"But a brute dares to be so rampant. When it comes to inflamed wind, the elder will surely beat it everywhere and beg for mercy!" Chu Yuzhen disdained a cold hum, his face full of pride.

Before, she was very dissatisfied with yanfengxie, but since yanfengxie gave her a divine level skill, her status in her heart had changed dramatically, and she almost followed him.

Qiao Zixian disdained to skim his mouth, lightly looked at Chu Yuzhen, and then took back his eyes.

Although she didn't like Chu Yuzhen and Yanfeng evil, she also hoped that the fire wind evil could defeat the ancient ice snake.

"Maybe the fire wind evil is not the opponent of the ancient ice snake." Mu Qianyue, standing on Qiao Zixian's side, whispered. She didn't say this directly, so as not to disturb the morale of the army. On the other hand, she didn't want to be grabbed by others and said that she despised the inflammatory wind evil and caused unnecessary trouble.

Qiao Zixian was surprised at the speech and blinked her eyes. She turned her head and looked at the moon. She asked, "how do you see it?"

"The ancient ice snake is so powerful that even Mu Changqing can't take two moves in his hand, and the hot wind and evil spirit do not insist on it for a long time. But that's just my guess. " Mu shallow moon Mou head tight twist, light voice way.

In the field of ice and snow, the ancient ice snake has launched an attack on the inflamed wind evil. Countless snowflakes gathered in his hands and turned into an ice blue sword blade to shoot at the inflamed wind evil.

"Yellow blood, red fire burning sky!" Yan Fengxie pinches the formula with both hands and recites the formula silently in the mouth.

The burning red fire came out of his body and spread all over his body. The burning red fire formed a terrifying force outside his body, which blocked those ice blades out!

Under the wide sleeves and robes, I saw the flaming wind evil stretching out his hand, the red gold flame wrapped his palm, the slender fingers in the air a little bit, those ice blades suddenly quietly melted!

Instantly turned into snow water!

Ancient ice snake a Leng, eyes have the essence of the flash, seems to have no idea that the inflammatory wind evil has such a means.

He snorted coldly and launched an attack again, and more ice blades shot towards the inflamed wind evil body.

Once again, the hot wind evil hand gently lifted, and then easily resolved the attack of those ice blades. The action was light, as light as the wind in the sky.

When people saw this scene, their faces were filled with joy and excitement.

"How wonderful! The ancient ice snake can be restrained by the flame of the elder

"We are saved!"

"Yes! Master Yan is so fierce! It's easy to defuse the ancient ice snake's attack. It's worthy of being a fifth level warrior. "

The crowd was talking excitedly.

Mu Qianyue looks at those ice blades melted by the flame of inflammatory wind evil, and is in a daze.

"I'll tell you, the ancient ice snake is not the opponent of the fire wind evil. It will die." Chu Yuzhen's beautiful face showed a trace of complacent smile, she raised her head and looked at mu Qianyue with a cold look.

"Cut, look at her pride, as if the wind is her father." Qiao Zixian disdained a light Chi.

Mu Qianyue is looking at the battle scene in the field of ice and snow without blinking. Her eyebrows are tightly twisted together.

"What's the matter, shallow moon." Qiao Zixian asked curiously. She looked along mu Qianyue's hand, only to see that the fire wind evil had solved the ancient ice snake's attack again. The movement was beautiful, light as the wind, as if very leisurely. Her eyes were full of envy. "The strength of the fire wind evil is really strong! What a pervert

Mu shallow moon shook his head, "I'm afraid the inflammation wind evil can't last long, or get ready for the battle as soon as possible."

"Ah? No way Qiao Zi was surprised to stare at his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief. "I clearly saw that the fire wind evil was very easy to deal with the ancient ice snake, and it seemed that there was no effort."

"The fire wind evil only defends but does not attack, which proves that he has no ability to attack the ancient ice snake. Moreover, most of the summoning flames consume spiritual and real power. After a while, maybe he will not be able to support it Mu Xiaoyue frowned tightly and said faintly that as a Dan pharmacist, she often had to control the fire of the soul, so she knew how much the consuming power of the flame was.

It's just that the power of the fire of the soul is too weak. Alchemy, lighting and burning things are OK, but it is impossible to deal with ancient ice snakes.

By the way, in addition to the flame, there is one thing that can deal with the ancient ice snake, the power of pure Yang!

Ice and water are the same attributes, they are afraid of fire, and the power of pure Yang also has the power of burning incomparably. The power of pure Yang is also the power of stars!

Although you can't summon the fire, you can condense the power of the stars!

Thinking of this, mu Qianyue's eyes flashed a light of light.

At this time, the ancient ice snake launched a fierce attack on the fire wind evil. Obviously, he also saw through the fire wind evil and could not hold on for long. His ice blue eyes showed a fierce look. Yan Feng Xie's beautiful face was dripping with cold sweat, and his face was gradually pale.


There was a dull noise.Without warning, the fire wind evil was hit and flew out. It hit the shield of the ice and snow field fiercely, spitting out a big mouthful of blood suddenly, and the air was like a gossamer!

"Well, it's not easy to be attacked!" The ancient ice snake looked coldly at the defeated inflamed wind evil, disdaining cold hum.


The whole scene was silent. One by one, his eyes were widened and his mouth was opened. His face was shocked and looked at this scene. For a long time, he did not return to his mind.

How could they not understand that the fire wind evil was still in the upper hand just now, how suddenly they were defeated by the ancient ice snake?

This is too strange, too shocking!

"What happened just now?"

"Yes! What happened just now? Master Yan, how could you suddenly lose to the ancient ice snake

"I don't know! I didn't even see it clearly. Master Yan was knocked out. "

The crowd was puzzled.

At this moment, Chu Yuzhen's face was also ugly and incomparable. She murmured in her mouth, "it's impossible! How could he be defeated if he was so fierce

Qiao Zixian disdained to hum in her heart. There was nothing impossible. She had seen it at a glance just now, and among all the people present, only shallow moon saw what was at stake.

"What now? Even captain Mu and master Yan are not opponents of ancient ice snakes A man asked in some fear.

"What else can I do? Of course, we run away, or we will all die when the ancient ice snake unties the ice field

"That's right. It's better to run one by one now than to die here!"

The crowd said, and as soon as the words fell, a figure quickly flashed out and swept away in the direction of the exit. The man was no other than Chu Yuzhen.

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