"What if the man is strong? It's too strong for xuan'er to resist. " Muqianyuesi cableway.

Ice flame also frowns and thinks, as if there is a little truth.

"Is it the third princess? No, the third princess does not have that strength, and the people around her do not have that strength. No one knows this better than me

Smell speech, Mu shallow month's facial expression became more congealed Su a minute, suddenly her brain light flash, open a mouth to ask, "ice flame, what strength is boundless king? Do you know? "

"Master, do you suspect that the king has robbed xuan'er? It's impossible! The king does not have this necessity and motive. "

"I don't know the motive, but I can't think of anything else except the king of infinity." Mu Qianyue thought of that day when he first saw the king of limitless in the magic palace. His eyes were very strange, full of emotion and joy.

The sighing eyes are clearly the eyes of old friends who have been separated for a long time.

"You'll find out at dinner." Mu Qianyue has a calm face. It seems that this boundless king is a man with profound thoughts. He does not show mountains or dew, but everything is in his control.

Soon to the evening, Mu shallow moon with the ice flame to the magic palace to dinner.

The banquet in the magic palace is already ready, and the maids in the dark green palace dress are busy.

The banquet was set up in the imperial garden of the magic palace. When mu Qianyue came, all the seats were full of people. They were generals of the boundless Kingdom and their families. It was extremely lively.

In fact, it's just different from the customs of the mainland.

However, these people in the demon world all prefer dark colors. They just feel that everyone is the same.

Fortunately, with his ice blue robes and his handsome appearance, he is very eye-catching, otherwise he would not feel a bit angry.

When mu Qianyue and Bingyan join the table, they immediately attract people's eyes. Their eyes are full of amazement and gorgeous color. They whisper and discuss in a low voice.

"This is the little snake that saved our demon general?"

"She should be good! I didn't expect to be such a beautiful woman

"Yes! No wonder the devil will bring her back and stay with her

"Before, I always wondered how our aloof and aloof demon generals could suddenly like women, ha ha..."

"This little Teng snake and the devil general are well matched and of the same clan."

"I heard that the banquet tonight was specially held by the king for this little snake, so as to thank her for saving our magic General of boundless land!"

"It seems that the king thinks highly of her."

"Nonsense! The Teng snake clan is no worse than the ancient ice snake! On the list of fierce beasts, the snake leaping in the flood land is ahead of the ice snake in ancient times, ranking the third, second only to the poor and strange! "

Heard the public's discussion, Mu shallow month's mouth smoked, how does ice flame bring oneself to boundless country to become like?

Ice flame ten thousand years of unchanging face rarely stiff, showing a trace of shame, scratched his head, looking at Xiangmu shallow moon some apology, said in his heart, "master, I really didn't expect things to become like this."

"It's OK." Mu Qianyue said in her heart.

Sometimes, words can be communicated directly in the heart between the contractor and the contract beast, and it is not necessary to speak out.

"Brother Yan, here you are The third princess purple bud son like a red butterfly rushed over, a smile in the arm of ice flame.

Ice flame took out his hand without trace, his face was cold, and his words were indifferent to the extreme, "three princesses, please respect yourself, men and women are different."

Hearing such merciless words, purple bud son's face turned white, and her expression immediately sank down, which was very ugly.

Today, she specially put on her favorite red lotus dress. She thought brother Yan would look at herself a little more, but she didn't expect that he would look back.

It's all because of the woman named mu Qianyue!

Damn little snake!

If she didn't appear, how could brother Yan treat himself like this?

Before that, although brother Yan couldn't speak warm and gentle to himself, he would never speak to himself and scold himself like this!

Thinking like this, purple bud son looked at Mu shallow moon's eyes with a trace of anger and jealousy.

Hum, I want this woman to look good later!

"Brother Yan, the banquet is about to start. Let's sit down." Purple bud son again took hold of ice flame's hand.

Ice flame is a wave of his sleeve, a strong wind, mercilessly will purple bud son scrape to the side, he calm face, yelled, "the third princess, I say again for the last time, do not get close to me, please self-respect. Otherwise, even if you are Wang's sister, I will not be merciful

Such a remark can be said to be extremely vicious, instantly will purple bud son hit tactfully without complete skin.

Purple bud son stiff in place, eyes dull and stunned looking at ice flame, eyes are full of hurt look, tears in the orbit of the circle, she really don't understand why brother Yan should do this to her, she just likes him, is there any mistake?Why trample on her love, her passion?

It must be brother Yan who fell in love with that little snake!

The royal garden was quiet. No one dared to speak. They bowed their heads and pretended not to see it.

One is the three princesses, and the other is the first demon General of the boundless country, no matter which one they can't afford! It's better not to make trouble, as if you didn't see it.

As it turns out, mu Qianyue's headache caresses her forehead, and the hatred between her and ziya'er is even greater. It is not that she is afraid of things, but that she is lazy, indifferent and does not like disputes.

But if ziya'er comes to find trouble, she will fight back mercilessly.

Purple bud son fiercely glared Mu shallow month one eye, Sheng Sheng endured that tear to return, returned to own position.

"Shallow moon, we sit here." Ice flame pointed to the next position, said to Mu shallow moon, the voice is soft, and to purple bud son cold Su appearance, completely different.

People's hearts are also a sigh, it seems that general ice flame really like this little snake, otherwise it will not be for her so to the third princess.

Purple bud son see appearance is in the heart and can't avoid some kind of jealousy, but she can only be jealous now.

After a while, they heard the magic guards shouting, "the king is coming."

I saw the king of limitless coming, still dressed in a black robe, looked solemn and heavy, very cold, refused people thousands of miles away.

Seeing the boundless King coming, the civil and military officials all knelt down and cried out, "king!"

Even ziya'er and Bingyan are no exception, and the ministers kneel down.

Mu shallow month sits on the position, hand holds cup cup cup, is still.

Purple bud son sees the appearance to get up, angry stare, slender finger to point to Mu shallow moon, "bold! If you see the king, you should kneel down quickly and kneel down

"Why should I kneel?" Mu Xiaoyue's eyes lift lightly, Lightly sweep to purple bud son, the whole body momentum is cool and arrogant, is not inferior to that boundless king at all.

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