"Lying!" Nalanxieling cried, "if my mother loves me, why do you think of me now? And Dad, he's a bad guy! He and his mother in the outside intimate, shut me up in the space alone, villain, villain! Wuwu... "

Finally, Nalan Xueling cried more and more.

Mu Xiaoyue raised her eyes and glared at Nalan Jing. This guy, no one else, shut Xiaoling in the space for one night. It's strange that she is not sad!

Nalanjing's pretty face showed a look of embarrassment. He said with a smile, "it's not because I'm so excited to see the lady!"

Mu Xiaoyue has no choice but to draw the corners of her mouth. She has to keep coaxing Nalan Xueling. After a long time, she finally coaxes Nalan Xueling.

"Xiao Ling, I'm sure that childe Nalan is definitely your father!" Qiao Zixian had already laughed, and she almost thought that nalanjing was intentional.

"Ah..." Nalan Xueling sent out a faint sigh, no way, who let her have such a jealous father?

Mu Xiaoyue's family of three reunited for a while, and then separated, life is always gathered less from more.

After more than half a year's absence, Nalan Xueling has reached the level of the Ninth level master of martial arts, and his strength has increased rapidly.

"Mother, I will try my best to cultivate myself. When I grow up, I can protect my mother!" Nalan Xueling's black eyes twinkle with firm light.

In the previous life, because she was too small and weak, she was unable to protect her mother and father, which led to her mother and father being killed by bad people. However, in this life, she is the spirit of heaven and earth, with unique talent.

She swore that she would never let that man separate his mother and father in this life!

Mu shallow moon eyes overflow with soft smile, reach out to caress her hair, "I believe you."

After seeing off nalanjing and Nalan Xueling, mu Qianyue's face slowly calmed down like a lake.

"What kind of strength is childe Nalan? He can come and go to the ancient world freely." Qiao Zixian looked puzzled.

"He has the key to open the gate of the ancient world." Mu shallow month sees to her, labial horn does not feel to bend up a wipe radian, light smile way.

Qiao Zixian sniffed at the words.

Shortly after nalanjing and Nalan Xueling left, a law enforcement officer came to Mu's place and knew, "gather tomorrow morning."

Early the next morning, mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian came to a nearby hillside, where they saw a dozen or so people gathered. They were cold Narcissus.

Cold Narcissus saw mu Qianyue come over, and a quick flash of hate on his face.

Qiao Zixian disdained to curl his mouth.

Mu Qianyue's beautiful face was indifferent and alienated. He glanced at the cold Narcissus lightly and withdrew his eyes.

After a while, several law enforcement officers came over. The leader was an old man, who was the sixth layer of the law enforcement elder six elders in the wilderness ancient world. He is full of white hair, but his eyes are sharp as an eagle. Looking at mu Qianyue and others, he says slowly.

"Now a new mission has been issued. When you go to Gaolanshan Town, a space crack suddenly appeared there yesterday, and many Warcraft rushed out of it. The situation is extremely unstable and extremely dangerous. What you have to do now is to keep that space crack, and don't let Warcraft rush out, or it will endanger the whole continent. "

Space crack?

When they heard the words, they could not help but roar, and their faces were full of horror.

Mu Qianyue's face changed slightly. It seems that Chu Yuzhen is in Gaolan mountain range!

"Six elders, which continent is the space fissure connecting The cold Narcissus asked in a voice.

"Demon world." The sixth elder replied.

Demon world? Mu Qianyue's eyes narrowed slightly. Among the five layers of the wild ancient world, the mysterious cave in the core of Heiyan mountain seems to have a way to the world of Warcraft. Was this wild ancient world established at the beginning to prevent Warcraft from coming to the mainland?

It seems to be.

Because there was a fierce war in that mysterious cave. There were bodies of Warcraft and human beings

When they heard the word "demon world", they could not help but take a cold breath. Their eyes were full of fear and fear.

"Six elders, this is the first time we have heard about the demon world. Can you tell us something about it?" Qiao Zixian couldn't help but be curious and asked.

"Well, I'll tell you something about the devil kingdom." The six elder's voice sank slightly and said slowly, "ten thousand years ago, there was no demon Kingdom at that time. The whole continent is a whole. Later, there was a war between gods and demons, which led to the continent divided into several different spaces. Three of them are the land of magic state, the land of heaven and the land of magic. Now the space we are in is the land of unreal state. The next plane of the land is tianwu, where the aura is much thinner than that of the land. But in the demon world, the aura there is even rarer than that in tianwu

There was a silence at the scene, and everyone was listening to the six elders talking about the secret of ten thousand years ago."War between gods and demons? Why is there a war between gods and demons? " Someone in the crowd asked curiously.

"Because of the fight for territory. Ten thousand years ago, there were eighteen divine beasts. In addition to Qinglong, Zhuque, Baihu and Xuanwu, there were also Phoenix, Qilin, Taotie, poor and strange, wild snake, Golden Lion and so on However, because Taotie, poor beast, Teng snake, Jin Yan Sheng lion and so on are ferocious and cruel, they cause people's dissatisfaction. So all the strong forces together drove it to the west of the mainland, where is barren land, very desolate. And those gods and beasts are classified into the ranks of fierce beasts

"So they won't fight for territory. Later, a demon appeared among the beasts. The man was extremely gifted and had extraordinary strength. He led the fierce beasts to attack human beings one after another. Finally, the war caused the whole continent to split into several spaces. "

The voice of the six elders was heavy, and the people were sighing. It turned out that there was such a history. It must have been a fierce and cruel war!

"Although we humans won the war in the end, we also paid a painful price. Countless strong people died in that war, and those fierce beasts also suffered heavy losses. Finally, we had to hide in the barren land, which is now the demon world. But they still do not give up, every hundred years to launch attacks on the land of unreal state, but all ended in failure. But in recent years, their movements have become more frequent. Moreover, the barrier in the wild ancient world is becoming thinner and thinner, and there have been many space cracks in the past century

After listening to the words of the six elders, we finally understood. No wonder some people need to be transferred from the outside to guard this space every three years, so as to prevent Warcraft from breaking into the space suddenly.

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