"Well, aren't you two going to come with us?" Among the six people on the opposite side, one of them asked mu Qianyue.

However, her face showed a trace of arrogance, and the expression in her eyes also had a hint of charity. It seemed that mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian could be allowed to follow her. It was a very lucky thing.

"No more." Mu Qianyue's eyes were shallow and shook his head.

She has her own plan. Besides, she has a lot of red crystal stones on her body. If she is with them, she and Zixian can't take out the red refined stones to cultivate and strengthen their strength.

Seeing Mu Xiaoyue's refusal, the woman's face suddenly showed displeasure, "I'm the strongest of all, the Ninth level holy warrior. You two are just promoted to the sixth level. The sixth floor of the wilderness is full of crisis. We should unite. I was worried that you two were in danger, so I was kind enough to remind you. Don't be ungrateful. "

"That is, Miss Han is to see you two poor, just kind to remind, don't how to die at that time don't know." Said a man standing beside the woman, disdainful and contemptuous, but when he looked at the Narcissus, his eyes were full of flattery.

Qiao Zixian disdains the cold hum, "dog leg son."

"What do you say?" The man suddenly glared and roared. The cold Narcissus, with his hands around his chest and a sneer in the corner of his mouth, looked at mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian. As long as the two begged for themselves and said they were wrong, maybe he would kindly let them follow.

"It's our business to be with you or not." The man's face was cold and bright, and his eyes were cold and bright.

I don't know why, in the face of Mu Qianyue's cold and awe inspiring eyes, he actually did not have the courage to confront, and his momentum was weakened instantly.

"Since you two want to die, you can do whatever you want." Cold Narcissus cold face, arrogant look full of disdain, she believes that in a short time, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian will come back to ask for themselves.

Hum, it's just a seven level warrior and a sixth level warrior. In the sixth level of the strong, there is no ability to survive.

The sixth level of the wilderness is more like a cruel battlefield, full of struggle.

"Thank you for reminding me." Mu light moon white lips gently hook up a sarcastic arc, then head also did not return to turn away.

Qiao Zixian immediately followed up, even did not look at the cold Narcissus and others.

"Pooh Wait for mu shallow month and Qiao Zixian to leave, that dogleg man dare to say a word.

Cold Narcissus eyes sinister looking at mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian two disappeared back, from time to time there is a cold light flash.


"Moon, where are we going now?" Qiao Zixian looked around with vigilant eyes, walked to Mu shallow moon, and asked softly.

Mu shallow month Mou son gently squint, "find a place to settle down to say again, and then slowly inquire into the situation."

It's better to be careful when you first come here. Otherwise, it's too rash and easily lead to disaster.

"Well, that's the only way." Qiao Zixian nodded helplessly.

After that, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian found a cave in the nearby mountain forest to live in. In the sixth floor of the ancient world, there were basically no buildings or houses. Those people took things as they were, so that they could retreat when they were in danger.

It's getting dark bit by bit.

Qiao Zixian stayed in the cave, while mu Qianyue was looking around.

Just as Mu was preparing to go back, a black figure suddenly blocked the way. The light blue moonlight sprinkled behind him, and his face was shrouded in shadow.

His hair was flying in the night wind, and his whole body was emitting a cold breath.

Mu shallow month eyebrows a frown, the eye vigilantly looks at the person in front of, "is it you?"

Simao's mouth grinned, revealing a mysterious and cold smile, "or who do you think it is?"

"What are you doing here?" Mu Xiaoyue's eyes were cold. She didn't expect that situ Mo would be here and meet him here.

However, Simao was a nine level warrior before. If he came to defend the ancient world, he would be on the sixth floor.

"It's because you're here." Situ Mo's eyes are deep and quiet staring at mu Qianyue.

"Now that you're done, you can go." Mu shallow month says coldly.

"Xiaoyueyue, you are so heartless. You can't wait to see me when they come to see you? " Situ Mo looked at her in a secluded way.

Smell speech, Mu shallow month can't help but beat a shiver, the double eyes disgusted looking at him, "please, we are not familiar, don't call so intimate, OK?"

"It's OK. If you know more, you'll be familiar with it." Situ Mo laughs.

"If you're here to gossip, you can go now." Mu Qianyue's tone is cold. She doesn't like him at all. Doesn't she just want to use herself to Fu Jing?She won't let him.

Situ Mo Su's face, hands around the chest, lips high raised a cold arc, "Chu Yuzhen has reached the level of the Ninth level of martial arts, only one step away from the Shenwu. However, she is in the Gaolan mountains. At present, I don't know that you have come to the sixth floor of the ancient world, so you'd better not go to the Gaolan mountains, or she will certainly find you trouble. "

"Are you trying to please me Mu Xiaoyue sneers, but in her slightly drooping eyes, she quickly flashes a cold light. Unexpectedly, Chu Yuzhen's strength has grown so fast that she has reached the level of nine level martial arts!

But what about that?

Before the final step, who will win and who will lose is still unknown.

She never gives up easily!

"It's my pleasure to please you." Under the light blue moonlight, situ Mo's face bloomed with a graceful and charming smile, like a black lotus blooming in the dark night.

"It's a pity that I don't care." Mu shallow month coldly throws down a word, turns to leave.

As soon as he arrived at the sixth floor of the ancient world, situ Mo found him. I'm afraid Chu Yuzhen will find himself soon. It seems that he has to improve his strength as soon as possible.

"It's a little pepper. It's a young woman's pepper." Situ Mo touched his chin with one hand, looked at the figure of Mu Xiaoyue's leaving, and murmured to himself, "but the woman I like from situ Mo can't be robbed! Not even naranjing! "

After that, his body moved, turned into a wisp of black smoke and disappeared in the night sky.

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