
Even if Han Qing will not think of it, she will never forget it!

It was a wound in her heart! The most painful scar!

It's also the magic barrier that she will never cross!

"Ying'er..." See Mo Ying eyes surging sad look, night cold Qing heart a pain, can't help reaching out and clenching her hand, "the past things don't want."

Murmur for a long time, I like you a few words, night Hanqing after all did not say, not that he retreated, nor did he care about Mo Ying once, but he did not want to embarrass her at this time, afraid to hurt her.

She needs time.

Time will heal the wound in her heart, and he will never give up.

"I won't think much. Now the headmaster is in danger. I have only one goal in mind now, that is, to practice hard and go to the sixth floor of the ancient world to find the headmaster. I believe the master is not dead! " Mo Ying's eyes are full of firm light.

What kind of gratitude and resentment, all go away!

"Yes Ye Hanqing nods heavily. His idea now, like Mo Ying, is to strive to improve his strength and go to the sixth floor of the ancient world to find the whereabouts of the sect leader.


"Master will not die! The news must be false! False When Tong Ling heard the news, he was all silly. He had a blank in his mind. After a long time, he slowly came back to his mind.

His eyes were red, his fist clenched under his sleeve, and his face was angry and worried, "no! I'm going to the sixth floor of the ancient world to find my master now

A small red snake head poked out from the sleeve of Tongling's clothes. A touch of fine awn flashed in the red eyes, and whispered, "xiaolingzi, what are you excited about? The news must be false. The master is not dead. "

"Xuan'er." Tong Ling stopped and looked at the red snake wrapped around his wrist and asked, "how do you know this news is false? Did someone deliberately spread the news? "

"Whether someone deliberately spread false news, I don't know, but what can be sure is that the owner is OK now, very safe." Xiao Xuaner said, looking up at the suspicious eyes in Tongling's eyes, Xiao Xuaner couldn't help but spit out her tongue. "You forget that I and the master are soul contracts. If the master dies, I will not exist. Don't you think I'm living well now? I can sense the breath that the master is still alive. "

"Yes! How can I forget this. " As soon as Tong Ling's eyes lit up, the worry in his heart immediately subsided and he was greatly relieved.

"However, the master did have trouble some time ago. Once I sensed that the breath of life of the master was very weak, but now the breath of the master has stabilized, which proves that the master is very safe now." Xiao xuan'er continued after a pause, her red eyes twinkled with fine light.

"Xuan'er, what you're talking about is that two months ago, you suddenly vomited blood for no reason?" Recalling the scene that day, Tong Ling's face was shocked.

"Yes." Xiao xuan'er nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me then?" There was a flash of anger in Tongling's eyes.

"I didn't pass out that day. The master was seriously injured, and I was also severely bitten. I was in a coma for a long time. I didn't feel that the master was OK. I didn't want you to worry, so I didn't say that. " Xiao xuan'er said gloomily.

"No matter what happens in the future, you must tell me at the first time!"

"What's the use of telling you? You're just a nine level warrior now. Even if I told you, it won't change anything. " Xiao xuan'er said faintly.

In your eyes, is the child prodigy

"I didn't!" Seeing the grievance and shame in his eyes, Xiao Xuaner realized that he had made a mistake and said, "xiaolingzi, I don't mean that. If I dislike you, I won't accompany you all the time. I just don't want you to be distracted by this. What you have to do now is to step up your cultivation and strive to improve your strength as soon as possible, so as to better help the master. Besides, with your current strength, you can't go to the sixth floor of the ancient world. "

Yes, in the final analysis, his strength is too weak.

"I will try my best to practice it!" The fingers under the sleeve are tightly clenched. Even if master is OK now, it does not mean there is no danger.

No, he must improve his strength as soon as possible. He went to the sixth floor of the ancient world to find his master.


Time flies, imperceptibly has been the past year time.

In this year, everyone's strength has been greatly improved.

The sky is high and the clouds are flying. Qiao Zixian stands on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the bottom of the cliff.

The curly eyelashes cover the sadness of the eyes, which makes people feel happy and sad.

"Shallow moon, it's been a year. Where are you? Are you ok? "

The cold sound floats in the air, is blown away by the wind, the world is full of lonely taste.

"You know what? You suddenly disappeared, life or death is unknown, childe Nalan madly broke into the wilderness of the sixth floor of the ancient world, completely razed the Gaolan mountains to the ground, now there is no land here Qiao Zixian said in a quiet voice, as if talking to a close friend."Master Nalan has violated the rules and regulations of the ancient world, so he has been locked in the eighth floor of the ancient world by the owner himself, and has not been released. But Prince Nalan said before he left that he felt you were still alive... "

"In a few days, a group of new people will be promoted from the lower level. I have heard the list of personnel, including your apprentices Tong Ling, Mo Yang, and Hao Yun. I'll take care of everyone! Before you come back, Jingyue Pavilion will be handed over to me! As long as I am alive, as long as I have one breath, I will not let those people hurt them! "

Women's cold and pleasant voice like the wind with an unprecedented firmness.

She also turned to leave. Her thin and thin figure at this moment was as straight as a pine, but lonely and clear, bearing everything

A few days passed.

On the fifth floor of the ancient world, people gathered together, and everyone's face was dignified, and the atmosphere inside was stiff and solemn.

"Welcome to the sixth floor of the wilderness. I'm just talking nonsense here. I believe you all know the situation of the sixth floor of the ancient world. Due to the problem of space cracks, there will be an animal tide every month. These Warcraft are generally very powerful and have lost many members. " Mu Changqing frowned deeply and said with a deep expression.

"Hum! Isn't it just a bunch of animals? I'll kill one, I'll kill another! I'll kill as much as I can! It's a big deal. I'll die! " One of the members said with passion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!