"Want to change the subject? Well, you just came back. You should take care of some things first, and I'll see you later in the evening. " Nalanjing snorted and turned away.

It's very simple and decisive.

"Well Isn't he angry? " Looking at the back of his departure, mu Qianyue's heart can not help but rise a heartache and sour.

"Master, why are you still in a daze? Why don't you go and coax the Lord quickly? What should he do if he gets angry and is taken away by others?" Xiao xuan'er said in a hurry, but there was no sign of worry on her face.

Mu Xiaoyue's speechless skimmed her lips and knew that this guy was watching the excitement.

However, to be honest, Jing is not a bit difficult to coax when he is eating vinegar. He has a headache when he thinks about it. He'd better think about how to deal with the night.

"Is this the Lord? How powerful! Even cut off all the Dragon tails on my king Bingyan looks at nalanjing's back, and is stunned. Her admiration and admiration are like the endless water of the Yellow River

"What, your king!" Hearing this, Xiao Xuaner raised his hand, which was a poppy knocking on ice flame's head, staring at him and scolding, "you have been my master's son for a long time. Remember your identity."

"Oh, oh, I'm the master's man, remember." Ice flame a face serious nod.

Mu shallow moon smell speech face black, her person Why does it sound so easy to be crooked? As if she had flattered him

Poof, all right, she's evil. She's crooked.

Calm down, calm down.

"Xiaoyue, it seems that childe Nalan is really angry this time, hee hee, but I believe you can coax him. Come on. " Qiao Zixian couldn't help teasing.

"Well, I'll see him later in the evening." Mu Qianyue turns to find Mu Changqing.

When Mu Changqing saw mu Qianyue's return, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "shallow moon, you've finally come back. In this month, I'm worried every day. I can't eat well or sleep well. I'm afraid you'll have any accident. You're our hope for the future of Mu family."

"Captain mu, you flatter me too much. Who doesn't know that mu rutian and muruke are the two most outstanding talents of Mu family? They are the hope of the future of Qingzhou Mujia. " Mu shallow moon reminds a way.

If Mu Changqing's words are heard by the rest of the Mu family, I'm afraid it will be displeased.

"Speaking of rutian and ruke, their talents are excellent, but they are not assigned to my area. Think about it. I haven't seen them for years. " Mu Changqing said with a smile.

"How about this trip? Did you get any injuries? I have some good pills here. " Mu Changqing looked at the moon and continued.

"No, I'm fine. I'm not hurt." Mu Qianyue raised her lips.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are a herbalist. Do you want any pills? How can you like my common pills? " Mu Changqing said with a smile of embarrassment.

"Captain mu, you misunderstood me. I'm really not hurt. Otherwise, I won't be polite to you."

"What? You didn't get hurt? " Mu Changqing can't help but open his eyes. His eyes fall firmly on mu Qianyue's body. He looks up and down, and finds that Mu's body is not hurt at all!

"How wonderful! fierce! You are the first one to enter the demon world in nearly a thousand years and come out intact! " Mu Changqing can't help but marvel at her. Her eyes are full of wonder and admiration. Her eyes are full of light, as if she were a treasure house at the moment.

Mu Qianyue couldn't help but smoke the corners of her mouth. If it wasn't for the appearance of Jing, she couldn't have been so safe and sound.

However, she won't talk about it.

After saying goodbye to Mu Changqing, it is dark. When mu Qianyue returns to her residence, she opens the door and sees the figure standing quietly by the window.

Hearing the sound, he turned around and quickly flashed a touch of youmang in his purple eyes.

Mu Qianyue can't help breathing tight. She is nervous in her heart. It seems that she is a child who has made mistakes, waiting for parents' criticism and education.

"Jing, why are you here? Ha ha, have you had dinner? Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook for you

Under the tension, Mu shallow month is to pull some words without the edge trace.

Looking at the small woman coming slowly by the door, her beautiful face, with a trace of tension, is more charming and attractive, lovely and full of bewitching wind.

Nalanjing eyes a dark, waved to her, soft voice, dull, "come here."

Mu Xiaoyue walked in the cat's pace, looked up, showed a flattering smile, thought, simply put his hands around his neck, "dear little scenery, do you miss me?"

Warm breath on the face, bring bursts of hot breath.

Nalanjing only felt a sudden rise of desire ~ fire in his abdomen. He took mu Qianyue's waist in his arms, and lifted a smile like radian around his lips, "and he wanted to change the topic and let me forget the past?"This little woman is so dishonest that she dares to run out of the demon world on her own. If he didn't arrive at the right time, she would be taken away by the fierce beast.

At the thought of the Jai canthus coveting the moon, an uncomfortable feeling arose in his heart. The man's intuition made him dislike the beast.

Now when she came back, she wanted to expose her, but she wanted to be beautiful. If she didn't punish her well, she didn't know his strength.

"Er..." He saw through the mind, Mu shallow moon face a burst of embarrassment, smile, "sometimes men don't be too smart, this is not good."

"It seems that this sentence is a description of a woman?" Nalanjing's lips were slightly hooked, reaching out to hook her white and beautiful chin, and her purple eyes were filled with cunning light, "lady, how do you think I should punish you?"

Suddenly, mu Qianyue remembered that when she was in tianwu, she punished him for kneeling on the washboard and picking up his pants to beat PP

Think of this, Mu shallow month not from Chrysanthemum a tight, he should not also want to use this set to punish himself?

Pity that she is in the wrong now. She can't find a word to refute

Oh, it's over!

Sure enough, the next moment, her ear sounded his mellow and intoxicating voice like magic sound, "kneel washboard? Or PP? Well, it seems that there is no new idea in all these... "

Nalanjing is very satisfied to look at mu Qianyue's black and black face. He can't help a burst of joy in his heart, and directly holds her. "My husband decided to punish you for a month, but I can't get out of bed. I'll see if you dare to run around next time."

After that, hold her and go straight to the bath.

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