Only when she became the master mother of the temple could she be qualified to practice the high-level skills of heaven level. Unfortunately, nalanjing didn't like her at all.

But I didn't expect that there were divine order skills in the world!

God order!

If she has a little bit of this divine level skill, she will become the master of this land. Even the Lord will flatter himself when he sees himself! As for mu Qianyue, when it comes, is it still up to you?

With this in mind, Chu Yuzhen's heart is more excited.

She was so excited that she forgot why Emperor Yan gave her a Book of divine level skills.

"In the ancient times, it was Archean, but it was 100000 years ago. In the Archaean period, those things were destroyed and disappeared?" She raises the head to see to the inflammation wind evil to ask a way.

"Ignorant and stupid human beings, the Archaic period has become history, but it does not mean that everything has disappeared. I have gone through thousands of years in Yanhuang empire so far, and I have rich and incomparable details. Can you pry into it? " Inflammatory wind evil is very disdainful to say.

"Oh." Being sprayed half dead, Chu Yuzhen was not angry, but showed a flattering look.

Yan Fengxie snorted.

"I want to shut up! I'm going to shut up now! Mu Qianyue, when I come out of the house, you will die without a burial place Chu Yuzhen's cool eyes reveal a touch of pride and malice.

She immediately turned around and left, apparently looking for a place to close down.

After Chu Yuzhen left, Yan Feng evil turned into the other hall.

Standing by the window was a tall figure, a white tight gauze skirt set off her figure delicately and perfectly. The woman has a beautiful black long hair hanging to her hip. She wears a light white pearl flower on her delicate bun. Ruyuandai wears a white veil under her beautiful eyebrows. She looks like a nine fairies from afar.

All over the body is full of elegant atmosphere, like far away from the bustle of the world, but also like looking at the world.

If you look carefully, you will find that this figure is somewhat similar to Mu Qianyue, even this temperament is very similar.

"Yall, everything you ordered has been done." Yan Fengxie stepped forward slowly, said softly and softly, as if afraid of disturbing her.

Yan Qingya turned to look back at him and nodded faintly, "en."

"Ya'er, I don't know why you want to help Chu Yuzhen and give her the seven unique skills of heaven and earth that you have cultivated. That's the divine level skill in the ancient times." Yan Fengxie said with a puzzled face, "aren't you afraid that her cultivation will be harmful to you in the future?"

"Do you think an ant can shake a tree? It's natural for me to give her the seven wonders of heaven and earth. " Yan Qingya veil under the lip corner gently curved a disdainful arc, she got up to go back to the table, poured a cup of tea, while casually said.

"I see." Said the inflammatory wind evil.


The Gaolan mountains are still fighting every day, and there is a small animal tide every month, and many people are injured.

In a flash of time, it was two months before I knew it.

Night, silent.

The night wind is cold and piercing, blowing on the face like a knife. It was mu Qianyue's turn and Qiao Zixian's night patrol.

They walk on the quiet and dark path in the woods. The light moonlight sprinkles on the lush branches, casting fragmentary starlight, but still can't tear off the endless darkness.

"Well Count the time. It seems that we have been here for a year. " Qiao Zixian asked mu Qianyue as she walked.

Due to the cool weather, both of them put on a marten cloak.

"Eleven months." Mu shallow moon light says.

"Ah? Isn't it a month before the new year Qiao Zixian's face showed a touch of surprise and sighed, "ah, it seems that we are going to spend this year in endless killing. Ah I miss them so much

"It's only two more years to get out." Mu Qianyue has a smile on her lips.

"Yes Qiao Zixian nodded heavily, "although the days here are hard, in addition to killing Warcraft every day, it is cultivation, but we have to say that our strength has increased rapidly! Hey, I'm a seventh level warrior now! I have a hunch that I will soon become a warrior

"I think too much. Now the red refined stone has no effect on us, and the later cultivation depends on our own. So it's going to be slow Mu's ruthless attack way.

Qiao Zixian sniffed the speech and turned her lips. "Ah, what a pity! However, I am satisfied that I can rise to the seventh level in such a short time. I'm only one step in between. In 11 months, I have improved six realms, and I have been very satisfied. It's not interesting to make me the best at once. "

"Haha, all this is your blessing, otherwise I would not have such good luck. Shallow moon, you are my lucky star Qiao Zixian took her arm with excitement on her face and said with a smile.I can't help but smile.

"Whoo Hoo!"

All of a sudden, a roar of Warcraft came from the valley in the distance, such as thunder, which made the whole earth tremble.

Mu shallow month's face suddenly a Su, look up to Qiao Zixian's eyes show a trace of solemnity, "go and have a look."

Whenever there is a Warcraft roar, generally there are Warcraft rushed out of the space cracks, or there is a fierce battle, this time they must rush to the first time to support, and then inform other personnel.

The words fall, Mu shallow moon feet move, then toward the voice to the place quickly, Qiao Zixian quickly followed up, two people's speed is incomparable, did not take long to arrive at the destination.

In the dim moonlight, only two patrolmen and several Warcraft were fighting fiercely. There were two corpses lying on the ground, missing arms and broken legs. It was terrible.

Mu Xiaoyue congealed with the miesheng sword in his hand and joined the fierce battle circle to fight with Warcraft.

The sword of miesheng rises, and the ferocious and terrible power pours out from the sword. With one move of soul killing, all the five Warcraft are killed!

When Warcraft was killed, the two patrolmen had to gasp. Looking at the bodies of the two companions at their feet, their faces showed a sad look.

There is a tragedy of death almost once a day here. If there is a small animal tide once a month, the number of casualties will increase. This is why the barbarian ancient world lost many strong people every year.

"Take their bodies back and bury them." Qiao Zixian said to the two men. , the fastest update of the webnovel!