Mu Changqing's face changed as well, and his eyes were filled with startled and flustered color, "not good! This is the water of nine secluded waters. Run quickly

Jiuyou water?!

When they heard the four words of Jiuyou water, their faces changed greatly. They were scared to run, and the speed was extremely fast.

It is said that the nine hell water comes from hell, and it has a very terrible corrosive power. Even if the divine warriors see it, they will be afraid, let alone them? If you are touched by the water of Jiuyou, you will be hurt if you don't die!

I didn't expect that the soul of gluttonous food would lead to Jiuyou water!

The ancient ferocious beast Taotie can swallow everything, even the water of Jiuyou. It's really abnormal!

The cold and frightful water of Jiuyou is pouring down from the sky, and the next is mu Qianyue!

Mu Qianyue's eyes flashed with cold light. Her shadow disappeared instantly. When she appeared again, she was ten meters away, but she did not dare to stay.

The power of these nine secluded waters is much stronger than that in the secret realm of stars, because there is also the power of gluttonous soul. That is to say, the power of admiring the shallow moon is not suitable for the next step, otherwise it will be seriously injured!

Once seriously injured, it is Chu Yuzhen's plan. In the end, he can only be slaughtered.

"Hula..." The water of Jiuyou roared down and hit the place where mu Qianyue stood just now. All of a sudden, smoke and water splashed everywhere. Under the terrible corrosive force of Jiuyou water, the huge hard rock turned into powder directly!

All the people were shocked by such terrible scenes, and their faces changed greatly. They retreated back again, and they stayed two or three hundred meters away.

The soul of Taotie sees that mu Qianyue has escaped his attack, and roars, and once again pours out a big mouth of nine secluded water towards mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue quickly displays his body method again, and flies and dodges rapidly. However, no matter which direction mu Qianyue dodges, the soul of gluttonous food is blocked. Without saying a word, he directly spouts Jiuyou water, just like a water jet machine, which seems to never end.

Looking at the figure that ran away in confusion, Chu Yuzhen's face showed a cold smile.

The water of Jiuyou suddenly appeared in all directions and rushed to Mu Qianyue. Suddenly, a black Jiuyou water, like a black arrow feather, sprayed on her green dragon blood armor, bringing a strong tingling sensation. The pain made her face white and nearly vomited blood.

"Ho ho ho..."

A mist of water rose from her back. Although she had green dragon blood armor on her body, it was still hard to resist the corrosive power of the Jiuyou water.

"Woo Hoo..."

With a sad cry, the dragon soul could no longer resist the corrosive force of Jiuyou water. The empty and light body gradually dissipated in the air and turned into the sword of death.

And there's a crack in miesheng sword!

The miesheng sword is mu Qianyue's original life weapon. Now the miesheng sword is damaged, mu Qianyue is also bitten back, and his face is instantly pale.

"Puff!" A, Mu shallow month again can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"No! If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't last long! " The long, narrow, black and bright eyes squint, and a touch of deep darkness flashed through the eyes. The Dragon Spirit has been dissipated under the power of the water of nine you. I'm afraid that I can't resist it for long.

But at this moment, mu Qianyue can not find any way to save!

"Light moon! I'll save you Qiao Zixian's face suddenly changed. She couldn't control so much any more. With a movement of her body, she flew towards mu Qianyue. Only a trace of cold water from Jiuyou hit her body, which immediately brought a sharp and erosive pain, which made her shiver.

And the left arm was instantly corroded out of a small wound, the wound continues to expand!

Qiao Zixian's eyes changed, and her eyes flashed a touch of absolute color. She held the sword's hand, raised it, and gouged out the wound on her left arm. Suddenly, a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off, and the blood surged out in an instant. And the wound on her arm did not continue to corrode.

Qiao Zixian didn't even take a breath. She was about to fly forward again. However, Mu Changqing held her wrist.

"Are you crazy? With your ability, you can't bear the corrosion of Jiuyou water! " Mu Changqing looked at her solemnly, "a drop of Jiuyou water can make a wound on your body. How much meat can you cut? I'm afraid you will have died before you come to Mu Qianyue! "

"So what? Even if I cut all my flesh, as long as I can save the moon, I will not blink! " Qiao Zixian said solemnly and firmly.

Mu Changqing was stunned when he heard the speech. In his heart, he could not help but admire Qiao Zixian. He didn't expect that the relationship between her and mu Qianyue was so good. For her, he could be reckless!

"But, you go to the end of death, also can not save Mu shallow moon. Let me have a try

Mu Changqing can't refuse to say that he strides forward and directly opens the green dragon's blood talent. Although he is a third level warrior, he also dare not be careless in front of Jiuyou water. After the whole body condensed blood and armor, Mu Changqing's figure moved and rushed to the front, but before he had rushed out a few steps, he was blocked back by the water of Jiuyou.There was piercing pain all over his body. The water from Jiuyou hit his body, and the pain went into the bone marrow. The blood armor on his body was also eroded bit by bit. He had no choice but to retreat.

Mu Changqing looked at mu Qianyue, who was about to be engulfed by the water of Jiuyou. He was also a descendant of Qinglong's blood, and also opened his pulse armor. But he didn't stick to it for as long as she did!

I'm a third-class warrior! Mu Qianyue only achieved the Ninth level holy warrior only after using the secret method!

However, he did not know that mu Qianyue was practicing Taiji nine changes and reached the seventh level. His seemingly thin and slender body was already different from that of ordinary people.


Looking at the Jiuyou water coming from all directions, mu Qianyue's heart sank. What should we do? Should we hide in the space of Tongtian tower?

No way! In full view of the public, hiding in the space of Tongtian tower, it is easy to be found that she has life space hidden in her body. At that time, I'm afraid that it will attract more powerful enemies than Chu Yuzhen and cause endless trouble!

Is she going to die here today? Unfortunately, the star seal has been returned to the Ling family, otherwise, if there is a star seal in hand, she has absolute confidence to defeat the soul of Taotie!

Suddenly, mu Qianyue's mind flashed. Although there was no star seal, she remembered the nine character truth on the first side of the star seal! , the fastest update of the webnovel!