"Yes! I sent two people, and they are all level five holy warriors. There is no problem in dealing with the two first level holy warriors with their strength. However, they have not come back yet. I feel that the situation is not very good. " Xiao Muyu said in a cold voice.

"Two fifth order warriors?" Mei Yin disdained to chuckle, and her face was full of anger. She was very dissatisfied and said, "didn't I tell you that you should find two strong people? Although mu Qianyue is only a first-class warrior, she can fight across the ranks. When she was outside, she defeated Mu Ru Tian, the genius of Mu family. "

"You know a fart!" Xiao Muyu couldn't help cursing, "the fifth level of the whole wilderness ancient world is the highest level of the fifth level warrior. Once the strength reaches the sixth level, he will be transferred to the next level. Where do you want me to find someone stronger? "

"Hum!" Mei Yin disdains of snort, momentum but don't feel the weak down.

Xiao Muyu frowned angrily. Mei Yin thought and said, "I have a way. We can't kill her, but someone can

"Who?" Xiao Muyu looked up and looked at her suspiciously.

"The law enforcement team." The sweet voice lip corner light arouses a touch of cold meaning.

"Five days later, you will tell the law enforcement team that the two people are missing. You suspect that they were killed by mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian. Then you can make some evidence by some small means. Hum, at that time, the law enforcement team will not let her go." Mei Yin's face is bloodthirsty, and her expression is extremely grim.

Xiao Muyu's eyes were bright, and there was a cold light in his sinister eyes. He said with a smile, "this is a good way. It's still my little Mei Mei who is smart."

Then he jumped at the flattering sound.

Five days passed by.

In the cave, mu Qianyue gently opened her eyes, and a wisp of cold light flashed across the deep pupils, like a scabbard sword, with a peerless edge, and then quickly retracted.

After five days of refining and absorbing, her strength has reached the level of the fourth level holy warrior. This strength is indeed growing rapidly, and it takes no effort. I didn't expect such good luck when I came to Heiyan mountain.

Then Chu Tian song also retreated from the state of cultivation. His handsome face was filled with a touch of excitement. He was the fourth level warrior. Now he is finally the fourth level warrior! It seems to think of something, his golden eyes filled with bloodthirsty terrible cold, the momentum of the whole person suddenly cold down.

Demon world, I will come back! When I come back, it will be the day of my revenge!

After a while, Qiao Zixian also opened her eyes. Her eyes twinkled with excitement and couldn't help laughing, "Hey, the promotion speed is just like a meteor. It's amazing how fast it is!" Said her eyes to Mu shallow moon, more and more feel that their original decision is correct.

If she didn't know him, if she didn't decide to leave the city of light with him and go out for a journey, I'm afraid she's still a first-class warrior! She used to think that the warrior was so tall, so far away, far away, but now she is full of confidence, that day is not far away!

Hehe, according to the current speed, it is estimated that he will be the fifth level warrior in a short time. Unfortunately, the more you get to the back, the smaller the role of the refined spar will be. Otherwise, it will be a matter of minutes to become a warrior!

Even so, Qiao Zixian has felt very satisfied, but many people do not have the opportunity.

"Zixian, when I go out, I will suppress my strength on the first-class holy warrior." Mu Qianyue looks at her and says that Chutian song has changed back to the form of a mini beast and falls on mu Qianyue's shoulder.

"OK." Qiao Zixian raised his lips and laughed. Then they left the cave together. They still went into the interior of the black rock mountain to look for some fine stones. Unfortunately, they had almost all the fine stones. Only a hundred or so were picked up in a day.

"Oh, the refined crystal is almost gone." Qiao Zixian some depressed way.

"It's a good thing if we don't have it. We've been promoted too fast and some breath is unstable. It's better to consolidate it. Moreover, if we rely too much on external forces, we will lose the power of cultivation and become lazy

Mu Qianyue's voice seems to have a kind of magic that can make people calm. Qiao Zixian had some impetuous and depressive mentality, and instantly turned to sunny. She blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "yes, we can't rely too much on external forces. The strength of self-cultivation is the most practical and reliable!"

"We won't go back to the cave tonight. Go to the exit." Mu shallow month in the eyes of the cold light flash, cold said.

"Yes." Qiao Zixian nodded and followed mu Qianyue.

When mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian came to the exit, they saw a man looking around. Although the sky was a little dark, it could still be seen.

And the man obviously saw mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian, and then he ran away in a hurry.

Qiao Zixian looked at the figure of the man who left in a hurry and sneered. He didn't want to know that Xiao Muyu must have sent him to guard here. Sure enough, after a while, I saw a group of people coming towards this side. The leader was Xiao Muyu. Walking beside him was a woman with a charming appearance, wearing a dark red low cut dress, showing an extremely attractive ravine.Xiao Muyu behind is six young men, strength is the fifth level of martial arts, Mu shallow moon can see.

"Mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian, where have you been these days?" Xiao Muyu asked angrily when he arrived.

Mu Xiaoyue frowned and replied in a cold voice, "it's natural to patrol in the black rock ridge, otherwise captain Xiao thinks I'm doing something?"

"Hum! You're obviously lying! If you patrol in the black rock ridge these days, why didn't I see you when I went in several times? And you didn't come back for the last five days, saying, "where have you been in these five days?" Xiao Muyu said angrily.

Mei Yin, standing beside him, could not help but see the face of Mu Qianyue when he got closer. His eyes could not help showing strong jealousy and resentment. There was such a beautiful face in the world! More beautiful than Chu Yuzhen, no wonder Chu Yuzhen will be defeated in her hands, no wonder Chu Yuzhen wants to kill her!

If you have such a rival in love, you can't bear it.

Qiao Zixian replied discontentedly, "Captain Xiao, what do you mean? We patrol in the black rock ridge day by day, risking our lives and protecting the peace here, but you doubt us?"

The leader of the law enforcement team stepped forward and said, "I am a law enforcement officer from the fifth floor of the ancient world. My name is Dong Jian. Captain Xiao said that you killed two members. Now we are here to investigate this matter. If you have not done such a thing, I will not embarrass you. If you really kill those two members, you will be severely punished! "

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