling out.

Nalan Xueling's body "bang" fell on the ground, and her big red eyes were filled with madness and hatred. She could see her hands holding a strange formula. The vitality of heaven and earth was mobilized and absorbed into her body. At this moment, the red light on her body was more prosperous, like a round of blazing sun, dazzling people could not open their eyes!At the same time, the strength of her body has also increased geometrically, extremely violent.

"Xiao Ling!" Mu Xiaoyue shouts to her, she knows that this is Xiaoling because of hatred and anger, into a violent state, once entered this state, is to fight with life, this is the last thing she wants to see! Another point is that Xiaoling is the spirit of heaven and earth, and things will be exposed!

Ordinary people can not see any clue, but like the Lord, the four families of the city of light can definitely see it!

Nalan Xueling once again made a pilgrimage to the Lord and bumped into it. Unexpectedly, the body of the LORD was slightly shaken. The strength in his hands was not relieved. Mu Qianyue took this opportunity to break free.

"Yes?" As soon as the Lord's face changed, his eyes toward Nalan Xueling changed. A little warrior could shake himself? This has been in the city of light for a long time, no one can do it!

He lifted his hand and grabbed Nalan Xueling's body in the air. His palm was lifted up and placed in the air, but it could make Nalan snow spirit motionless. His eyes seemed to have a strange penetrating power, penetrating the red light of Nalan snow spirit and looking directly into her soul!

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