"Yes." Qiao Zixian nodded, and her steps moved a few steps to the side. She was far away from the madman Chu Yuzhen. Who knows if she would do something crazy because of jealousy? After all, this kind of women who hate because of love is the most terrible!

In the night, the strong wind howls, the cold wind blows, cold and piercing, mixed with a pungent smell of blood, disgusting.

Suddenly, the endless dark sky up and down a piece of snow like goose feather, snowflakes flying, floating.

"Why? Why is it snowing all of a sudden

"Yes! It doesn't seem like it's snowing yet, is it

"The wild ancient world is getting more and more strange. The beast tide is ten days ahead of time, even the snow is nearly a month ahead of time..."

People's eyes were full of doubts and voices.

Mu Qianyue's eyes also quickly flashed a touch of doubt, white snow fell between her hair, quickly melting.

One side of Qiao Zixian can't help but reach out to catch a piece of snow, surprised, "the snowflake here is very special. In the light moon, you see, there is a little blue light in the middle of the snowflake. " Snow in her white palm quickly melted, Qiao Zixian couldn't help but shiver, "damn! How cold it is

"No! Get out of here Mu Changqing suddenly changed his face and roared.

People's faces showed a confused look, a puzzled look at him.

"This snowflake It's an ancient ice snake! Let's go The inflamed wind evil in the crowd could not help but change his face and said in a deep voice.

"Ancient ice snake?"

"What is the ancient ice snake? I never heard of it. "

"No matter what kind of Warcraft it is, let's go first."

Human beings are always full of fear of unknown things, especially when they see that Mu Changqing and yanfengxie have changed their faces, and the panic in their hearts can't help but grow a little bit. We should know that Mu Changqing and Yanfeng evil are both divine warriors! Even they are afraid of fear, must be more terrible existence!

The figures raced to the outside of the mountains, but before they had run a few steps, they were blocked by the sudden ice front, lying between the crowd and the retreat.

Some people even rush too fast and have no time to dodge these ice fronts. They are submerged in these ice fronts and their whole bodies are smashed to pieces.

Blood instantly dyed the ice front red, shocking.


This bloody and terrible scene made people color change, one by one stopped in fear.

"Woo Hoo..."

A thundering roar sounded, a huge figure slowly rose from the valley in the distance, nearly a hundred Zhang long body, lying together like a terrible ancient dragon!

Ice blue body in the light of the moon, emitting a faint blue light, dazzling and magnificent light, showing infinite killing opportunities, terror.

When they saw the ice snake, they opened their eyes in horror and opened their mouths, showing a look of fear and fear in their eyes.

"Captain, is this ancient ice snake very powerful?" Qiao Zixian swallows saliva, look to Mu Changqing of one side ask a way.

Mu Qianyue also cast a curious look at him.

"The ancient ice snake's strength is incomparable, and its fame is only below the reputation of the nine fierce beasts in ancient times. I haven't seen it before. I've only heard it mentioned. I just didn't expect to meet here. " Said Mu Changqing.

"Mu Changqing, here is you and I, the two most powerful, we work together to fight it back." Yan Fengxie looked at him and said.

"Yes." Mu Changqing nodded.

Here Yanfeng heresy is to fight back, not to kill. It can be seen that even if they join hands, they are not absolutely sure that they can kill the ancient ice snake.

The two figures move, at the same time toward the ancient ice snake swept past.

The ancient ice snake was as fast as a streamer. It was in front of Mu Changqing and Yanfeng evil in the blink of an eye. Its huge body did not affect its speed.

"Roar! If you humble human beings dare to resist my advance, you will all die In ancient times, the ice snake was angry and spewed words. The huge ice blue eyes were covered with strange and bloodthirsty blue light, and their eyes were still looking at Mu Changqing and Yan Fengxie.

It raised a high head, disdained to glance at the crowd behind, "wait for me to kill these two people, and then solve you guys."

People can't help shivering when they see the eyes it looks at. The strength of this ancient ice snake is so strong that just one look makes them feel afraid and timid.

"Ha ha, this area is destined to belong to us, the king of my demon world!" The ancient ice snake roared up to the sky and roared. The ice blue light flashed in the air. The next moment, the ancient ice snake had turned into human form.

Wearing ice blue clothes and robes, the ice blue hair is like a waterfall hanging behind the head, dancing with the wind, handsome face with a bit of evil, sword eyebrows oblique fly into the temples, ice blue eyes flash with the soul grabbing fierce light.


Everyone was surprised!I don't know how many times I met the beast tide when I came to the wild ancient world for such a long time. This is the first time they have met a Warcraft that can transform its shape!

Once Warcraft can be transformed into form, it is proved that its strength has at least reached the level of divine beast, that is, it is quite the strength of the warrior!

No wonder he has such a strong and terrible breath!

Mu Changqing and Yan Fengxie looked at each other and saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

"The blood of Qinglong opens." At this moment, Mu Changqing directly opened the blood of Qinglong, and his momentum soared a lot. He had the strength of the fourth level Shenwu.

Red blood armor, blood red long hair, this moment, he looks like a tall incomparable God of war!

"The blood of Yanhuang opens." The fire wind evil also opened the blood vessels of Yanhuang. The golden blood armor gradually formed and wrapped his body. At the same time, he also sacrificed his life's magic soldiers in his hands. His eyes were alert

"it turns out that it is the descendant of Qinglong blood and Yanhuang blood, which just calculates the accounts ten thousand years ago! Ice and snow Ancient ice snake cold voice said, his dark blue eyes twinkle bloodthirsty red awn, very strange.

With his voice falling down, he saw a flash of ice blue light, forming a huge ice blue halo, wrapping Mu Changqing and inflammatory wind evil in it, separated from mu Qianyue and others.

"Ice and snow? He's out of the field Mu Changqing's face changed. He was extremely dignified and frowned tightly. The scope of this aperture was in the field of ancient ice snakes. In this aperture, the strength of ancient ice snakes would be strengthened! And their strength will be correspondingly weaker!

"Damn it!" Yan Fengxie's face became dignified and incomparable, and he swore in a low voice.

If they want to go out, they must break the ice and snow field, or defeat the ancient ice snake!

No matter which one, it's a little difficult for them.

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