"Miss, I'm doing it for the sake of the little Lord." The thirteen elder sneered, and his expression was very cold. After his words, he forced himself to the bed again.

As long as you destroy mu rutian's body, even Hua Tuo can be reborn! When the time comes, the heir of the master will surely fall on his line!

"Hum! With me here, you can't touch my big brother's body! " If you want to be angry.

But before she had time to do it, a figure came over and stood in front of her quietly. "Miss mu, we know that you are very sad because of the death of master mu, but he is dead. People can't be reborn after death. You should be sad

"Yes! Miss mu, you'd better let the old general Mu Shao Lord's body go back to be buried properly... "

Step forward one by one, seemingly painstaking advice, but in fact they do not want Mu Ru Tian to be saved!

Of course, they don't think Mu Ru Tian can survive.

I'm afraid I've been dead for a long time.

Just destroy his body early, they are also at ease.

This time, Mojia produced such a unique genius, whose blood has reached the perfect level. Can they not be jealous and worried?

"What are you doing? Miss Mu has been very sad, you still treat her like this! She wants to spend more time with her. Can't she admire him? " Shangguan lengyi angrily drank, and went to Mu ruke's body. There was coldness and anger between the eyes and eyebrows like the green peak, as well as dignity.

"Today, as long as there is my Shangguan lengyi, you can't take the body of the little Lord!" The sonorous and impassioned words fall, very powerful.

Mu ruke looks at the strange figure in front of her in surprise. His tall and slender back looks very secure, just like big brother, which makes her desperate heart recover a little warmth.

A flash of palm, the life of the magic weapon has been in the palm, delicate ~ small exquisite body broke out a cold and terrible momentum, "if you dare to come here today, there is no amnesty to kill you!"

The people were stunned and looked at each other. They did not want to be saved by Mu Ru Tian, but they did not want to be the enemy of the Mu family. However, seeing that Mu Ru Tian could not survive, they retreated.

"Miss, do you have to force me to split my face with you?" However, the thirteen elders did not want to give up this opportunity.

"Don't think I don't know you belong to the group of Mu Linggang! You want to hurt my brother, dream Mu Ru can not give in at all.

"Miss, I don't know what you're talking about, but the young master is really dead, and she can't see it. Is it you who have lost heart?" The thirteen elder looked gloomy and sneered.

"Who said that mu rutian was dead?"

Suddenly, the girl's clear and loud voice sounded in the room, breaking the rigid and solemn atmosphere.

Mu Ru can hear the voice, immediately happy, look up, only a touch of light purple figure, stepping on the pale gold.

"Shallow moon, you are here!"

"Yes Mu Qianyue steps forward and goes straight past the thirteen elders. Xiao xuan'er, Bing Yan and Qiao Zixian behind her quickly block mu Qianyue, who looks alert and disdainful.

The thirteen elder knew that he had missed the opportunity. He had no more mobile phone meetings and no more hands-on. His old face showed a sneer, "it's ridiculous! Shaozhu's muscles and veins are broken, and he has already breathed out. You said that he was not dead, and another one lost his heart! "

Mu Qianyue doesn't pay attention to him at all. Dogs like this who can bark don't pay attention at all. It's the best to prove with actions.

All of a sudden, Mu shallow moon felt a cold and resentful look. She raised her head and saw Shangguan lengyi standing beside mu ruke, frowning slightly. Then she took back her eyes and looked at mu ruke, saying, "let me have a look."

"Yes." If Mu can nod, quickly get out of the way.

Mu Qianyue goes to the bedside and sits down. Her slender fingers are placed on Mu Ru Tian's pulse. Her face is slightly dignified. Mu ruke is nervous. Her hands under her sleeve can't help but wring together.

"Miss mu, don't worry. Your elder brother must be saved." Shangguan sneered and comforted.

"Yes." Mu Ru looked at him and nodded.

Xiao xuan'er disdains to turn away his mouth. This should be what the master said. He actually snatched credit! What a shame!

A moment later, Mu Xiaoyue released her hand and stood up. "Mu ruke, if you believe me, give me your elder brother's body for seven days!"

"Of course I am yours. Seven days, OK, no problem! " Mu ruke left the speech very excited, seven days? Will big brother live in seven days?

"No way!" When the thirteen elders heard this, he quickly stood up to stop him and said, "the little Lord is dead. What do you do with our little Lord's body? Oh, I see. You have had a grudge against my family before. Do you want to insult him with the body of my young master? I tell you, don't think about it

Who knows whether mu Qianyue can really save mu rutian. In any case, he can't let mu Qianyue take mu rutian away!

As early as a long time ago, it was rumored that mu Qianyue's medical skills were very frightening, and had already reached the realm of rejuvenating the dead with a clever hand!If Mu Ru Tian was saved, would not everything be in vain?

"Shallow moon, you may take my brother away. If anyone dares to stop him, I will make him worse than dead!" The infinite opportunity to kill emanates from mu ruke's body.

"Yes." Mu shallow month nods, turn head to ice flame way, "ice flame, hold him back to my courtyard."

"You can't take him away!" The thirteen elder's face changed greatly, and he still wanted to stop him. Mu ruke's merciless sword flashed directly past. The thirteen elder was caught off guard, and Shengsheng was hit by a sword. Suddenly, there was a bloodstain in front of his chest, and the blood gurgling down.

When the thirteen elder's face was gloomy, he was very ugly. "Since the eldest lady is unjust, don't blame me for being unkind."

"Ah It's really funny. As an elder of Mu family, shouldn't it be his duty to protect the young master and miss of Mu family? When the little Lord is dead, I can't see your sad tears, but I have a look of disaster and disaster. Now I want to save people, and you have many obstacles. I really doubt whether you are a fake elder? Or do you really want to die Mu shallow month is not the person of Mu family, just won't consider the face of Mu family, mercilessly said.

This said 13 long face red ear red, furious, "you don't want to talk nonsense!"

But his words had no foundation at all.

However, mu ruke's eyes were bright, and a touch of cruelty and bloodthirsty twinkled in the bottom of his eyes. "I suspect you are a spy, posing as the elder of my Mu family. Now I will bring you to justice! I believe that even if grandfather knew, he would not blame me! "

After that, the sword in his hand stabbed out fiercely and stabbed into the chest of the thirteen elders in an instant.

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