Seeing that his evil eyes fell on himself, Xiao xuan'er frowned discontentedly. This old man, what idea was he making!

Look at his face indecent ~ trivial appearance, feel disgusting!

Ice flame is also dissatisfied with frown, angry way, "old man, I advise you or don't play my own idea, on you, I still don't look at you!"

Mu Linggang is not angry, and his eyes keep looking at ice flame, "you follow that woman is no good result, it's better to follow the old man! I'm a warrior. As long as you submit to me, I guarantee that your strength will be improved quickly! As for the woman, she will die soon! I'll kill you

"Silly! You can't match my master's toe. Why should I follow you? Did you get kicked in the forehead by a donkey? " Ice flame disdains the angry hum way.

"Little Bingbing, it's good. You're good at swearing." Xuan'er on one side praised him.

"Hum! Toast not to eat and drink! If so, you two will die with her Mu Linggang snorted angrily, raised his hand to clap two palms, and bombarded xuan'er and Bingyan fiercely. In two moments, they flew out, and even had no time to defend themselves. Their hands were fast and fierce.

He knew that Warcraft was very arrogant, and he would not serve the two masters easily, so he would kill them all. Even if he had no pet animals, he would not be afraid of others.

Just now, he just wanted to raise a pet animal to play with.

"Are you both OK?" Mu Qianyue comes forward to hold xuan'er and Bingyan.

"Master, I'm ok, that old man's strength is too strong, master, you run quickly, I and ice flame estimate can only delay a little for you!" Xiao Xuaner wiped the blood gushing out of his mouth and said firmly.

"Master, don't worry about us! We are willing to protect you, and it is also our responsibility! " Ice flame eyes cold as ice, cold and stubborn looking at the opposite Mu Linggang, reached out to wipe the bloodstain on the mouth, a pair of indifferent appearance.

"It's not my style to leave friends behind and run away!" Mu Qianyue snorted coldly, her body was floating in the air, her fingers pinched the formula, and the endless green dragon fire gushed out of her body. The power of the grand master's blood was like a king on the earth, like a fierce storm, and the opposite Mu Ling just blew away!

"The mantis can't do anything about it." Mu Linggang sneered, his body suddenly moved, his palm bent, and he patted mu Qianyue fiercely.

Two powerful and terrifying forces collided together, making a sound like destroying the sky and the earth.

the space is torn apart, revealing a huge space-time crack. The endless black hole is like a huge open mouth of a beast, devouring everything in the world.

Under this momentum, mu Qianyue was lifted out directly and fell to the endless black hole

The fierce breath hits mu Qianyue's chest, which makes her Qi and blood churn, and her consciousness gradually blurs. The last thought before coma is that this time, won't she stay in the void for another year?

Qiao Zixian and Xiao xuan'er are shocked, but they can't stop them. They can only watch mu Qianyue gradually be swallowed up


A streamer quickly swept from the horizon, and grabbed mu Qianyue's hand and pulled her back. The dark blue sleeve waved gently, and the black hole healed instantly.

He was dressed in a dark blue robe. He had white hair and childish face, and his eyes were clear. When he lifted his hand, he sent mu Qianyue to Xiao xuan'er's hand. Then he looked up coldly at Mu Linggang.

"Mu Linggang, as the guardian of the ninth floor, you have gone too far in vain to kill people on the seventh floor, right?"

Fortunately, he came in time and saved mu Qianyue. Otherwise, Jingxiao didn't find himself in trouble?

Mu Linggang's face changed, some ugly, but in the face of the law enforcement elder, he could only bear his anger, "Mu shallow moon, she killed several people in my Mu family, and this hatred is unforgettable! How can I keep her? "

Law enforcement elder Mou son light MI, in the eye flash a wisp of fine awn, "Oh? Is it? Mu Qianyue is only a fourth level warrior. How can you kill your Mu family? Do you have any evidence? Don't talk nonsense without proof. "

"I don't have proof, but she killed people!" Mu Ling just red eyes, tone also became dissatisfied, if not for this damned law enforcement elder suddenly appeared, he would have killed Mu shallow moon!

"If you can show evidence, even if you don't do it, I won't let her go." Law enforcement elder light said, although the tone is light, but full of irresistible majesty.

Mu Linggang was so angry that his chest heaved violently. The law enforcement elder's words seemed to be helping him, but in fact, he was helping mu Qianyue. He knew that he couldn't provide evidence, and he had to take evidence. Isn't this a blatant bully?

"Since you can't provide evidence, you kill people here and disturb the order of the ancient world. I can't protect you any more. Go to the purgatory on the eighth floor of the ancient world for a month's punishment! You can go back to Gu Jiu in a month, otherwise I can't explain to you. " Law enforcement elder light says.

Rao is mu Linggang's strength no matter how strong, but also had to obey the law enforcement elder's words. He snorted angrily and glared at mu Qianyue, Qiao Zixian, mu ruke and others, and turned away.……

Mu Xiaoyue wakes up and finds that she is lying in the room. The antique furnishings, tables and chairs are not just your own room?

How did she come back? Remember not in Yougu mountain and Mu Linggang war?

Oh, yes!

She almost fell into a black hole!

What's going on? Did you have a dream?

In the middle of Mu's suspicions, the door of the house was pushed open.

Xiao xuan'er walked in with a gloomy face, looked up, and saw mu Qianyue wake up. He was so excited that he ran forward, "master, are you awake?! Is there anything uncomfortable? I'll get you a doctor! "

Mu Xiaoyue grabbed her hand and said with a smile, "no, did you forget? I'm a doctor myself, and I can still do it myself. "

When she woke up just now, she checked her body. There was no big problem. She was only slightly injured. Under the repair of the power of the stars, she was almost all right.

"What about Mu Linggang?" Mu shallow moon god feeling slightly cold, asked.

"He was punished by the law enforcement elder to the ancient eighth floor of purgatory, a month." Xiao xuan'er is dissatisfied with Du mouth, "the law enforcement elder should have killed him directly."

Mu shallow month smell speech not from smile, "do you think law enforcement elder is your father, still kill for you? It would be nice if he would come out and save us. "

Through Xiao xuan'er, mu Qianyue learns that it was the law enforcement elder who suddenly appeared and saved himself, as well as mu ruke and others. It is estimated that only the law enforcement elder could have the ability to rescue people from Linggang's hands.

In short, she owes the law enforcement elder a favor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!