"Ah! I got it! It's called Jingshi Qiao Zixian seemed to think of something. She looked at mu Qianyue's fine crystal with shining eyes and said, "I heard that in the wild ancient world, there was a kind of thing called Jingjing stone. The aura contained in it can be directly used for cultivation. Even in the wild ancient world, this kind of refined crystal is extremely rare, which is much more precious than jade crystal and meta crystal stone."

"There's one there too!" Qiao Zixian said excitedly. She quickly got up and went to the side. She picked up a fist sized fine spar from the black stone gap.

Later, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian successively discovered many fine crystal stones, totally 56!

"Ha ha, this time we sent it! These crystals are enough for us to upgrade to a higher level Qiao Zixian said excitedly.

Mu Qianyue nodded. It is true that there is such a good thing hidden in the black rock ridge, although it is dangerous. When the strength reaches their level, the more difficult it is to upgrade. Fast months, slow one year, two years, three years, or even ten years, they can absorb these fine crystal stones in one night, that is to say, they can upgrade one level in one night The degree is already very against the weather!

Unknowingly, the sky is getting dark. Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian look around for it. After finding that there is no crystal, they are ready to return.

"Wait, master." Into a miniature version of the small beast fell on the shoulder of Mu Qianyue Chu song suddenly said.

Mu shallow month stops body shape, bow head looks at him, "how, sky song?"

"Master, I feel a familiar breath in the interior of the black rock ridge, as if calling me." There is a trace of doubt in the sound of Chutian song, and there is a faint excitement.

"Well, let's go in and have a look." Mu shallow moon wants to also did not want to say.

"Forget it, master. It's getting late today. If you go in, you may not be able to come out before dark. It's not too late for us to come back tomorrow." Chu Tiange said that although he also wanted to know what the familiar breath was, he would never gamble on the life of the master.

Mu Xiaoyue looked up at the sky and found that it was darker than before. She thought about it and nodded, "well, come back tomorrow."

"It's strange, why is it getting darker and earlier? Should it be just now Qiao Zixian said with a puzzled face.

It's just arrived at Shenshi, which is more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

Suddenly Mu shallow moon eyebrows a congealing, "Zi Xian, Tiange, do you two feel a strange breath?"

Qiao Zixian looked around suspiciously and shook his head, "no, except that I feel a little cold. Well, it seems that it is colder than a few days ago. Is it going to cool down?"

"Master, I feel it too. It makes me uneasy." The sound of Chutian song has a trace of solemnity. As a Warcraft, his sense ability is naturally stronger than that of human beings.

Just like when the earthquake is about to happen, cats and dogs will cry uneasily, even the tame pigs, cattle and sheep will become manic and restless, but human beings can not feel it. Only when the earthquake comes, can we know that the earthquake is coming!

The same is true here.

Mu shallow moon is tight eyebrow, long curly eyelashes cover the brilliance of the eye, suddenly, a bad premonition rises in the heart, "not good! step on it! The Black Whirlwind is coming

"Black Whirlwind? It should not be! It's not yet evening, isn't it that the Black Whirlwind will come out only at night? " Qiao Zixian's face was full of disbelief, but he was still nervous. After all, how terrible the Black Whirlwind was. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, Hao Yun talked about it. It was a force that even high-level holy martial arts could not resist!

"It's not yet evening, but it's dark, an hour earlier than usual. Besides, I feel a fierce breath, and I'm approaching here quickly! Let's go. " The voice of a fall, Mu shallow moon feet move, the body like a ghost quickly jumped out.

Chu song has long since jumped down from Mu's shoulder, has been following her side, non-stop galloping, as fast as a meteor.

Qiao Zixian immediately followed up without thinking about it. She was absolutely infallible. She had been with him for such a long time. She knew that she looked weak, but in fact she was tough. She was calm and fearless in the face of danger, and she never laughed at her life.

They rushed out all the way.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

Behind her came the loud sound of "Huhu". Mu Qianyue looked back and saw a Black Whirlwind blowing from the distance on the other side of the mountain under the dark sky. It was fierce and incomparable, and the speed was incredible. It was chasing them twice and three times as fast!

"No! What a Black Whirlwind Qiao Zixian heard the sound behind her and looked back. When she saw the Black Whirlwind which was quickly rolled over, her eyes widened in horror.

"Run Mu shallow month hastily cries out.

Two people and one beast are constantly speeding up the speed. The Black Whirlwind seems to know that mu Qianyue is going to run, but they also speed up their speed. The distance of dozens of miles was shortened by half in a blink of an eye!It's a long way from the exit of heiyanling! I'm afraid it won't take long to catch up with you!

To Mu's surprise, there was more than one black whirlwind, two three, four and five A Black Whirlwind came from the distant hills.

"My God! So many black whirlwinds! No wonder Hao Yun said that heiyanling is the most dangerous place in the five layers. " Qiao Zixian was surprised and didn't dare to slow down. However, the speed of these Black Whirlwind was so fast that he could catch up with him in about half a cup of tea!

A Black Whirlwind directly hits mu Qianyue's back. Mu's color of surprise and fierce and fierce breath are getting closer and closer behind her, which makes mu Qianyue feel unprecedented danger. Just a little blade of wind even twists her skirt flying in the air to pieces!

What a powerful force!

If you are involved in this black whirlwind, I really don't know if I will die.

The phantom footwork is displayed again and hides in a strange posture. The terrible breath passes by mu Qianyue's body, which makes mu Qianyue very frightened.

On the other side, Chu Tiange and Qiao Zixian also escaped the attack of a black whirlwind.

"Let's go." Mu shallow moon urges a way.

After patrolling in the black rock ridge for so many days, this is the first time mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian have encountered a black whirlwind.

The real thing about Xiaoyue is that it doesn't dare to see its power.

Two men and one beast quickened the pace again.

"Snoring Snoring... "

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