"It's all the fault of the young master! On weekdays, because of their lust for beauty, they have taken over many good women, but this time they have kicked the iron plate to kill our whole Xia family! Otherwise, our Xia family will not be in such a danger now... " An elder of Xia family complained discontentedly.

But before he finished speaking, he couldn't make a sound any more!

Because Xia's master took a palm on his heavenly cover and smashed his skull to pieces!

"Hum! Those who speak ill of my son, damn it Xia family master in the eye spurt fire, angry way.

"At this time, it may be the time when you come to my home The elder Xia said with some fear in his eyes.

"As an elder of the Xia family, he not only does not think about revenge for my son, but also complains here. What a damn! If any of you dares to say one more word about my son's wrong, he will be your end Xia's master looked at the corpse of the elder coldly and disdained to snort coldly. His face was more and more ferocious and terrifying, but he did not pay attention to them.

These people are just a dog raised by the Xia family. When the Xia family is in danger, they must stand out without any doubt at the first time, otherwise what else do they have to do?

Seeing this, the other elders kept silent and did not dare to make a sound any more, for fear that the next one to beat him to death was himself.

They know how cruel Xia's methods are.

"Master, what should I do now?" Elder Xia asked in fear.

"Everyone, be prepared to guard against mu Qianyue and nalanjing. Once they appear, kill them immediately. Hum! It's good that they don't come. If they dare to come, they will never come back! " Xia family master sneers, even if they don't come, he also wants to find a way to kill Mu shallow moon.

At this time, the sky sounded a woman Qingyue cold voice, "don't do anything to prepare, we have come."

Two figures fall from the sky.

Purple eyes gently narrowed, nalanjing raised his eyes and coldly scanned the Xia family owner and others in front of her. Her lips raised a smile of irony, "I'd like to see how your Xia family can make us have a future."

"Ah! It's nalanjing and muqianyue! Here they are Summer parents see this, eyes have shown the color of fright, a pair of appearance of a formidable enemy.

"What are you afraid of! Isn't he a warrior? We Xia family even killed a god beast, but we are afraid of a warrior? " The master of the Xia family stood up with a ferocious sneer on his face.

"The two of them surround themselves and kill them!" Xia's master waved his sleeve and drank. The parents of Xia hesitated for a moment. Some of them stepped forward and surrounded mu Qianyue and nalanjing.

One is the young master of the temple and the other is the master of the house. If they kill the master of the temple, they can't escape the anger of the Lord. But if they don't, the master will not spare them. The problem is that nalanjing and mu Qianyue will not let them go!

"My gratitude and resentment with the Xia family are only related to the master of the Xia family. All other unrelated people should step aside. I admire the moon and the temple and will never seek revenge from you. If you insist on fighting against us, I don't mind killing you either Mu Qianyue's clear and black pupils sweep to the public.

Hearing this, all the elders of the Xia family showed a surprised and puzzled look on their faces. They did not want to fight against the temple. Now when they heard mu Qianyue say this, their hearts began to shake. What's more, he was killed by the head of the Xia family because an elder said something dissatisfied with him. Fortunately, the elder also made a lot of contributions to the Xia family. What's more, the elder told the truth. If it was not for the young master's lust, how could he offend Mu Qianyue and the temple?

Therefore, after a moment's consideration, they withdrew to one side, indicating that they would not take any more actions.

The master of the Xia family saw this, and his face suddenly became ugly and incomparable. He roared anxiously and angrily, "bastard! You ungrateful people, how dare you help outsiders to deal with me! I want none of you to die

He roared and was about to attack all the elders of the Xia family. However, his palm was lifted up and was penetrated by a sword.

Although the sword orchid does not seem to be able to penetrate his chest, he does not even want to see through his chest!

However, the fact is that, no one will answer the doubts in his heart. The master of the Xia family slowly fell down, until he died, still unwilling to open his eyes.

Nalan Jing took up the sword in her hand, and her purple eyes were cold and merciless, "who do you want to revenge for the summer master?"

When they heard this, they shook their heads. They were the elders of the Xia family, and they were loyal to the Xia family. What's more, they had a lot of complaints against the Xia family leader. Now that the Xia family leader is dead, they don't feel sad. When the Xia family leader dies, a new Xia family leader will naturally appear,

it seems that the Xia family leader is a failure.

Then mu Qianyue and nalanjing left the Xia family.

As the sun sets and the moon rises, the beautiful and elegant city of light gradually becomes dark, but it also adds a touch of subtle and hazy beauty.In the light of the beauty of the snow in the street, the beauty of Nalan is full of sunshine.

The pedestrians on the street can not help but stop to watch, a voice of admiration and admiration.

"The young master and the young girl really match each other."

"Nonsense! It is said that they were a couple in the previous life! It must be a good match

"Wow! What a happy family of three, it's really enviable

Mu Qianyue can summon the green dragon, which is the reincarnation of qingnu. It spreads in the whole city of light like a hurricane.

So at this time, everyone felt that mu Qianyue and nalanjing were the perfect couple. On the contrary, they felt that Chu Yuzhen was the third party and almost destroyed the happy family!

After hearing the public's comments, mu Qianyue's lips curled slightly, but he didn't feel proud and arrogant. In the eyes of the world, only the winners can be seen, and the losers will never be seen. If Qinglong has not been summoned by himself, I am afraid that what people are saying now will be another story.

Nalanjing clenched her hand, "lady, don't care about other eyes. In my heart, you can only be my wife forever! No one can tear us apart

"Yes Mu Qianyue nodded heavily and clenched his hand.

Ten fingers linked together, and never give up.

"Father and mother, how can you forget me! I will be your daughter in the past life, this life and the future life! No one can break up our family Nalan Xueling said with a smile.

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