A light words, full of how much deep feelings, never give up, live and die together?

Mu Qianyue's eyes became more red, tears rolled down, but his eyes looked at him closely, "fool, don't you feel pain? What should I do if you are in any danger? What about Xiao Ling? "

"Lady, it doesn't hurt. It doesn't really hurt." Nalanjing held her hands, put them on her chest, and put them on those scars. Her beautiful face showed a clean and bright smile, and her voice was gentle and intoxicating, like the warm wind in winter.

Compared with these body pain, where can the heart of that fear and loss?

As long as she can come back safely, he is not afraid of anything.

He was only afraid that she would be lost in the endless void. Fortunately, sheng'er saved yue'er's life.

"Well, don't I stand in front of you? I'll be measured. " Nalanjing saw her still a very sad and sad look. She could not help but overflow a trace of heartache in her purple eyes. She reached out and gently brushed away the tears on her face.

Mu shallow month reaches out to hold him tightly, pours in his bosom, did not speak again.

She and his feelings can not be finished in one or two words, and those feelings can not be expressed in one or two words.

She raised her head in his arms and took the initiative to kiss his lips. The warm and familiar breath made her intoxicated and nostalgic as ever.

Nalanjing held her face and responded to her initiative, her passion, her love

One year, separated for a whole year, more than 300 days and nights, as long as he closed his eyes, all was her smile, her figure, now she finally came back, and returned to his side!


The light golden sun shines on the earth, and a new day has begun.

For yesterday, Mu Xiaoyue suddenly fell from the sky and drove away the green hair King Tu Juan with his own strength, which has become a great thing in the whole wilderness ancient world.

To know that the strength of the green hair king is incomparable, the three intermediate martial arts can't help him, and mu Qianyue is just a first-class martial arts man, but with his own strength will be seriously injured, you can imagine how shocking this matter is!

I don't know. I don't know.

"Have you heard? Mu Qianyue seriously injured the green hair king with the strength of the first level divine warrior. It is said that the green hair king is the sixth level god beast

"My God! The sixth level beast! What a strength it is

"In the battle yesterday, I was present. Yesterday I saw with my own eyes that the king of green hair called himself Tu Juan, and he lived for more than ten thousand years. Even captain mu, master Yanfeng, and Chu Yuzhen were not his opponents!"

"Yes, yes, I was there yesterday. At that time, I thought that we must die. Even captain Mu thought that he must be dead. But I didn't expect that mu Qianyue appeared at the most dangerous moment. She defeated Tu Yao by herself! We have crossed five levels in cross level combat! "

"It seems that when the ancient ice snake appeared a year ago, it was mu Qianyue who saved everyone. This time it was her. Mu Qianyue is our Savior!"

"Yes! She is such a brave woman

When they talked about the scene yesterday, their faces were full of shock, worship and fire.

"Mu shallow moon, is mu shallow moon again! Wherever you go, you can hear the name of Mu Qianyue Chu Yuzhen's face was ugly and incomparable. Her eyes were gloomy and staring at several people who were talking loudly in front of her.

In the year when mu Qianyue disappeared, everyone had forgotten her. The only one who praised her was Chu Yuzhen, not mu Qianyue.

However, as soon as mu Qianyue came back, she immediately took all the limelight from her. Now, no matter where you go, you can hear them talking about Mu Qianyue. The tone and expression of her voice and expression are all worship and awe, as well as admiration. There is no name of Chu Yuzhen any more.

This made Chu Yuzhen more angry and angry.

Endless anger rolled in the chest, as if out of the chamber.

"You won't let me have a good time! Don't be complacent! I will kill you! These lights and glory belong to me! And these ignorant and ignorant people, hum, one day I will make you kneel at my feet Chu Yuzhen raised his head and glared at several people in front of him, turned and left,

when Chu Yuzhen walked into a dense forest without any human beings, suddenly there was a slight fluctuation in the air.

Chu Yuzhen's face changed, and a trace of vigilance was revealed in her long and narrow eyes. As soon as she looked cold, she drank into the air, "who? Get out of here

The next moment, I saw a figure coming out of the air, a silver purple dress fluttering with the wind, and the pale gold sunlight sprinkled on the skirt, like a layer of gorgeous gold gauze, flowing light.

The woman's beautiful and cold face was cold and proud, and her dark pupils were filled with deep awns. Her pink lips opened and she said coldly, "Chu Yuzhen, it's time to settle the accounts between us."

At the same time, another figure suddenly appeared beside mu Qianyue, dressed in white, as clear as snow, spotless, and the man's face as refined as jade was indifferent, like a banished immortal who did not eat fireworks among people.Such as glass like purple eyes cold glance to a touch of light, contemptuous and disdain.

"What do you want?" Chu Yuzhen's face changed slightly, and he asked angrily. The flame of jealousy in his heart surged up again. Why can mu Qianyue stand beside him? Why can't he see his own good and excellent?

"Life and death." Mu Qianyue spits out three words coldly, and there is a trace of bloodthirsty ice in the light of clouds and breeze.

Hearing the words "battle of life and death", Chu Yuzhen's face suddenly changed. She was extremely ugly. Mu had a way to improve her combat effectiveness in an instant. Even Tu Juan was not her opponent, let alone herself?

Mu Qianyue used to use this secret method, but it seems that the increasing strength is not so fierce. Now after this secret method is put into practice, the increased strength is really terrible.

Does this secret method become stronger with the increase of strength?

With this in mind, Chu Yuzhen's face changed constantly. How good would it be if he had such a secret method? At that time, nalanjing fell in love with himself, not mu Qianyue!

"Fight as you fight. I have never been afraid of anyone! This time, it's time to clear up all the enmities between us! I will let you know the difference between you and me Chu Yuzhen said coldly.

Although mu Qianyue has a secret method that can improve her strength for a short time, she also has seven unique skills of the ancient divine level. In one year, she has practiced the fifth level, which is equally terrifying.

"Jing, just watch. It's a war between women." Mu Qianyue looks at Nalan Jing with a reassuring look.

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