"Since you know that they are weak, how do they kill those who are from the fourth level? Can you do it for you? " Dong Jian asked in a cold voice, and then, regardless of the others, turned around and left with the crowd.

Xiao Muyu looked at the back of Dong Jian's departure, and his face showed a strong unwilling look. When he turned to look at mu Qianyue, his face returned to his former look, and said, "Mu Qianyue, Qiao Zixian, I don't want to doubt you, but it's really suspicious. At the beginning, I was too anxious. I will cooperate with Captain Dong to find out. "

Then he left with Mei Yin.

"Bah! Do you want to act in front of us, when we are fools? " After Xiao Muyu left, Qiao Zixian disdained to hum.

Xiao Muyu's last words were intentional. His purpose was to relax his vigilance and think he was still a good man. Ha ha It's a pity that all his plots have long been seen through by mu Qianyue.


"Hum! I am so angry! I thought they were going to die this time! I didn't expect to be hidden by them! " Mei Yin angry way.

"What to do?" Xiao Muyu frowned. He didn't expect that mu Qianyue was so hard to kill. Now that the feud is over, even if he didn't kill her, she would kill herself. It has been heard that this mu shallow moon is very fierce. At that time, he still disdains the chi to the nose. How powerful can a girl with no hair grow up?

Now he has some regrets to provoke her, in case nalanjing knows about it, he will die!

Fortunately, there are few people here, and nalanjing is not in the ancient world.

"I'm afraid they were killed by mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian, otherwise she would not be surprised today. It seems that she is really strong! " Mei Yin's face was solemn and said, "now the plan is only for us to come out personally!"

"Do it yourself?" Xiao Muyu frowned in doubt.

"Good! Although that Mu shallow month has some strength, but you and I work together, she may not be our opponent! On weekdays, isn't she going to patrol the black rock ridge? We follow her in secret and kill her when she is not prepared. " Mei Yin's eyes flashed like a poisonous snake. She turned her head and saw Xiao Muyu frown. She could not help but snort, "how? Scared? Oh Now it's too late to be afraid. Even if you don't kill her, she won't let you go. "

"Hum! Then do not do it twice! " Xiao Mu Yusen's cold tone has a strong murderous spirit.


Outside the window, there was a slight sound. Although it was very small, it was still heard by Xiao Muyu and Mei Yin.

"Who?" Xiao Muyu's face changed and suddenly became fierce. His body moved like a streamer. In a flash, he went out of the window. When he saw the person in front of him, his face was even colder, "is it you?"

"Hao Yiyun's face is flustered

"What did you just hear?" Xiao Muyu asked in a cold voice. At this time, Mei Yin had already come out of the room, and her eyes fell on Hao Yun's body coldly, as if she were looking at a corpse. "No matter whether he hears it or not, he can't stay. Otherwise, if the law enforcement officers know about it, we will not survive. "

Hao Yun was shocked and turned to run, but he was stopped by Xiao Muyu.

"Captain Xiao, this is the gratitude and resentment between mu Qianyue and Tianyin Pavilion. Why do you want to be involved in it? Mu Qianyue is the future mother of the temple. Aren't you afraid of nalanjing's revenge Hao Yunting came down and recovered his composure.

Xiao Muyu's face was hesitant for a moment, then he became fierce again, "hum! No matter what you say today, I will not let you go! "

Mei Yin sneered, "I said, how could this plan fail? It seems that you went to tell the secret to Mu Qianyue a few days ago. "

"Hum! Good, it's me! There is a clear rule in the ancient world that we can't kill each other. All the gratitude and resentment should be put down here, but you are mean and mean Hao Yunnu scolded.

"In that case, you shall die." Mei Yin snorted coldly, and his body turned into a strong wind. At the same time, Xiao Muyu also patted Hao Yun behind his back!

Hao Yun was not their opponent at all, so he lost his breath after a while.

"He who dares to fight against me is death!" By then, Hao's corpse can be killed on the spot. It's not the first time that Hao's corpse was killed by a cold beast.

There is a clear rule in the ancient world that you can't kill people. But if you die in the hands of Warcraft, that's another thing. The law enforcement team can't go into it.

"Where to throw his body? Now the area he's guarding is safe, and there are few powerful Warcraft Mei Yin asked with a frown.

"It's still the same place, heiyanling. It's the best place to kill and destroy. At that time, if Dong Jian asked, he would say that he did not abide by the regulations and ran in Xiao Muyu had a cold light in his eyes.

……In Heiyan mountain, the sky is vast and high, and it is still a piece of gray. It seems that there will never be sunshine here. Unlike other places, Heiyan mountain seems to have no sunshine all year round. But the outside of heiyanling is different. The sun, moon and stars are still the same.

Today, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian are still patrolling around in the black rock ridge. These days, they, together with Chu Tiange, have already picked up all the fine stones.

"Master, there's a body over there!" Chu Tian song turned into a human figure, dressed in a black robe, with a black ribbon light bundle of golden hair, golden pupil in a flash of a sharp light.

"Corpse?" Mu Qianyue frowns slightly at the smell of speech. In the black rock ridge, there are only herself and Zixian and Tiange, and there is nothing else. These days, the two of them patrol here every day, and have not seen any corpses.

"That man is Hao Yun." Chu Tian song's eyes fell on the pale and bloodless face of the corpse and said faintly.

"What? Hao Yun Qiao Zixian screamed at the words. She stepped forward quickly. When she saw the face of the corpse, she was shocked. She was filled with complex and uncomfortable feelings. Although she was not very familiar with Hao Yun, she was still a friend.

Here, he has been secretly helping himself and the moon, saying the danger of the black rock ridge, otherwise she would have been trapped by Xiao Muyu when she had just arrived.

He was fine before. Why did he die suddenly?

Mu shallow moon's face is also suddenly a cold, black eyes in the surging anger, the flames burning in her eyes. Hao Yun has been withered away, but his body suddenly appears here

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