"Ah You've vomited blood before you put out your hand. You're not so good at it. " Mu shallow month playful way, simply let go of the hand, hands ring chest, lip Cape pull up a touch of smile, light looking at it.

The next moment, the ancient ice snake turned into a human form and fell in front of Mu Qianyue. His ice blue eyes were full of shock, doubt and shame.

"Don't be complacent here. It must be that my injury is not good."

"Oh, really? I'll stand here and let you play Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Stinky woman, don't be complacent The ancient ice snake snorted furiously. When he clenched his fist, he would fight mu Qianyue's face. However, his fist had not touched mu Qianyue, and there was a sharp pain in his chest, which made him sweat all over his body and could hardly breathe.

"What's going on?" The ancient ice snake's eyes widened in horror. Just after he looked at his body, his wounds were all healed!

Then why does he have chest pain? Is it this woman who has done something?

At this time, a red Rune light came into his mind and bombarded his soul. The ancient ice snake turned pale with pain and his body was convulsed.

"If a Warcraft devours its master, it will be eaten back."

Nine big red characters appeared in his mind.

Master? Phagocytosis?

Only at this moment did he understand why he would spit blood in his hand to Mu Xiaoyue, and was unable to do it. He was bitten back!

Just when did he become the contract animal of this woman?

Damn it!

The ancient ice snake raised his head and glared angrily at mu Qianyue, almost gnashing his teeth and saying, "do you dare to secretly contract me?"

"What dare you? Anyway, now that I have a contract, how can you tolerate me? If you can bite me Mu Xiaoyue hooked his finger at him, and looked contemptuous and disdainful. He was so angry that the ancient ice snake was biting his teeth, "you, you, you..."

"Do you know who I am? I am one of the nine fierce beasts in ancient times, the ancient ice snake! How dare you contract me? Ah, ah, ah... " The ancient ice snake was so angry that his face turned white, and the enchanting red light surged in the ice blue eyes. It was obvious that he had been extremely angry.

"You are my contract animal. Well You want to kill me? I'm afraid you can't do it in your life. Otherwise, it will end up in smoke... " Mu Xiaoyue said casually, playing with his fingers, "maybe you can't even touch my fingers and die..."

The ancient ice snake was so angry that his chest heaved violently and his face turned blue. His fingers trembled and pointed to Mu Qianyue. He couldn't say a word for a long time. At this time, he just wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood and kill her!

Ah, it's so hateful and bullying!

He is a noble elder of the demon world and the most trusted person around the king! Now it has become a contract animal of humble human beings! Or the life and Death soul contract?

How he wants to die?!

"Hello, what's your name?" Mu shallow month raises an eye to look at him, ask a way.

"Hum! Even if you contract me, I won't submit to you. You can't order me to do anything, let alone kill my companion for you Ancient ice snake rage road.

"I'll give you a name. Since you are an ancient ice snake, call you white ice Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"Pooh, Pooh! What white ice, this is clearly a woman's name, I have a name, my name is Bingyan! " Someone was so angry that his ice blue hair danced wildly.

"Oh? Originally called Bingyan, but I still think Bai Bingbing sounds good. I'll call you little Bingbing in the future. " Mu shallow month cannot refuse to say.

"I protest!"

"No protest, little ice skates."

"You Shameless

"Thank you for the compliment."

Ice flame a choke, gas almost spit blood, before how did not find this woman so hateful? I only hate that I didn't kill her at that time. Now I've been bullied by her. I feel sorry for his great reputation!!

"Little Bingbing, it's getting late. I'm going out now." Mu Qianyue said.

"Well, I'm not going out. I think it's good here." Hum, since you can't kill her, you'll be angry. In the soul contract, it just says that you can't attack the contractor, and you can't kill the master. So he's angry. Should she be ok?

"It's not up to you." Mu Qianyue's lips were filled with a sneer, and her wrist gently lifted to wave at him. She saw the body of the ice flame flash, and the ice blue light flashed in the dark. At the next moment, the ice flame's body directly turned back to the shape of a small ice snake and fell into the heart of her slender hands.

"The blood contract of God is unparalleled. All your resistance is invalid."

Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile, reached out and nodded his head, and then threw him back into the sleeve, his hands moved, tearing towards the halo of life.

Blood contract of God? Isn't this the ancient contract law that has disappeared for thousands of years? How could she do this? Ice flame's heart is filled with a fright, no wonder she can take advantage of their own coma when forced to contract themselves!

……"BAM Bang Bang..."

The three figures suddenly fell out like a kite with broken lines, smashing on the ground and raising the dust all over the sky.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

Mu Changqing, yanfengxie and Chu Yuzhen opened their mouths to spit out a large mouthful of blood. Their faces were pale and their breath was disordered, and they were seriously injured.

"Even if you three join hands, you are not my opponent! Ten thousand years ago, when I was on the mainland, you didn't know where it was! If not for these years I was sealed for a long time, only recovered 20% of the strength, otherwise at this moment I can crush you with one finger! How can you use so much energy? " Tu Juan Nu Road, his body as tall as a huge mountain standing in front of people, like an invincible city wall.

It's cruel, it's terrible.

Ten thousand years ago? 20% strength?

When they heard Tu Juan's words, their eyes were filled with horror. Now he has only 20% of his strength. If he regains all his strength, what will it be? I'm afraid no one in the whole continent is his opponent!!

In particular, Mu Changqing, yanfengxie and Chu Yuzhen, who have just had a fight with Tu Juan, deeply feel his incomparable strength! It's only 20% of the strength!

It turns out that he was ten thousand years ago. No wonder his fighting power is so terrible!

"Well, the game is over, you can all die!" Tu Huo looked at Mu Changqing with fierce eyes. His face was ferocious. He raised his feet and walked towards the front step by step.


There was a dull noise.

The earth trembled with the sound of great footsteps.

Looking at TU Juan approaching step by step, Mu Changqing's eyes show fear and fear, and gradually become despair. This time, is he going to die here?

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