Then they all dispersed.

"Miss mu, Miss Qiao, this is a residential area. This row of courtyards is empty. You two can choose a room you like at will." Jin Yicheng with mu Qianyue and Qiao Zixian came to the row by row of houses, laughing.

"The environment here is much better than that of Gu 5 and Gu 6, and there is such a spacious and elegant courtyard." Qiao Zixian's lips curled slightly, as if thinking of something, she reached out to hold mu Qianyue's arm and said with a smile, "I can share a yard with shallow moon."

The design of every courtyard here is the same. There are two rooms in it.

"Thank you very much for today's business." Mu Qianyue looks at Jin Yicheng, and her eyes are rare in seriousness and thanks.

"Thank me. It's my duty to protect you." Jin Yicheng grinned. Suddenly, his face changed and became mysterious. He stepped forward and said in a low voice, "but I'm really curious. How did you kill yinniang and mu Changnan? Is it really poison? There is such a powerful poison in the world that it can poison a warrior. Tut tut

Smell speech, Mu shallow month facial expression changed, eyes show a touch of vigilance color, he already knew? Then why does he pretend to believe that he is innocent?

As if he guessed Mu's mind, Jin Yicheng raised his hand and rubbed Mu's hair. He said with a smile, "if I don't act like this, will it prove that you are the murderer? Don't worry, my niece, my uncle will not pit you

Uncle? Mu Xiaoyue's eyes narrowed.

Qiao Zixian is a pair of clouds in the appearance, when the moon more than an uncle?

"Is your mother's name Jin Yixin? Jin family from the gold system constitution of the mainland of magic state? I'm from the Jin family, and xiner is my sister. " Jin Yicheng has no choice but to say, how can this little guy have no expression on his face? At least we should show a little excitement, a little doubt and a little shock!

Obviously, it is a beautiful and bewildering face, but it is just like an ancient well. It has no wave and no trace, and has no influence at all!

Do you really doubt that she is really only eighteen? How can the mind be so quiet!

It's so quiet!

"My mother's name is Jin Yixin, so what? I don't remember my mother saying she had a brother Mu shallow month facial expression is cold, turn to walk.

"Ah, little niece, xiaoyueyue, don't go away!" Jin Yicheng was stunned. He quickly followed him up and said with a smile, "I know that you are resenting what happened to me Oh, forget it. It's just a thing of the past to explain to you why so many things have happened. "

With that, Jin Yicheng suddenly changed his face and became a little depressed and sad. Then he turned and left.

Looking at his lonely back, Mu Xiaoyue frowned and crossed a trace of intolerance in his heart.

"Shallow moon, it seems that he is very sad. Although I don't know your family history, maybe he has something to worry about?" Don't think about it, Qiao Mu continued

In the evening, Jin Yicheng came again, just to tell something about the seventh floor of the wild and ancient world, but now he had a slight smile on his face, without the sadness of the day.

"In half a month, you will go to Yougu mountain to the space crack in Zhenkong. Recently, you can stay in the house to practice and consolidate your strength. Don't walk around at night. This area of accommodation is the safest

As long as you stay in the accommodation area, even if Mu Yongli and Chu Mingzhi want to kill themselves, they can't find a chance to start.

"The residential area is not only equipped with protective covers to prevent Warcraft from rushing in, but also patrol people. The safety value is absolutely the first! Any person who has a grudge will not dare to do it here, nor will he do it here! Unless you can kill people in silence Jin Yicheng continued.

Silent killing? Mu Qianyue's lips curled up a cold and murderous arc. Mu Yongli and Chu Mingzhi had better not provoke themselves, otherwise she would not mind sending them to reunite with yinniang and mu Changnan.

Looking up and seeing the cold smile on the girl's face, Jin Yicheng could not help but shiver, "little niece, why do you have a very evil look? Have you ever listened to me? "

"Yes." Mu shallow month raises a lazy glance at him, the tone is very indifferent.

This makes Jin Yicheng very speechless, and finally meets her little niece, but how can her character be so indifferent? In the past, although Xin'er was also a kind of cool appearance, at least she was lively and lovely in front of him, and she always pestered him with coquetry

After the mother-in-law's confession, Jin also got up and left.

"Shallow moon, it seems that your uncle is very concerned about you. If I have such an uncle, I will die happily." Qiao Zixian said.

Mu Xiaoyue raised her lips and pulled out a smile like arc. She did not speak, but looked at Jin Yicheng's disappearing figure and frowned.

In the long, long, black eyes, a touch of dark light quickly flashed. Jin Yicheng was her uncle. Yes, but she didn't want to recognize the problem.At that time, the Jin family could abandon her mother and didn't help her mother when she was in danger. Why did she recognize him?

Now she is eager to recognize her niece. Who knows whether it is true or false?

We can't blame Mu Xiaoyue for thinking too much, but the reality is too cruel. Without absolute trust, she will not easily open her heart to a person.

At the same time, in the commanding courtyard in the center of the residential area, a light conversation came from a room.

"Shangguan lengyi, what you said during the day is true!" Mu Yongli, with red eyes, looked at the young man in front of him and asked in a cold voice.

"Nature is true!" Shangguan replied coldly.

"But what do you know about me Mu Yongli raised his head and his eyes were filled with frightening cold light and cold voice threat.

"Commander mu, I have no enmity with him. Why should I lie to her? I have seen all this with my own eyes, and there is no empty word! People all know that mu Qianyue is a Dan pharmacist, but few people know that she is good at refining poison and has high attainments in poison technique. I once saw her use poison in a trial competition. At that time, her strength was only a primary holy warrior, but she could use poison to confuse a high-level holy warrior and make her lose combat effectiveness. " Shangguan lengyi tone is not urgent and slow, not high or low said.

When he spoke, Mu Yongli's eyes were always staring at him, without moving a minute. He found that Shangguan was cool and calm, his eyes were clear, and there was no trace of lying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!