"Zixian, you don't want to follow us. You go out first and wait for us outside." Mu shallow moon block in front of the body, said.

"Good." Qiao Zixian also knew the seriousness of the matter, but did not try to be brave. She nodded and quickly withdrew. If she continues to go down, she will not only be unable to help the light moon and Tiange, but will also drag them down, so that she will be distracted from taking care of herself.

So retreat is the best choice, if you continue to go down, even shallow moon can not bear, shallow moon will also retreat.

After mu Qianyue and Chu Tiange continue to go down for a long time, they can see the scene in front of him suddenly. Some light golden light comes up from below. Although it is very weak, she can see clearly the scene in front of her.

There is no road ahead, but a cliff!

In order to prevent himself from seeing things dazzled, mu Qianyue flicked his finger and called out the fire of the soul. The red flame lit up the space, and there was a cliff in front of him, which could not see the bottom.

And at the bottom of the cliff, countless terrible and cold black whirlwinds are constantly floating. From time to time, a cold black wind blows up from below, hitting mu Qianyue's body, bursts of pain.

It's obvious that the black whirlwind that raged in the black rock ridge before was blown out from here!

And this must be extremely dangerous, but there is no way ahead.

Chutian song's eyes narrowed slightly, and his golden pupil was staring at the countless black wind below without blinking. However, he could see that the mood on his face was firm and disappointed. "Why did I only feel the breath of my father, but I didn't see his figure? Isn't he here? Or in the dark wind down here? "

"Maybe he has been here and left something here, so you can only feel his breath." Mu shallow moon soft voice consolation way.

"No, I must go and have a look! I feel someone calling me down here Words fall, Chu song body movement, quickly rushed to the cliff below the altar.

Mu Xiaoyue is shocked, but it's too late to stop him. However, Chu Tian song is not hurt by those black wind, and his hanging heart slowly falls down.

Those black wind in the Chutian song in the strange to avoid the past, this makes Mu shallow moon is very surprised.

What makes mu Qianyue more surprised is that these black shady winds even give her a way!

"Eh?" Mu Xiaoyue is confused and makes a sound. Is it because of the contractual relationship between himself and Tiange?

With this in mind, mu Qianyue's body moved and quickly swept down.

The cliff is about kilometer, and it will be down in a short time.

Under the cliff is not as dark as the above, but a bright, a brilliant and bright golden light, illuminating the front of this square of heaven and earth.

I saw a gold shield in front of me. The gorgeous golden awn was emitted from it. As for what the Golden Shield had, mu Qianyue didn't really see it.

The dazzling golden awn blocked the sight.

Mu Xiaoyue fell on the ground, and her feet made a series of "click" sound. She quickly looked down and saw that the feet were full of dense white bones, including human beings and Warcraft, which were terrible.

Without tens of thousands, there are thousands.

Looking at the mountains of white bones in front of her eyes, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with shock. You don't need to think and know that there must have been a fierce and incomparable war and battle a long time ago!

When seeing these white bones, Chu Tiange's eyes also changed dramatically. There was an uneasiness in his heart. If the father really came here, he must have encountered a cruel struggle here!

With this in mind, Chutian song's beautiful face suddenly became gloomy, covered with cold and severe storms.

Looking around, mu Qianyue suddenly widens her eyes in disbelief.

Next to the cliff, there is a huge crystal stone mountain! It's the size of a small house! Around the sacrificial platform, there are scattered fine crystal stones lying in disorder!

It was only at this moment that mu Qianyue realized that the fine crystal stones in the black rock ridge were blown out from here and carried out by those black whirlwinds.

So every time after the Black Whirlwind, there will be refined spar!

Chu Tiange obviously found this, and his face was excited, "master, there are a lot of fine crystal stones here!"

"Yes With these fine crystal stones, the overall strength of Jingyue Pavilion must be even higher!

"My God, is that you?" Suddenly, a long and deep voice in this space slowly ring up, gently floating in the ears of muqianyue and Chutian song.

"Father? Father Chu Tiange's face suddenly changed, and his golden eyes were filled with joy and excitement. He looked up all around, but he did not see his father's figure.

"God, I didn't expect that you really found this place..." The long, long sound continued.

"Father, it's me! I'm God! My father... " The song of Chu finally fixed its eyes on the area covered by golden light in front of her eyes, and the voice of the father king came from there.At the same time, Chutian song walked towards the golden shield without hesitation.

Mu Xiaoyue thought out a voice to remind him to be more careful, but when he saw his face determined and excited and happy, he couldn't help but swallow it. If he found the news of his parents, I'm afraid that he would be as excited as the song of heaven at the moment. Is he too excited to be rational?

Just, have oneself by his side, no matter what kind of monster is inside, she will certainly protect him well.

Mu Qianyue kept close to him, and his palms under his sleeve gathered together to summon Yuan Li's sword. His slender fingers could not help holding the sword in his hand.

One after another, they walked into the altar covered with golden mansions, and the scene in front of them immediately changed dramatically, just like they came to another space in an instant.

In front of you is a large round altar. In the center of the altar, there is a golden awn as big as a fist. It is quietly suspended in the air, silent here, far away from the world.

The golden awn radiated a faint golden light, forming a huge transparent protective cover over the altar.

Suddenly, mu Qianyue's eyes widened again. He saw that the altar was made of countless fine crystal stones, and the color of these fine stones was not as transparent as diamond white, but as dazzling red!

Like the most beautiful and perfect ruby in the world!

The aura contained in it is much more rich and pure than those refined stones outside!

Oh, my God! It's not a luxury to build an altar with so many red crystal stones!

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