"This young master likes to do things as he pleases, without any explanation." Mu Ru Tian disdains cold hum.

"Is it?" The old man in gray gradually became ferocious. Instead of anger, he laughed. The cold smile on his face was very strange, "I'll clean up this woman first, and I'll find you later! I'll see if you can be as tough as you are now

Raise your hand, a hand to blow out, is mu Ru Tian to block down again.

The old man in gray couldn't help but get angry, "Mu Ru Tian, are you going to fight against me?"

"You can't kill her." Admiration is like the way of heaven.

"Why not?" The old man in grey asked angrily.

"Elder Tai Er, you have violated the rules of the ancient world by rushing into the seventh floor of the ancient world. Now you have to kill people. If the law enforcement elder knows about it, you will not be let go! Before the law enforcement elder doesn't know about it, you should go quickly! " Mu Ru can raise his head and block in front of Qiao Zixian.

"What a bloody law enforcement elder, I haven't paid attention to it yet!" The old man in grey glared at Mu Ru Ke and Mu Ru Tian in front of him. In his bloodthirsty eyes, there were two groups of fury, "get out of my way! Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you

It's good to kill them both together. At that time, it's said that it was mu Qianyue who did it. Anyway, no one here can see it. It's just that lin'er can get rid of two strong enemies. Then lin'er will have a chance to inherit the position of the master of the house!

After the idea flashed in my mind, I couldn't get rid of it.

The old man in grey looks at Mu Ru Ke and Mu Ru Tian, and his eyes are not the same as before, but with a murderous opportunity.

After feeling the murderous opportunity in the eyes of the old man in gray, mu ruke and mu rutian suddenly changed their faces and looked at each other. They saw their vigilance in each other's eyes. The palms under their sleeves were slightly bent, and the real yuan force was surging. They had already done a good defense posture secretly.

"Dual field!"

The old man in grey sneered. Suddenly, the incomparable momentum was sent out from him and rolled out. In an instant, mu ruke, mu rutian and Qiao Zixian were wrapped in it. Under his field, they obviously felt an unprecedented depression, and a thousand pounds of huge stones were pressed in front of the Buddha chest!

In this field, only those who have reached the level of Emperor Wu can understand it. In this field, he is the master and the king!

The Shenwu people at the top of the Ninth level can never beat the emperor because of the reason of the field!

At this moment, mu rutian's face suddenly turned blue and blue, ugly and incomparable, but he did not shrink back, but put Mu Ru Ke behind his back, "Ke'er, when I drag him down, you quickly tear up the field and escape."

"Big brother, do you think I'm the kind of person who will leave you behind?" Mu ruke's face is slightly heavy, and her beautiful eyes are full of cold and unswerving firmness.

Until this moment, Qiao Zixian understood that Mu Ru Ke and Mu Ru Tian did not come to catch themselves! It's saving her! Just didn't expect to involve them both in!

"You are really brothers and sisters! Don't worry, I won't let you alone The old man in grey had a cold smile on his face, raised his hand and flashed over.

"Boom..." At that moment, the ferocious palm force fell on mu rutian's chest, and his body flew out without any suspense. He fell on the mask of the field, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell down on Qiao Zixian's side, instantly seriously injured.

Mu ruke tries to tear this field apart, but her strength is too weak in front of the old man in grey clothes, and she can't tear his field apart at all!

"You want to tear up my field with your strength? Oh, even those of my rank can't do it The grey old man's eyes were cold and terrible.

"Mu Linggang, if you kill us, aren't you afraid of being blamed by your ancestors?" Mu Ru Ke Leng Dao, is she going to die here with elder brother today?

"Grandfather, will he know?" Mu Linggang disdained to sneer, and suddenly his expression became insidious. "Originally, I didn't want to do it to you, but you forced me to do it against me! Also help mu Qianyue! It's you. Damn it

Raise your hand, another palm, and fall on muruke's chest.

In an instant, the blood flew and sprinkled, which was extremely tragic.

"No, you've been damned! Now I'll send you to die with me Mu Linggang sneered and raised his hand to shoot it again. The terrible palm force was once again thundering at mu ruke.

She, who is a third-class warrior, has no power to parry in front of the emperor and warrior! It's like meat on a sticky board, which can only be slaughtered!

"Kor!" Mu Ru was shocked in the heart of heaven, struggling to stand up from the ground, rushed forward, and hugged mu ruke, fiercely hugged her into his arms, and used his generous back to block all the storms for him!

"No, no, big brother..." Mu ruke can cry in despair, but her strength is too small to push him away. She can only watch the terrible palm force fall on him instantly.


The sound of broken bones, very clear, resounded in her ears like thunder.

For a moment, her mind was blank.

Big brother is dead? The big brother who protected her is dead?She even forgot to cry, only know to hold him tightly, he will not disappear.

"My eldest lady, it's your turn now!" Mu Linggang's cold eyes fell on mu ruke's body, grinning and showing a cruel smile, "don't worry, I'll soon send you on the road to accompany him. He won't feel lonely!"

"Mu Linggang! I'll fight with you Mu ruke's eyes turned red. Suddenly, she put down mu rutian's body, stood up and kneaded the formula with both hands. Her whole body's true strength was mobilized, and at the same time, she opened the green dragon's blood talent.

In an instant, the momentum of her whole body and the vitality in the air rushed towards her crazily, and her original slender body was constantly expanding

"You want to blow yourself up? In front of me, you are still a little tender Mu Linggang disdained to sneer, raised his hand and waved in the past, directly suppressed her gathered true yuan force.

Mu ruke's face showed the color of despair. Did God not even give her the chance to explode?

"Mu Linggang, if you want people to know, unless you don't do it! Your behavior will be discovered by my father and grandfather one day. Then they will take revenge for me and big brother! You will be punished

"Ha ha Retribution? If you have strength, you have everything. How can you get retribution? To have retribution, is also I go to repay others! Ha ha... " Mu Linggang looked up and laughed, with a clear look of disdain and contempt. He never believed in retribution. Only the weak would take the excuse of retribution.

Raised his hand, mercilessly toward Mu Ru Ke's head, the fierce vigorous wind blowing on his face like a knife, it was very painful.

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