None of those who practice the power of the stars can understand the Yin and Yang array of stars, but she succeeded!

In this world, it is estimated that only the master can match the mother!

Mu Qianyue doesn't have the heart to care what the five elders think. Instead, she condenses her Qi and gathers her spirit to repair the stitched wounds in Qiao Zixian's hands and feet with the power of the stars.

As time went by, the five elders came and went. In a flash, half a month had passed.

During these seven days, mu Qianyue sat in the yard without moving. She kept using the power of the star Yin and Yang array to absorb the power of the stars in the sky, refined and absorbed it, filtered it into pure star power, and then infused it into Qiao Zixian's body at a very slow and slow speed to repair and connect the wound

This cycle.

After seven days of unremitting efforts, Qiao Zixian finally completed the most perfect suture of the wounds on both hands and feet!

"Hoo..." Mu Xiaoyue took a long breath, wiped the sweat on her face, and solved Qiao Zixian's sleeping hole. However, Qiao Zixian gently called out and woke up.

Curled eyelashes trembled and the closed eyes opened. As soon as I opened my eyes, the familiar and beautiful smile was reflected in my eyes, and my sweet soft voice sounded on my head.

"Zixian, do you feel better?"

"How can I feel that I have been sleeping for a long time..." As she spoke, Qiao Zixian sat up on the carpet with her hands on the ground. Suddenly, her body was stagnant. She looked down at her hands, turned her hands, turned her hands, and touched her cheek.

As if thinking of something, she lowered her head and touched her legs again. She moved. She was able to move, and there was no obstacle at all!

Her eyes were staring at her, and her face was shocked and stunned. She raised her head and looked at mu Qianyue in a daze. She stammered and asked, "shallow moon, I, I, I My hands and my feet have been cut off? What's the matter? I am not dreaming, am I

"No, you're not dreaming." Mu Xiaoyue raised her lips and smile. Seeing the smile on her face, she instantly felt that everything she had paid was worth it.

At this time, the five elders also rushed to see that Qiao Zixian had woken up and could move. His eyes widened with surprise.

It's too fast to recover in just half a month, isn't it? It's just appalling!

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it at all, nor could he believe that the healing power of the power of the stars was so strong! The power of the stars is a good thing! It's a pity that he can't practice. Ah

"Well, Miss Joe, may I see the wound on my arm?" Five elder Leng Leng Leng, suddenly return to God, the vision is quite obscene look to Qiao Zixian asked.

Qiao Zixian naturally knew what he wanted to see. Although his eyes were strange, they didn't mean anything frivolous. Besides, she also wanted to see how the wound on her arm was. Qiao Zixian nodded, reached out and lifted the sleeve up to the shoulder. Under the wide cuff, a thin white arm was revealed.

In the left arm near the shoulder place, once was the fracture place, actually did not have the scar! Even a little scar can't be seen!

Qiao Zixian could not help but hold her breath, reached out and stroked it gently. She was so surprised that there was not even a trace of uneven place there! As good as it was! No flaws!

"How could that be possible?! There are no scars, no bumps and bumps, just like you've never been hurt! " Qiao Zi couldn't help exclaiming.

The five elders had the same startled eyes. As funny as it was, he wanted to reach out and touch Qiao Zixian's arm, but there were differences between men and women! It's very indecent to look at it.

"Moon, how did you do it?" Qiao Zixian was stunned for a long time before she reacted. She remembered clearly that she had been cut off by Su Mengling! Even if the amputated hands and feet can be sewn up, the effect will not be so good!

The five elders heard the speech and came back to God from the shock. They couldn't help admiring the moon. At the beginning, Qiao Zixian was injured, but he saw it with his own eyes. The master mother's medical skills were really too rebellious and amazing!

"The stitches I sew your hands and feet are not ordinary stitches. It's a wire needle made of Lingyu. As for the thread, it's the juice extracted from hundreds of Saussurea involucrata, plus the cold ice grass, which is refined into a semi cooked state with the fire of the soul. Then, they are divided into silver like thin strands by using the true element force. Finally, the wound was sutured with Lingyu needle

Mu Xiaoyue raised her lips and continued to smile, "the silk thread made of Saussurea involucrata and ice grass does not need to be removed, but can be directly absorbed. After all, those broken tendons and veins need to be re sutured. If the wounds inside are sutured with ordinary stitches, they can't be removed. "

"Ah! Shallow moon, you are so smart Qiao Zixian couldn't help being excited and wanted to stand up. Mu Qianyue quickly reached out and pressed her, "don't be too excited. Although it looks like you've recovered almost, your hands and feet are still in a very fragile state. They have just been reconnected, and they are still very fragile, but they can not withstand too much force. During this period, you must stay in bed, do not move or go down to the ground, in case of sequelaeSeeing the domineering side of Mu Qianyue, Qiao Zixian had to curl her mouth. Unexpectedly, when she was so overbearing, her tone and expression were just like the emperor above. There was no doubt about it!

Well, it seems that this period of time can only be spent in bed.

Because the muscles and veins on her hands and feet had just recovered and she could not practice, so every day Qiao Zixian was bored and felt that she was getting moldy. She counted sheep or stars every day.

Time passed like water, and two months passed in a flash. In these two months, Qiao Zixian was almost tormented and crazy. She didn't let herself walk out of bed or practice, even if she took a tea and poured water.

After two months of hard work, her body finally recovered completely.

"Now I find out how wonderful and happy it is to be able to walk and do things by myself." Standing in the yard, Qiao Zixian looked up at the broken sunshine from the clouds, filled with excitement and joy in her heart.

"Yes, I feel the same way." Hao Yun said with a smile that he was also placed here to recuperate.

The two injured people have nothing to talk about together, but can also solve the loneliness, otherwise really want to suffocate crazy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!