Mu shallow month nods, "good."

Qiao Zixian's heart flashed a bit of doubt, but also did not say anything, although she and shallow month have been here for three months, but the understanding of here is still very little. Because the space here is too large, but there are very few people guarding the patrol. Even if we meet some people, they are all in a hurry and have no time to meet and chat.

"Here's the map. Take it, both of you. Let's go now and try to get there before dark." Xiao said.

After taking over the map, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian found the mark of Heishiling on the map and set off.

Finally, they arrived at the black rock ridge before dark, when the sky was getting dark.

"Why is it so quiet here? It's a bit weird that there's no one at all. " Qiao Zixian frowned and looked around suspiciously.

Mu Xiaoyue stood at the entrance, eyebrows slightly frowned, here she felt a trace of unusual breath, as for this silk breath where unusual, she could not say. Chutiange is a mini version of the small poor strange fall on mu Qianyue's shoulder, looks like a weak little white cat.

"Master, there's something wrong with it." Chu Tiange said.

"Well, I feel it, too. Let's be careful." Mu Xiaoyue nodded. Just as she and Qiao Zixian were about to enter the black rock ridge, a figure suddenly jumped out of the mountain. His clothes were ragged, his hair was messy, and there were some blood stains on his body. As soon as he arrived at the entrance, he stopped and breathed heavily.

In the dim light, we can see that the man has a pretty face. He is about thirty years old, and his strength is on the third level holy warrior.

"Well? Who are you two? " After a few breaths of relief, the man raised his head, and when he saw mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian on one side, he could not help but be stunned and asked with doubts on his face.

"We are assigned to patrol and guard the black rock ridge. Are you also in charge of this area?" Qiao Zixian asked.

"The captain sent you two?" The man had an unbelievable look on his face.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Qiao Zixian saw his appearance of fright, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Mu shallow moon's face also showed a trace of doubt, Dai eyebrow tightly frown.

"You must have offended the captain, or he would have sent you two women here." The man shook his head and sighed.

Qiao Zixian listened to the words, the surprise and doubt on her face were a little more thick, "what do you mean?"

Mu shallow moon also gaze at him tightly.

He shook his head, sighed again, and continued, "don't you know? This black rock ridge is the most terrifying place in the whole five floors. Before that, many people were sent to guard here, but they were all dead. Two of my companions who were guarding and patrolling here a few days ago also fell among them. Now I am the only one left. "

Mu Qianyue pondered for a moment and asked, "is this black rock ridge so terrible?"

"Of course, black rock ridge is very terrible! Although there are very few Warcraft in it, there is a kind of Black Whirlwind. As long as it is blown by the Black Whirlwind, even the high-level holy warrior will die! " The man said with lingering fear.

Qiao Zixian smelled the speech, and her face was shocked.

Mu shallow month's face also gradually sinks down, now she can be sure that this Xiao Muyu wants to kill himself! However, she and Qiao Zixian have no hatred with him. In the past two months, she and Qiao Zixian have been patrolling seriously, guarding their own responsible areas, and have not made any mistakes.

Why should Xiao Muyu kill himself and Qiao Zixian?

"But you don't have to worry too much. During the day, the black rock ridge is quite safe. These black whirlwinds will come out at dusk, so as long as you come out before dark, there is no danger." That person sees Mu shallow month and Qiao Zi Xian's facial expression not good-looking, think they are afraid, can't help saying.

"Thank you. Don't you know your name yet Mu Xiaoyue's lips raised slightly and asked with a smile.

"My name is Hao Yun." As he spoke, he went to the side of the tree, where a pile of grass was spread. He lay down directly, and took a bottle of healing pills. Then he looked up at mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian and said, "heiyanling is a place with the most dangerous and difficult conditions on the fifth floor. There is no food, no water source and no place to live, If you want to drink, bathe or anything, you have to go 50 miles away. Well, I'm going to have a rest, and I'll continue to patrol the black rock ridge tomorrow. "

He lay on his back on the haystack, looked up at the gray sky above, and seemed to be murmuring, "ah, maybe it will be my turn one day..."

"Don't be so pessimistic. Didn't you say that as long as you come out before dark, nothing will happen? We just have to follow this rule of life. " Mu shallow month smile comforts a way, and then and Qiao Zixian walked to the distance under the tree, sat down.

"It seems that Xiao Muyu is trying to kill us!" Qiao Zixian a face angry said, her voice with some dull, obviously deliberately lowered the voice.Mu shallow month coagulates eyebrow to think, "perhaps he wants to deal with the person is me, just I now implicate you."

"Shallow moon, don't tell me what is involved or not. At least we are people who have experienced life and death and wind and rain together. Will I be afraid of this? It's just that I get angry at the thought of that son of a bitch Qiao Zixian said that when he came, Xiao Muyu only said that there were no people here. He didn't mention the dangers and precautions here. He made it clear that he wanted to kill them!

If they had not met Hao Yun here, they might have entered the black rock ridge foolishly. I'm afraid they would have been twisted into pieces by the Black Whirlwind!

Hao Yun got up early the next morning. He was dressed in clean clothes, but he looked a little haggard. He might have lived in such an environment for a long time, which made his nerves tense all the time and could not get enough rest.

"Well, there's no one here anyway. If we don't go in, no one knows, or we'll just stay out here." Qiao Zixian said.

"Impossible." Hao Yun in the distance shook his head. "Every day, the captain will come to inspect and inspect from time to time. If he finds out that you haven't gone in, he will be severely punished!"

Then he turned and entered the black rock ridge.

Mu Xiaoyue's eyebrows slightly congealed, it seems that the punishment is more terrible than death, otherwise these people would not rather risk their lives to enter.

"Let's go, too." , the fastest update of the webnovel!